Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 238


Both the Leviathan and the Desert Leech kept popping in and out of the sand.  The monsters’ unrelenting movements caused a huge cloud of sand to rise up, covering the battle field in darkness.

“Ah!” Alisa covered up her eyes as sand got in them.

The next moment, her body was violently knocked over. The Leviathan whipped her with its tail! If the sand wasn’t there to cushion her fall, she would likely have broken several bones. (-1 HP)

“Stupid worm!”

Tyrone put a stop to the Leviathan’s attempts to attack Alisa further. Myau and Lutz delivered the final blow. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

“Thank you. What happened to the purple one?” asked Alisa.

“Looks like it ran away.”