Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 383


Sparks of lightning came flying out from La Shiec’s swirling staff.

 However, it only burned up the area around Alisa and team’s feet. They had already figured out the timing of his attacks. They easily dodged the next attack, too.

“What’s the matter? Is there a shortage on the demonic power of ‘Chaos’ or something?”


La Shiec brandished his staff, aiming it right at Alisa — he then began to cast a spell.

She dropped to the floor to avoid the attack.

“If that’s the kind of fight you want, then I’ll give it to ya and then some!!”

From the air, Alisa dove in and sliced La Shiec’s head off!  Blood was gushing and spraying all over from his decapitated body.

So, the head was the weak spot — was the power of ‘Chaos’ not enough to save his own head?

“D-did we win….?”

It was an abrupt ending. Maybe that is just the nature of battle. However…

Since La Shiec’s defeat, small fires began to spring up all around the castle.

“Hey, Alisa! You plan to escape outta here in a hurry? We’re up in the sky, y’know. Myau’s already back to normal, and the laerma berries are all gone, so.”

Alisa and her comrades, stranded in their position in the castle’s outer courtyard, began to hear explosive sounds around them.

The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?
The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?

Through the smoke and blazes, they could make out the silhouette of an aircraft.

“That’s…… the Seal of Motavia. The Governor must have sent us a rescue craft! We’re saved!” Tyrone shouted and put his hands in the air.