Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 409


The Gold Drake came flying out, spreading out its gigantic, bright orange wings. Its huge wingspan was big enough to fit at least 10 Big Myau’s .

“All that giant size stuff is just a bluff. Watch this!”

Tyrone hoisted the Missile Launcher up to his shoulder.

Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.
Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.

The Gold Drake opened up its mouth and got ready to spit fire.

“Ya dumb bastard!  This here is a heat seeking missile.”

Indeed, Tyrone was correct. The missile that he launched went soaring through the air, and as if it were alive, chased after the Gold Drake, exploding right on its belly! Pieces of meat and guts went splattering in all directions, and the Gold Drake dropped like a stone from the sky.

“You did it!” Alisa clapped her hands.

“Man, that old hunter would be happy to know that his launcher’s last catch was that big,” said Tyrone, tossing the now missile-less missile launcher to the side. (Lose the Missile Launcher – cross it off your Item List)