Epilogue is now up

Ok guys, the epilogue is up now! And so now, officially, the story for Alisa’s Adventure is FULLY translated. (The afterword doesn’t count because it’s not part of the story, ha! I will translate it though. But tbh it’s a bit lower on my priority list, haha.)

I’ll probably work on art next because my current enthusiasm is geared towards picking a cool color for Neithird’s hair. Though I did find Yoshibon’s twitter account, I guess I could just ask him… (hm.. If I do this I’ll report back on my findings)

Update: Nope, not Yoshibon’s twitter. Just another animator who also has the name Yoshida Tohru T_T Going to search more though.

Update 2: Found it!!! https://twitter.com/yoshibon_club


  1. newsblade Avatar

    I’m really enjoying this alternate retelling of the story. I started to play/read this book a few years ago and now thanks to you, I’ll be able to complete it. You are doing a great job and every phantasy star fan should be grateful for your hard work.

    Btw, if you find Yoshibon’s account, tell him please he is a great artist who should finish Third’s manga and make PSIV prequels.

    1. Oh hey, I remember you! Yay I’m so glad you that you are enjoying the finished translation of the book! I feel bad that it took me so long, I’m worse than GRRM over here ^^; Eheh.

      I did find Yoshibon’s twitter! He has posted some cool stuff lately! You should look! Doesn’t look like he replies to tweets though, I sent him a msg and he only gave me a ‘like’ back instead of answering my question, haha! Oh well. 🙂 I agree it would be nice if he ever did get back into drawing stuff for the PS franchise, more extended stories for PSIV like the Drama CD, etc. It’s nice to at least see some of his original sketches on twitter though! There’s stuff I’ve never seen before up there *w*

      1. Oh wow, Yoshibon’s Twitter is amazing! It’s so heartwarming to see that he posts something for Nei’s birthday every year with a ‘Nei birthday festival’ hashtag. So many fans still out there who respond to it too, I’m so glad!

        1. Yeah! It’s very cool seeing all the Nei love and Phanta love that the fans still have on Twitter. So many cool and beautiful works on there! Too bad he only uses it during events/anniversaries, though.

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