25 to go!

Ok! Mini Chapters 1-395 are up. That means only 25 are left! Less than that really, since I went and filled in some easy ones here and there (ie, Go north or south at the fork? Lol, I call those ‘freebies’ when I’m knee deep in translating the longer ones). Anyway, things are looking good, will definitely finish before September ends. Yay!

Here is some fanart I did awhile ago that i recently unearthed. BEHOLD: a trio of Neis. (L to R: Neifirst, Neisecond, and Neithird)


  1. Yay, new Nei art! You’re very talented! If only my drawing skills weren’t equal to those of the average 5-year old, there’d be a lot more Nei art out there, lemme tell you…

    1. Aww thank you! You draw Nei fan art too? 😀 I’m sure your stuff isn’t that bad! The more you draw the better you will get!
      I hope to finish this one sometime, I wonder what color would Neithird’s hair be? Blueish? Light purpleish? Pinkish? So many possibilities! *w*

      1. Oh nooo, not me, that’s just wishful thinking! Others have drawn me stuff, but drawing’s not a skill I ever developed myself. I like to think I’m a pretty good writer though! Once upon a time I wrote out the full story of Nei’s Adventure, the text adventure game, and mixed in some of my headcanon to flesh it out a bit more. That was a long time ago, but I still like how it came out. It’s not anywhere on the internet, but I could send it to you if that’s something you’re interested in!

        As for Neithird’s hair… I think I’m seeing where you’re going with the lighter purple/pinker tint, kind of like a bridge between Nei and Rika? That could be neat! Either way, I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

        1. Ohh I see. Well writing is definitely a good skill to have too! Sure, I wouldn’t mind reading it. I haven’t read any Phanta fan fics since the old days! You can email it to diana.rebollarita@gmail.com C:

          As for Neithird’s hair… I’ll post the pic soon! I think I settled on a color, hehehe

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