Author: yumpoplala

  • Drama CD Videos

    Drama CD Videos

    Hi guys!

    It’s been a long time coming…..

    I have some video updates for the Drama CD. I’ve decided to go minimalist animation for this, with subtitles going with face pics that light up + some background scenery. It seems like an easier way to enjoy the drama CD, which is still mostly going to be audio based (with subs) but easier to follow along with as a video ^_^ There will be 8 parts total! Here’s the first two below:

    Enjoy! More coming soon!

  • Alisa’s Adventure physical book now available

    Alisa’s Adventure physical book now available

    Hi guys!

    I had a small batch of books printed out for my translation of the futabasha CYOA gamebook Phantasy Star: Alisa’s Adventure. Its $10 USD + shipping. The price covers production and shipping costs only; it is not being sold for profit. The PDF is still freely available here. You can also get a bookmark featuring artwork from the original book, plus a set of 10 stickers of blonde Alisa (in the spirit of the book)!

    Order yours today while supplies last!

    Store Link here

    Next update will be about the drama CD. Stay tuned!

  • Alisa’s Adventure August update

    Alisa’s Adventure August update

    Hi guys! So I’ve updated Alisa’s Adventure again, and color corrected the cover since I could no longer stand GI Tyrone (lol). Blonde Alisa can stay though! She’s a bit iconic at this point.

    Updated some other stuff too, but mostly minor(ish)

    • Fixed some typos / repeating copypasted errors / formatting issues
    • Fixed nonworking links from the old PDF (update your PDF if you havent)
    • Expanded the Translation Index to be full + complete, w/ bonus concept artwork (from the original game devs, taken from the Compendium)

    Here’s the translation index:

    Here’s the difference in covers: Old (top) vs New (bottom)

  • Updated Alisa’s Adventure

    Updated Alisa’s Adventure

    The PDF for Alisa’s Adventure has been updated, mostly just formatting, but some other minor changes and fixes have been made to the text, for instance:

    • Fixed the spelling of the author’s name (I had it at “Mitsutaka Ōde” but it should have been “Mitsutaka Oide”. I was not 100% sure before, but I’ve since confirmed it is indeed Oide after looking up his other works and noting that he is consistently credited with that spelling)
      • Turns out it was “Ode” after all. (Forgot the original JP book had English publication info which settles the matter. “Mitsutaka Ode” it is.)
    • Added a Foreword outlining the process for making translation
    • Added Translation Index after the Foreword with some translation notes as well
    • Changed Enemy named “Butte” to “Bewt” because it was impossible to take a monster named “Butte” seriously. I mean it just didn’t seem very zombie-like, anyway. I’m doing you all a favor here, trust me. When you get to that scene, the tension that’s supposed to be building up will let you down so hard once as soon as you read the word “Butte” and I’m not even kidding.)
    • Deleted extra spaces between paragraphs — the result is 265 pages now instead of 325 pages. Wow!
    • Took away the underlines on the navigation links because they were driving me crazy in print form (it made it harder to read)
    • Fixed the headers to be more visible for navigating the mini chapters
    • Updated “Perolymate” to “PelorieMate” to better reflect what it’s meant to be referencing (CalorieMate)
    • Updated Ruoginin to “Roganine” to better reflect what that word is meant to be referencing as well (Arginine)
    • Fixed a chapter that had no links embedded (oops)
    • Discovered that chapters 210-220 repeated two times so I deleted the redundancy (oops)
    • Changed the word “technique” [as in ‘skill’ 術(“jutsu“); not the same as Technique テクニーク(”tekunīku”)]. It now shows up in the text as “skill” or “magic spell” since that’s the intended meaning. My use of the word “technique” was a bit misleading all things considered, so I’ve updated it (Thanks Arawen for the suggestion!)

    That’s it for now! Take care guys.

  • Some updates

    Some updates

    Hi guys!

    Just some small updates — there’s a new section “Fun facts“, with a list of randon fun facts about classic PS. The list only has 9 things on it right now, but will grow as I think of more/find more. If anyone has any suggestions of fun facts to add, pls let me know! ^^

    Also added some additional galleries featuring some art by the original game devs — Phoenix Rie, Yoshibon!, Judy Totoya, and Toyo Ozaki.

    A partial Glossary has been added, it’s a work in progress. I plan to re-work it a bit as I add more. Also an Algol Timeline page is in the works (from the PS Compendium). I know this info is already out there in the wild, but I’d just like to host more lore here C:

    Also, awhile ago Arawen had uploaded his translation of the PSII Futabasha CYOA novel, which is complete. I’ve been lazy to format it, but I’ve decided to go ahead and do it, so that will come in the next few months. To read the translation, it’s posted to the Esper Mansion Discord.

    New Link – PSIV Rom Hack

    Added a new link — Check out Phantasy Star Generation: 4 Relocation – PSIV Romhack. It’s a ground up re-translation of the original that aims to:

    • Restore every mistranslated connection to the other PS games
    • Best express Japanese creators’ intent in both story & themes
    • Make the game’s script more colloquial, fun, and emotional (from NPCs to main story)
    • Add PS lore
    • Add depth to character relationships
    • Explain character actions that had been given no in-game reasoning (see project site for details – spoilers)
    Phantasy Star Generation: 4 Relocalization – PSIV Romhack

    I’ve also added some new art — first one is my fanart of the Drama CD’s NM-2011 and Fal (Rika), being chibi and cute. It’s based on the art by Yoshibon, which I’ve also vectorised ^^ Also Nei from the Drama CD art mocked up from Yoshibon’s sketch.

  • Memi’s 30th Anniversary Fanbook

    Memi’s 30th Anniversary Fanbook

    Hi guys! I posted about this on twitter, but in case anyone doesn’t know yet — Memi Aizawa released a fanbook to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Phantasy Star IV. It features:

    • Fanart
    • Staff interviews
    • An 8 page manga by Yoshibon!
    • Cosplay photos
    • Surprise sequel to PSIV!?
    Memi Aiwaza’s Phantasy Star IV 30th Anniversary Fanbook

    Buy your copy here! It ships outside Japan!! ✌️🙏✨❤️

  • New home, new name

    New home, new name

    Hi! This website was long overdue for an update, and I’ve been meaning to migrate from my personal website with my real name to my hobby/art website with my pen name. So here we are!

    I’ll be posting new translations eventually but for now I’m just working on making sure everything migrated correctly.

    I graduated law school but am needing to re-take the bar exam for the xth time already so this website will always be kind of lower priority till all that other stuff blows over. Sorry!

    If you guys see any errors or links that don’t work, pls let me know! Thanks

  • Long time no see

    Long time no see

    Hi guys!

    Sorry about the long time between updates. Life has really been hard the past year and a half with a lot of personal loss and struggles. But, the good news is that I finished law school this past spring, and I’ve taken my bar exam.

    As far as updates go: I’ve added Chapter 1 of Outside Saga from SPEC by the infallible Judy Totoya! Outside Saga tells the story of what happens in Phantasy Star I three years after Alisa & party defeat Lashiec. The author Judy was the character designer/creator of Tails from Sonic, and did a lot of character design / mech design in Phantasy Star II.

    As for the Drama CD, it’s still in the works, but major format changes / art changes are being made. I’ll let you guys know more later but for now I’m in survival mode so it’s hard to work on that at the moment.

    And as always, if you’re bored and wanna chat about Phantasy Star, come join us down at the Esper Mansion Discord!

  • Update on Drama CD

    Update on Drama CD

    Hi guys, sorry it’s been awhile. Lots of health problems in the family and law school stuff. I know I’ve been a bit on hiatus a bit.

    It’s not much, and I wasn’t going to share it yet, but I figured I may as well since at least it’s a little bit more content:

    Until next time!

  • Happy 2022!

    Happy 2022!

    Oops, I haven’t updated in awhile ^^;

    I’ve been busy with working extra hours due to being short handed at work, and law school obligations and family obligations.

    It’s been hard to find a lot of free time, but I’m hoping to have an update on the visual Drama CD project in February. Thanks for your continued patience, guys! Hope you all had a nice holiday season & happy new year! C: