Author: yumpoplala

  • Nei birthday

    August 30th means its Nei’s birthday! And if it’s Nei’s birthday then of course it must also be Nei first’s birthday, right!? The art’s a bit simple and rushed, but hey, I’m just proud of myself for starting and finishing an art piece on the day it was meant to be posted. Hooray!

    SPEC 6 scanning is 100% done and now I’m just fixing the pages and optimizing them into a PDF file :3

    Some preview pages:

  • SPEC 6 GET da ze!

    After much anticipation, I finally managed to get my hands on a copy of SPEC 6!! I’m so excited!! I’m going to upload the Second Chapter for THIRD soon! C: I couldn’t believe after years of searching various Japanese auction sites and used bookstores, I finally found it on Woohoo!

    I literally squealed and bounced around as I opened this package up today, hahaha. My inner child has taken over and it is glorious. I can’t wait to get this scanned and translated! I’ll post an update soon ^3^

  • Alisa’s Adventure – PDF version!

    Okay, as promised, I have completed the PDF version of Alisa’s Adventure. It has clickable links for every chapter too. Whew.

    Here is a link to the PDF file!

    Preview of the PDF

    Enjoy it you guys. If you spot any typos, errors, non-working links, or bad awkward sounding translations, let me know! I’ll try my best!

  • Minor update

    Hi guys. Just wanted to give a little update since it’s been awhile.

    Law school has got me busy, but I’ve been slowly updating Alisa’s Adventure here and there as I compile the mini chapters into a navigable self-contained PDF (along with some translation improvements/adjustments, nothing major but just fixing wording and flow).

    At my current rate it’ll be finished sometime in around May. :V

    I’ll post on update about it on my twitter when it’s finished, if you want to follow me there to find out when it’s done, feel free to do so!

    Annnnd here is some random pixel art I came up with, trying to render some Drama CD characters in the style of Phantasy Star IV. NM-2011, and Nei w/o hood and w/ her hood (NM-1153)

    Until next time. C:

  • Afterword is finally up

    It was Rika’s/Fal’s bday!

    OK so the Afterword is up now! Alisa’s Adventure is officially at 100% completion, hooray and boo yeah. I even added some links/pics of the books that the author talked about that inspired him in writing the book.

    Also I made this drawing of Rika for her birthday which was last week ✨?

    I’ve been a bit busy with law school but I have started the PDF version of Alisa’s Adventure. I’m about 100 pages into the PDF and at Mini Chapter 115… Though I’m going to take it easy on that for awhile since I have some projects going on with school to focus on for now.

    Until next time!

  • Neithird fanart

    Reworked that Nei-Third fanart I did earlier and it turned into this. :3 these are the colors I imagine for Nei-Third. I don’t have any other translation updates for now. Byeeee

  • Epilogue is now up

    Ok guys, the epilogue is up now! And so now, officially, the story for Alisa’s Adventure is FULLY translated. (The afterword doesn’t count because it’s not part of the story, ha! I will translate it though. But tbh it’s a bit lower on my priority list, haha.)

    I’ll probably work on art next because my current enthusiasm is geared towards picking a cool color for Neithird’s hair. Though I did find Yoshibon’s twitter account, I guess I could just ask him… (hm.. If I do this I’ll report back on my findings)

    Update: Nope, not Yoshibon’s twitter. Just another animator who also has the name Yoshida Tohru T_T Going to search more though.

    Update 2: Found it!!!

  • All 420 Mini Chapters are done!

    Yay! Milestone reached! All 420 chapters are officially translated. Wow! It only took me.. 10 years… lol. Well, only 3-4 months of actual work, but it just got stretched out a bit over a period of time… oops!

    I’m tired now…. excuse me while I nap…

    I promise I will work on the Epilogue and Afterword soon :3

    Edit: Now that I’m awake, I think after this, I am thinking about making a PDF version with clickable links to the mini chapters within it. Idk if anyone is interested in that though? The wordpress one is cooler IMO but it’s also neat to have a PDF.

    Actually, I began making a PDF version a long time ago when I first started this project, Idk if anyone remembers. I only did the beginning sections (prologue, introductory stuff, etc), the first 6 mini chapters, and then back cover, but it’s neat nonetheless. After I made some mini chapters I realized I would need to do a different format and went with the WordPress idea.

    But if anyone is curious, I still have that PDF actually, in all of its short pitifulness. Here is the old PDF with the first 30 pages in English.

  • 25 to go!

    Ok! Mini Chapters 1-395 are up. That means only 25 are left! Less than that really, since I went and filled in some easy ones here and there (ie, Go north or south at the fork? Lol, I call those ‘freebies’ when I’m knee deep in translating the longer ones). Anyway, things are looking good, will definitely finish before September ends. Yay!

    Here is some fanart I did awhile ago that i recently unearthed. BEHOLD: a trio of Neis. (L to R: Neifirst, Neisecond, and Neithird)

  • New art & futabasha update

    So just a small update for Alisa’s Adventure. Mini Chapters 1-381 are translated now. My pace has slowed down a bit but I feel like I’m definitely on the home stretch, 39 to go!

    Also I did some new artwork for the website, the Myau and a depiction of Algol which you may or may not have noticed since I’ve been updating the site’s appearance here and there.

    The Myau pic comes from the back of the Futabasha 1 cover, rendered in Adobe Illustrator. the Algol image was also rendered in Illustrator. :v Though I realize now that maybe Palma and Motavia look like they’re on the same orbital plane or something, lmao oh well. Until next time!