Author: yumpoplala

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 107


    Tyrone fought back with his Needle Gun. However, it was ineffective against so many of them.

    Alisa and the others were gradually being pushed towards the edge of the cliff. The ground below was littered with what resembled a burial mound.

    When they edged closer, the Motavian natives suddenly disappeared. 

    “Damn it, we’ve been tricked! Hurry, we’ve got to get out of here!” yelled Tyrone.

    But it was too late. The burial ground below suddenly hollowed, and from the bottom of the cliff an enormous army of Antlions appeared.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 106


    White waves crashed onto the hard concrete riverbanks of the inner harbor. Signs of life were scarce here, but nevertheless Alisa managed to come across a rather promising lead.

    “Since ships haven’t been docking anymore, we merchants have been struggling to make ends meet. I haven’t been making hardly any money at all, except for this weird animal that I sold the other day — I managed to catch it in the wild.”

    “Weird animal?”

    “I picked it up around Medusa’s Cave. Get this — it was a talking cat! Pretty rare, right? I was able to make a huge profit off it. What? You want to know who did I sell it to? Some merchant named Kuny Noone or something bought it over in Paseo. Hey, you okay? Your face turned pale. Where are you going?”

    Alisa’s mind was in upheaval. Medusa’s Cave? A talking cat? Isn’t that Tyrone’s companion? So then what happened to Tyrone?

    Medusa’s Cave can be found outside the city of Parolit. Alternatively, Paseo can be found on the planet Motavia — Paseo the planet’s capital. Alisa can go wherever she wants, now that she has a Road Pass.

    So, where to?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 105


    The guard robot emitted a white plume of smoke and then exploded! The scattered debris fell and hit Alisa. Blood soaked her pearly white skin.
    The guard robot emitted a white plume of smoke and then exploded! The scattered debris fell and hit Alisa. Blood soaked her pearly white skin.

    Victory goes to one who makes the first move! Setting aim on their opponent, everyone attacked the enemy at once in an all-out onslaught. The robot began to emit a white plume of smoke and then exploded!

    The scattered debris fell and hit Alisa and the others. (-1 CP)

    “Ow, ow,” said Alisa, “but, it’s a good thing that he’s been cleanly disposed of. – Oh, what’s this, another fork in the road already?” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 104


    Alisa surveyed her surroundings once more. The bedroom’s pale sepia colors had a calming sort of feel. The Governor did indeed have a listless feeling to him.

    “Frankly, ever since La Shiec seized control over the Three Planet Alliance, he’s been making unreasonable demands from Motavia, too.  According to my Bureau of Investigation, he’s gotten entangled with some kind of evil religious cult. He intends to plunge all three planets into chaos and calamity,” said the Governor.

    “I believe it. Up until we got here, we’ve encountered all kinds of monsters” said Alisa.

    “But without any kind of evidence, what can be done about it? There seems to be no recourse. Although…” 

    The Governor looked fleetingly at Alisa and her comrades.

    “If, for instance, you felt so inclined as to rise up and fight, whether it be against the government, or against the king, I could look the other way and turn a blind eye to such activity…”

    “Never thought the Governor would be such a rebel,” joked Tyrone.

    “Hahaha, well then. You all must be tired from such a long journey. You should take it easy for now and rest for the night.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 103


    Alisa once again boarded the spacecraft and returned to her home planet, Palma. 

    She immediately left town and headed straight for Medusa’s Cave. Myau, unable to contain himself from his excitement, was running circles around Alisa.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 102


    When Alisa opened the box, needles came flying out, brazing her arms. (-1 CP).

    “Oww! Why is there a trap inside?!”

    “Well, if you open it up all carelessly —” Tyrone, afraid of the look Alisa was giving him, decided it would be better to stop talking.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 101


    Alisa made it to the ocean coastline. Waves crashed one after the other on the long stretches of the shore. Alisa could smell the salt in the air as she walked. It’s been about an hour since she’s made it to the coast, and it’s been nothing but peaceful.

    “That’s weird. I thought there was supposed to be terrifying monsters at the beach.”

    Suddenly — almost as if responding to her voice — something moved on the ocean’s surface. A red rope-like object came shooting out from the waves! It wrapped itself around Alisa’s throat.

    “I c-can’t breathe….” Alisa collapsed onto the wet sand.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 100


    The group has returned back to the village of Gothic.

    “Dr. Luveno, we wanted to meet with you because we would like to request you build a spaceship for us,” said Lutz, breaking the ice.

    “Without being able to freely travel the three planets, we are unable to find La Shiec.”

    “Very well. However, the cost of production will be 200 meseta. Are you able to pay?”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 99


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    Alisa looked closer at the stone statue, studying it. It’s said that Medusa’s eyes have magical powers. If you look into her glaring eyes, you’ll get turned into stone on the spot. 

    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”
    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”

    “Myau, let me see that medicine bottle.”

    Alisa grabbed the small bottle from Myau’s neck. It contained a special potion called Alshline. 

    <Start pouring it on him from the top. You only have to use half.>

    Splash! The surface of the stone statue began to undergo a sudden change. It started off being completely gray, then colors began showing through, and it began to take on a softer texture.

    At least, the figure of the man began to show.

    “Ahh! Myau, I think this medicine is working too well! His clothes are starting to melt off,” Alisa said, covering her face with her hand.

    Nevertheless, the medicine’s effect would go on further. Now even his skin had become muddled and was melting off! 

    “T-Tyrone, he’s…!”

    <You’re wrong, Alisa. That’s not Tyrone. It’s a Zombie! This was just one of Medusa’s traps!>

    Zombie: 6 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-J)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 98


    The Manticore suddenly jumped at Alisa. She managed to dodge its sharp fangs. However, this monster has another weapon it can use.

    In the blink of an eye, it whipped out its tail and slashed Alisa’s left arm! (-2 HP)

    “Why, you!” Holding back the pain, she fiercely kept slicing at the Manticore. Her sword cut deeply into the beast’s stomach! 

    <Gehhh! Ow, ow, ow, I’m bleeding, I’m bleeding, I’m bleeding! Ngghh>

    The Manticore was dead. (CP +1)

    “Too bad he didn’t do something better before he died, what a waste of being able to talk. Stupid thing.” 

    Alisa headed for the black-haired  Kuny Noone’s shop, all the while gripping her injured stomach.