Author: yumpoplala

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 97


    The natives wearing blue clothes became aware of Alisa and her comrades. They pointed their guns at them and began to shoot.

    However, the beams in their guns didn’t have a very powerful effect. Even if a beam hit bare skin, it was only enough to leave a slight burn. But it could still be dangerous if you get outnumbered by them.

    By the time Alisa had managed to scatter all of the attackers away, it was already too late; the blue robed natives were all dead.

    “Their weapons may not be much against us, but for these guys it’s life-or-death,” said Alisa with sadness.

    “It’s a real shame that we weren’t able to save them…,” Tyrone said as he placed his hand on Alisa’s shoulder.

    The group continued advancing around the large rocky cliff.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 96


    Suddenly, a chilly air swept the floor. It was so cold that you could see your breath as a white fog.

    Myau let out a low whine. He sensed the enemy closing in on them.

    Somewhere within the wintry haze, an azure blue colored snake lay coiled up. It was a large reptile, bigger than Alisa ― it was a Frost Serpent.

    Frost Serpent: 17 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 95


    Alisa and the others tangled with the monsters.  She and Myau ripped apart the Gold Lenses while Tyrone crushed the Skeleton with the swing of an ax.

    “Phew, that was a good exercise,” quipped Alisa. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 94


    “I hear you’re looking for Tyrone?” said a man who walked up to Alisa.

    Alisa, who has been walking around hearing many things from people, met this man in the back of a tavern.

    “Oh, are you… Mr. Tyrone?”

    “No way. I’m no hero or anything like that. Tyrone isn’t here. He went out to go slay Medusa. It’s been about two days now.”


    “Ah, the terrifying monster that La Shiec brought back to life.” The man paused and looked at Alisa as if he were evaluating her.

    “Hmm. Somehow, it seems like you and Tyrone had a common goal. You’re going after La Shiec, huh? If so, I can tell you something good.”

    The man told her the location of a Tool Shop that secretly sells Road Passes. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 93


    “Alisa, is it an enemy!? We’re coming in!”

    Tyrone and Myau burst into Alisa’s bedroom.

    They saw the figure of the Nightmare and immediately lunged in to attack. However, the monster’s strength far surpassed their imagination.

    Neither Tyrone’s ax nor Myau’s fangs could so much as leave a scratch on the Nightmare. The monster’s eyes had a sinister glow in them. At that moment, Tyrone cramped up and fell over. He was wrought with paralysis.

    Without being able to put up much resistance, the Nightmare easily quelled them.

    “Tyrone! Myau! – Ahh!”

    A mysterious force grabbed Alisa and threw her to the floor. She thought to herself hazily, there’s no way to win against this monster…

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 92


    Alisa talked to the residents in Parolit. “What, you’re going to Scion after this? You really shouldn’t. It’s extremely dangerous down at the coast, horrible monsters are said to appear,” said the chubby woman who Alisa walked up to chat with.

    Yes, yes, everyone knows that. Alisa grumbled to herself.  If she’s afraid of that, then what about La Shiec? 

     —At that instant, the sound of a scream could be heard. Alisa turned around and saw a man running by in a panic. He was being chased by the Robot Police! Is he a criminal, or…

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 91


    “Ahh!” The moment Alisa stumbled, she fell down into the center of the Antlion’s nest.

    “Alisa!” Tyrone reached out his hand. However, he didn’t make it in time! Suddenly, Alisa’s body was engulfed in the sand and she could no longer see. All that remained was for the Antlions to suck all the blood from her body…


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 90


    “Ah, short cake? Very well, very well. – Huh! Th-this is…!”

    “Is there something wrong with the strawberry on top?”

    “This is no strawberry! It’s the forbidden laerma berry! Who are you people!”

    “Oww, jeez! A pit-fall trap!? That’s unfair!” (-1 HP, -2 CP)

    ‘What’s going on? He said something about a forbidden berry….” (Action Chart – Check “C”)

    Alisa and the group dusted themselves off and stood up. The only one uninjured was Myau, who’s good at landing on his feet. In Myau’s eyes, there was the reflection of an enemy lurking in the shadows.

    It was a robot with a red body. A Machine Guarder.

    Machine Guarder: 12 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa & Party:  CP + BP (2-E) 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 89


    With a SCRAAAPE, the Scorpius came attacking! The monster moved in to attack Alisa while she wasn’t prepared!

    The Scorpius and the girl became entangled in one another and tumbled to the ground. Eventually, the sound of a high-pitched shriek stopped their movement. 

    Alisa panted. “How DARE you come at me like that, you perv!”

    She stood back up, trying to conceal her injuries. The decapitated remains of the Scorpius were strewn on the ground.  (-1 HP, +1 CP, +10 MESETA)

    Once again, Alisa began walking. On her way, she came up to the gates of the city of Parolit.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 88


    Rustle… Rustle… Alisa heard the sound of wings flapping overhead.

    When she looked up, she saw a one-eyed creature glaring back at her. It was a creepy giant eyeball with two wings attached.  A cave-dwelling monster, it was a Wing-Eye! Two of them!

    2 Wing-Eyes: 3 + BP (1-C)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-I)