Category: 211-315

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 245


    “Yahh!” Alisa and Tyrone reached for their weapons at the same time.

    A fatal simultaneous attack! ―Or so they thought, but it actually had little to no effect. Blades had no effect against the Talos’ thick skin.

    The Talos came after the panicked Alisa with his huge fists. By a hair’s breadth, Tyrone stepped in front of Alisa and took the attack for her (-3 HP). Alisa screamed out Tyrone’s name.

    “Th-this is nothing,” said Tyrone. “More importantly, aim for his vital area!”

    Faster than Tyrone had spoken, Lutz and Myau went flying. Lutz went for the back of its head, and Myau went for its eyes. The Talos fell over. Tyrone then beheaded it with his ax.

    “Pssh. I hope you learned your lesson, you damn dirty ape…”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 243


    The Gaia roared and swung his arms around, which were as thick as tree trunks.

    Alisa managed to slip past his arms but was soon buried in the Gaia’s chest. She stamped down on the monster’s feet — however, the Gaia felt nothing, as if an insect had landed on it.

    “Ah, high threshold for pain, huh? Then how about this!”

    Alisa kicked the monster in its groin with the tip of her boot! The Gaia collapsed as if in great pain. Alisa was able to easily deal the final blow. 

    “Man, that’s a vicious way to win.”

    “Whatever could you mean, Tyrone?” Alisa asked, grinning sweetly.

    “Er —um— what I mean is that you’ve gotten good at battles,” replied Tyrone. Above Tyrone, Myau shrugged his shoulders.

    Up ahead was a dead-end, so Alisa and party returned to the previous passageway.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 242


    “Come and get it, monster!” Alisa and party readied their weapons.

    Dragon Wise: 30 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-B)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 241


    The Chaos Sorcerer was strong beyond imagination.

    Of all things, he used Tandle — the most powerful magic spell!

    A white and blue light floated up into the sky, resembling an orb. The orb then burst into forty thousand sparks of light; there was no way to evade the attack. Instead, they all burned to death and perished.


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 240


    They came upon an L-shaped corner. Should they go around the corner, or go back?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 239


    Suddenly, a belt of flames came towards them from the front! Alisa and her comrades narrowly evaded it.

    “Who is it?” 

    An ominous voice cried back at them.  They could see a red flame flickering somewhere deep in the gloomy corridor. —Finally, the figure of a terrifying Green Dragon appeared ― two of them!

    Two Green Dragons: 35 + BP (1-C)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-H) 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 238


    Both the Leviathan and the Desert Leech kept popping in and out of the sand.  The monsters’ unrelenting movements caused a huge cloud of sand to rise up, covering the battle field in darkness.

    “Ah!” Alisa covered up her eyes as sand got in them.

    The next moment, her body was violently knocked over. The Leviathan whipped her with its tail! If the sand wasn’t there to cushion her fall, she would likely have broken several bones. (-1 HP)

    “Stupid worm!”

    Tyrone put a stop to the Leviathan’s attempts to attack Alisa further. Myau and Lutz delivered the final blow. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

    “Thank you. What happened to the purple one?” asked Alisa.

    “Looks like it ran away.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 237


    The moment Alisa opened the box, needles came flying out, cutting up her arms. (-1 CP) 

    “Ouch! What is that!” yelled Alisa. “—There’s some kind of weird machine in here.”

    “Are you okay? Hmm ― that machine appears to be a Gas Cleaner. Let’s take it ― it may come in handy later.” (Obtain item GAS CLEANER)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 236


    “And now to finish you off!”

    La Shiec’s body convulsed once more.

    The next moment, an explosion occurred behind Alisa! La Shiec’s head rolled on the floor, mixed in with mechanical debris. 

    “What the…? What’s going on?” Alisa asked Tyrone, who was lying on his side holding his Laser Gun.

    “I had managed to get a hit on his stomach with a laser right when he used instant teleportation. The missile probably triggered it. Either way, it doesn’t matter how ‘instant’ his teleportation was, it still couldn’t beat the speed of light.” 

    “Bwahahaha!” La Shiec’s rolling head began to erupt in laughter.

    “I bet you were thinking you had avenged your brother. How naïve, Alisa! I am Lord La Shiec’s shadow commander! The real one could never be defeated by the likes of you fools! Nngahh—!

    Alisa’s sword sliced the head in half.

    “Pfft, scumbag!”

    The group left the hall and proceeded through the opposite corridor.