Category: 316-420

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 410


    With things like this, Dark Falz was free to do as he pleased. 

    Alisa and the others were completely powerless to resist, and slowly, the “Dark Lord of Chaos” crept up on them.

    <From here on out, you will obey me and be my loyal slaves. You shall replace La Shiec and be the vanguard who dominates the universe.>

    This was a fate more humiliating than being killed.

    Alisa was now powerless to resist, unable to even scream out “No!” 


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 409


    The Gold Drake came flying out, spreading out its gigantic, bright orange wings. Its huge wingspan was big enough to fit at least 10 Big Myau’s .

    “All that giant size stuff is just a bluff. Watch this!”

    Tyrone hoisted the Missile Launcher up to his shoulder.

    Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.
    Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.

    The Gold Drake opened up its mouth and got ready to spit fire.

    “Ya dumb bastard!  This here is a heat seeking missile.”

    Indeed, Tyrone was correct. The missile that he launched went soaring through the air, and as if it were alive, chased after the Gold Drake, exploding right on its belly! Pieces of meat and guts went splattering in all directions, and the Gold Drake dropped like a stone from the sky.

    “You did it!” Alisa clapped her hands.

    “Man, that old hunter would be happy to know that his launcher’s last catch was that big,” said Tyrone, tossing the now missile-less missile launcher to the side. (Lose the Missile Launcher – cross it off your Item List)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 408


    After six hours of travel from the planet Motavia, they were finally able to see the planet Palma.

    “Where should we try this time?”

    “Good question. For now, I guess we should go try Dr Luveno. He might have some information for us,” replied Tyrone.

    They landed the spaceship Luveno right on top of the doctor’s house, who was evidently right in the middle of enjoying an afternoon siesta.

    “You twerps!” screamed the doctor, who was now wide awake.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 407


    Myau cast the magic spell Powma on Alisa. (-3 MP)

    Immediately, Alisa could feel her body filling up with energy. Powma is a special magic spell that powers up one’s attack ability for up to one hour. (+3 CP)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 406


    While Tyrone and the rest kept him busy, Alisa stealthily moved around to the back.

    La Shiec turned his head.

    Without skipping a beat, Alisa came jumping down at him with full force. Aiming for his head, she swung her sword downward! The blade’s edge grazed the side of his head, breaking off one of his horns.

    “I missed!”

    However, that one attack had a greater effect than she had thought. La Shiec held up his broken off horn, his expression now a grimace.

    “Little girl, you will pay for this!”

    La Shiec stood back up, the cool composure he once had now completely gone. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 405


    They arrived on Dezolis, a planet enclosed in snow and ice.

    Since the planet had only opened up recently, it did not yet have its own spaceport. So, Hapsby landed the spaceship Luveno outside the city of Skure, the one and only colony on the planet.

    “Brrr, it’s so cold. This is my first time coming to Dezolis,” Alisa said as she disembarked the spaceship. She was decked out in a cute new winter outfit. 

    “Hey, this is just a barren ice field. Hapsby, are you sure you took us to the right place?”

    <Yes. To stay shielded from the cold environment, the city of Skure was constructed underground.>

    Hapsby was correct. Alisa and the group soon saw a domed entrance nearby and went inside.

    “This is a pretty long tunnel. —Ack! What is that?”

    Deep inside, they could see a quivering clump of shiny gelatinous blobs. There were 6 of them in total.

    “Those are Blue Slimes! Is this really the right way to Skure?!”

    6 Blue Slimes: 31 + BP (1-E)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 404


    With a sweeping dive, Myau dodged the flames! Alisa, Tyrone and Lutz clung onto his mane. Sticking close together, the group waited as they passed underneath the Gold Drake’s abdomen. Each of them took out their weapons and began attacking the dragon’s soft underbelly! Bright red blood started to gush out in a gurgle. The effect was beyond what Alisa had imagined; it seemed she had sliced through its fire-generating organ and it was now wildly expelling fire from the gash!

    “Look out! Run!”

    Myau quickly distanced himself away from the beast.

    In the next moment, the Gold Drake was sent blasting through the sky like a rocket!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 403


    The Motavian rescue craft touched down in the front courtyard.

    “Hurry! Don’t get caught up in the smoke,” said Tyrone.

    Suddenly, with the sound of a Clink!, the hatch’s interior opened up.

    But, at that moment — Alisa and her comrades were slammed into the courtyard’s cobblestone. A strange shock wave came blasting out from the rescue craft, knocking over the group!  (-1 CP)

    “What the hell was that?”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 401


    There was a short staircase up ahead. When they made it to the top, the group was suddenly met with a cloudy, overcast sky.

    “We’re up on the rooftop? So then where the hell is La Shiec?” grumbled Tyrone.

    “We’ve got some company coming up from below,” replied Alisa.