Category: 316-420

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 400


    Because of the blizzard, the view was all white. Eventually, a long, slender tower came into view up ahead.

    “That has to be the Corona Tower.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 398


    Dark Falz smoothly glided across the ground’s surface, evading every attack from Alisa and her comrades. Their blade tips managed to strike the monster a few times, however, due to the hardness of its body, the weapons only ricocheted.

    Suddenly, Dark Falz unexpectedly began to counterattack. It rained down a series of lightning bolts onto the rescue craft from which it emerged! The fuselage was blown to pieces. 

     <Now you are all trapped here.>

    “Yeah, yeah, we noticed!” 

    Clinging onto the sloped cobblestone, Alisa could see the tops of the hills of Baya Malay, which seemed to be so close that she could almost touch it with her fingertips.  The flames surrounding Alisa grew and spread further, and soon the Air Castle itself was about to come crashing down onto the planet’s surface…

    “Thank you for everything, Tyrone, Lutz, Myau…” 

    Alisa and the Dark Lord of Chaos both disintegrated upon impact. Alisa sacrificed her life of only 15 years so that she could save the Algol star system from the hands of evil. 


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 397


    They came to another fork in the road. Just where the heck could La Shiec be?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 396


    The Flame Dragon began to spit bright red flames at them. Suddenly the temperature became unbearably hot! The surfaces of their shields and armor began to melt! 

    Alisa and party felt as though they might pass out from the extreme heat. (-2 HP) 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 395


    This is the guy who I’ve been searching for. The vengeance for my brother. Alisa, surprised at her own presence of mind,  turned toward La Shiec and faced him. La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice.  

    “To be honest, I didn’t think there was any human being capable of making it here. And still, even accompanied by strong friends, a girl of only fifteen years of age being this strong…I would expect no less from Nero’s little sister.”

    “Nero…..” replied Alisa softly. “Tell me….. why did you kill my brother!?”

    “He was in my way, plain and simple. He was afraid of serving our Dark Lord — ‘Chaos’. How foolish.”

    “What do you mean, ‘foolish!?’ This ‘Chaos’ monster is coming to our world to destroy it! Who wouldn’t be afraid!” 

    “Ridiculous. ‘Chaos’ shall rule everything in this universe; one could not ask for anything more wonderful than that,” responded La Shiec. “—Alisa, come and join me. Become my ally. If you do, then everything that’s happened up till now will be forgiven.”

    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”
    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”

    “And if I say no?”

    “Then you die.”

    La Shiec spoke his words sharply, in a tone that sounded far more menacing than any mere threat.

    La Shiec: 50 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 394


    The Golem reached both hands out in an attempt to smother Alisa. She evaded him, then quickly rushed behind the monster and slashed her sword.

    “Ya big dummy! You think I’d just let you grab me?”

    Turning to Alisa, Tyrone attacked the monster from behind. Operation: All-Out-Brawl!  With their overpowered strength, the group fully displayed the true scope of their battle abilities. The battle was quickly finished in what was a rather one-sided victory for Alisa and party. 

    The group returned to the previous passageway, continuing their search for La Shiec.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 393


    The Ice Men blasted them with their freezing cold breath. But it was no ordinary breath blast. Countless particles of rock hard ice were infused in it!


    The blast had terrific force. Their armor took a direct hit, caving in just like a moon crater. Naturally, their unprotected flesh areas were all bloodstained. (-4 HP)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 392


    Dark Falz opened its mouth wide; a giant bolt of lightning came flying at them!

    It burst at their feet, throwing Alisa and the group onto the stone steps.

    “Oof! Can you still move?” asked Tyrone.

    “Yeah, somehow. I can still fight,” replied Alisa.

    “Okay then, let’s counterattack!”

    Alisa and the her comrades, now having recovered from the surprise attack, got into their battle stances. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 391


    The next morning, Alisa and her comrades bid their farewell to Suelo and departed.

    The hills of Baya Malay were located roughly 10 kilometers north of the port city of Scion. Since La Shiec has come into power, the entire area had been sealed off with huge castle walls. Alisa and the group forced their way through a checkpoint and entered the foothills. Then, they stared up at the giant tower that stood on the summit.

    Baya Malay Tower. It was much taller than any other tower they had entered before. Surely this is what the Ice Man meant when he said “far above the hills”, there was no mistaking it.

    As soon as the group entered the tower, they could hear the sound of shutters dropping behind them.

    “Always the same old scare tactics. As if that’ll work on us!”