Category: 316-420

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 390


    Alisa jumped in towards the Machine Guarder, dodging its beam. She moved in to slash the camera on its head. 

    Or so she tried, but this was a combat robot, after all; it saw right through her plan. With the flick of an arm, it sent Alisa flying off, armor and everything! (-1 HP)

    The Machine Guarder went in to finish her off, but the robot suddenly collapsed; white plumes of smoke rose up from its body. Beyond the smoke, Tyrone’s face could be seen.

    “Y’know, this isn’t a 1v1. Don’t be so reckless.”

    The group backtracked to where they came from. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 389


    The Dezolian Heads began shooting their beam guns. The blasts hit Alisa and Tyrone! They were at a clear disadvantage in close combat.

    Alisa and her comrades tried their best to counter attack, but Alisa’s injury prevented that. Alisa was then struck by a fatal blast to her forehead!  


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 388


    Soaring high, Myau dodged the flames. He flew around over the back of the dragon; the party took out their weapons and attacked! 

    However, due to the dragon’s hard and tough skin, they could barely do any damage.

    The Gold Drake, now angry, thrashed his tail violently at Myau, striking him!  The shock from the attack sent Alisa flying off into the air! (-2 HP)

    “Shi–!” Alisa was holding onto the dragon’s wing for dear life. 

    There’s only one way to beat this monster….

    Alisa, making up her mind, cut the wing of the dragon off, knowing it was her own lifeline as much as it was the Gold Drake’s. 

    Alisa made up her mind. She began cutting off the dragon’s wing, knowing full well that it was the Gold Drake’s lifeline just as much as it was her own. 

    The now one-winged Gold Drake, no longer able to maintain flight, went into a tailspin and began to plummet to the ground! Alisa lost consciousness from the shock….

    Hunhhff…. Alisa regained consciousness, finding herself held tightly in a strong pair of arms. 


    “You’ve come to? I caught you just in time, you were about to become splattered.” 

    Alisa’s face turned red suddenly and she distanced herself from Tyrone. Then, in a small voice, she thanked him.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 387


    Alisa chopped off the Antlions’ heads. “Now’s our chance! Run!”

    Alisa and the group somehow managed to break through the Antlion belt. They went straight to “Maharu Cave” after that.

    As they entered the cave, they came upon a fork in the road. Suddenly, a shutter closed behind them.

    “Well, I guess we have to keep going in deeper…”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 385


    Alisa and her comrades launched a swift attack.

    Alisa’s sword, Tyrone’s ax, and Myau’s claws kept up an onslaught of attacks against the Death Bearer, one after the other!

    <Y-you filthy vermin!>

    “Look at that, this ‘Chaos’ mage or whatever can’t even concentrate enough to cast a counter attack!”

    <Oh yeah? Then eat this!>

    The Death Bearer raised up a gigantic ax. However, right at that moment, Lutz’s staff cracked the enemy’s face plate. Instead of finding a face inside, a black smokey substance came flowing out. Perhaps in the world of ‘Chaos’, there is no solid fixed form.

    Having defeated a formidable enemy, Alisa and her comrades were now at a crossroad.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 384


    Alisa engaged in a fierce sword fight against the King Saber. Their sword skills were just about equal. 

    However, the enemy had another weapon, as well. Though it looked like he was moving his rear legs up, he used his front legs to unleash a massive kick! Alisa’s small framed body was sent flying! (-2 HP)

    “You’re finished now!” the King Saber said as he pulled out a beam gun from his hip.

     However, Lutz quickly knocked the gun out of his hand.

    “That’s rather unsporting of you, resorting to such tactics in battle against a young lady.”

    “Fool, victory is the only thing that matters in battle! Grrrrrraaaar!” Alisa’s sword pierced through the King Saber’s chest plate armor.

    “You’re right about that. But only if it’s my victory,” said Alisa.

    Alisa and party continued down the corridor that the King Saber had been blocking.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 383


    Sparks of lightning came flying out from La Shiec’s swirling staff.

     However, it only burned up the area around Alisa and team’s feet. They had already figured out the timing of his attacks. They easily dodged the next attack, too.

    “What’s the matter? Is there a shortage on the demonic power of ‘Chaos’ or something?”


    La Shiec brandished his staff, aiming it right at Alisa — he then began to cast a spell.

    She dropped to the floor to avoid the attack.

    “If that’s the kind of fight you want, then I’ll give it to ya and then some!!”

    From the air, Alisa dove in and sliced La Shiec’s head off!  Blood was gushing and spraying all over from his decapitated body.

    So, the head was the weak spot — was the power of ‘Chaos’ not enough to save his own head?

    “D-did we win….?”

    It was an abrupt ending. Maybe that is just the nature of battle. However…

    Since La Shiec’s defeat, small fires began to spring up all around the castle.

    “Hey, Alisa! You plan to escape outta here in a hurry? We’re up in the sky, y’know. Myau’s already back to normal, and the laerma berries are all gone, so.”

    Alisa and her comrades, stranded in their position in the castle’s outer courtyard, began to hear explosive sounds around them.

    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?
    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?

    Through the smoke and blazes, they could make out the silhouette of an aircraft.

    “That’s…… the Seal of Motavia. The Governor must have sent us a rescue craft! We’re saved!” Tyrone shouted and put his hands in the air.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 382


    You’re the one who’s going to diie!”

    La Shiec fired a series of missiles.

    But, nothing happened. There was no explosion. Using his Frad Mantle, Lutz deflected the attack. Indeed, this mantle was special: it was the memento passed down to him from his master Tajim; it had tremendous power sealed within.

    “No! What stupid trickery!”

    “No, you’re the stupid one! What kind of maniac launches missiles indoors?!” Alisa rushed in on a surprised La Shiec. She pierced her sword right through his body. 

    “That’s strange. How could La Shiec be so stupidly easy to beat?”

    “Hahaha, of course, Alisa would figure it out. I am Lord La Shiec’s shadow commander! As if the real Lord La Shiec would be defeated by the likes of you fools! Nngahh—!

    Alisa’s sword sliced the head in half.

    “Pfft, scumbag!”

    The group left the hall and proceeded through the opposite corridor. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 381


    At the L-shaped corner, Alisa found a treasure chest.

    To open it, first add your current CP and your BP (2-H). Do you have an odd or even number?