Category: Alisas Adventure

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 200


    “Eat this ― it’s a magic spell called Flaeli!” the Cyborg Mage launched a series of fireballs from both of his palms.

    Alisa and Myau jumped up and dodged the attack. While still in midair, Alisa unleashed her attack.

    Clash! The Mage one-handedly grabbed Alisa’s sword, stopping it.

    He clucked with laughter. “My body is made of metal. Your sword is useless against me. ―Hm, where did that cat go?”

    Myau had jumped behind the sorcerer and lifted up his hood. The machinery on its back had no protective cover, it was open and exposed.

    “All right, good job, Myau. Now move out of the way,” Tyrone said, raising his ax.

    Crash! The ax tore through the Cyborg Mage’s back. Tyrone reached his hand inside the tear, wriggling his arm inside!

    “Ahh! St-stop that, please! Ughhhhh!!”

    Bzzzzt……….Blue sparks began to emit from the tear in its back. Black oil began to seep out, which soon ignited into a fire.

    “What an awesome victory. Way to go, Tyrone.”

    “What, Tyrone…?” asked the Mage, engulfed in flames. “That’s impossible, you should have been disposed of already by Lady Medusa.”

    “Looks like your information is outdated. Alisa is actually the one who saved me.”

    “Alisa… Oh, I see, she must be that man’s sis…” the sorcerer died, leaving those words behind.

    Within the burning pile of bones and machinery, Myau was able to pull out a key that was still intact. (Obtain item DUNGEON KEY)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 199


    Up ahead in the passageway, two horsemen knights appeared before them.

    <Filthy traitors, learn the wrath of La Shiec’s Imperial Guards!> The voices of the monster knights echoed inside their heads.

    “Telepathy, huh? Well, we’re going to be the ones to exterminate you!”

    Two Centaurs: 36 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-E)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 198


    Slipping past the enemy’s attack, Alisa lunged her sword! The Skull Soldier’s neck cracked and its head rolled off. At the same moment, all of its bones fell out of place and collasped to the ground.

    “Look at the coat of arms on its shield ― it belongs to an ancient noble family. I bet they’ve been manipulated by that evil cult.” 

    The party retraced their steps and headed back towards the corridor they came from.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 197


    “Oh, I know!” Alisa clasped her hands together. “Before going to the Armor Shop, let’s go stop by the Cake Shop!”

    “Huh? You can’t beat up enemies with cake,” said Tyrone, raising his eyebrows. “Are you going to eat it? Weren’t you saying something about getting fat? How will getting even fatter help you?”

    “How rude! It’s a gift — A GIFT! Didn’t you know!? The Governor of Motavia has a sweet tooth,” said Alisa. “There it is, let’s go buy some cake from that shop!”

    Alisa dragged a dumbfounded Tyrone into the Cake Shop with her.

    The shop had a sign out in front which read, “Please excuse us for running a shop in a place like this”.

    “What’s up with that sign?”

    A girl wearing sexy clothes appeared. If you win the battle against her with 60 + BP (1-H), you can obtain her clothes (just kidding).
    A girl wearing sexy clothes appeared. If you win the battle against her with 60 + BP (1-H), you can obtain her clothes (just kidding).

    “Welcome! The sign comes from the slogan our ancestors used to use, they used to run this shop somewhere deep in an underground maze. But anyway, would you like some Cheese Cake?”

    “Wow, it looks delicious! ♡” said Alisa. “This Strawberry Short Cake looks good, too. ♡”

    “As for me, I really like this girl’s outfit ♡,” Tyrone interjected. “Good stuff! Alisa, could you be a dear and move out of the way?”

    (Choose between either a SHORT CAKE or a CHEESE CAKE, and then write it down on your Item List. They are both the same price, so subtract 20 MESETA. Unfortunately, you cannot buy the “girl’s outfit”. Please understand.)

    After they finished shopping, Alisa and party left the Cake Shop. Where is the next destination?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 196


    The Centaur cast his shield aside and reached for a beam gun!

    Crammed into a small space, their numbers gave them a disadvantage. Alisa and her comrades were showered with beam blasts. 

    The Centaur then reared up its front legs and then swung his sword at them. (-2 HP)

    Alisa and party quickly escaped the cell, locking the door behind them.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 195


    No matter how many times they tried to convince him, Dr. Luveno just wouldn’t budge.

    For now, the best option is to retreat for the time being. Alisa and party left the cell.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 193


    “I’ll do it!”

    The Kryons then attacked Alisa, who ran out to the front lines. They came around and circled, slashing her with their sharp claws! (-1 HP)

    Enduring the pain, Alisa cut the neck of the first monster. While the enemy was dazed, she then sliced through its wings. A Kryon without wings was no longer a threat; the remaining two soon fell to Alisa’s blade.

    “Hehehe, there’s a lava pit up ahead. You’re all going to die there – gahhh!”

    “What an idiot, letting the enemy know about impending danger,” said Alisa, sheathing her sword after delivering the final blow. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +200 MESETA.)

    “Well, if it’s that dangerous ahead, there might be something up there,” said Lutz.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 192


    The group took off in the Land Master, heading towards the village of Casba! The Land Master is a vehicle normally stored inside the spaceship Luveno; it can be used to travel across the desert with great ease.

    “All right, at the rate we’re going at, we should arrive in under an hour,” said Tyrone. “Hm? What’s that?” He looked over and grabbed the steering wheel.

    In front of them a huge column of sand began to rise up. As it sprouted up, it turned out to be a humongous worm!

    “It’s a monster that’s related to the sandworm! A blue one and a purple one – there’s two of them!” said Alisa.

    “I guess it’s too late to do a U-turn now. All right, let’s get out of the Land Master – if anything happened to it during the fight, we’d be screwed.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 191


    Out of the Green Dragon’s mouth came a huge flame, about 10 meters long!

    Alisa and party just barely managed to scramble away, branching off into four directions.

    Then, in retaliation, Myau jumped up onto the dragon’s head and ruptured its eyes. It let out a roar and threw its head back. During that opening, the group all poised and aimed their weapons at its torso, striking all at once!

    The Green Dragon fell over, now lifeless. (+1 CP, +MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)