Category: Alisas Adventure

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 370


    Alisa and her comrades dove to the floor, avoiding the fire breath of the Flame Dragon. Getting back to her feet, Alisa maneuvered underneath the enemy and thrust her sword into its soft belly!

    Myau then jumped up and began scratching and gouging at the dragon’s eyes. The Flame Dragon let out a piercing howl and fell over writhing in pain. Tyrone finished it off by slicing clean through its neck.

    The party won the battle with unanticipated ease; somehow they had become more powerful than they had thought.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 369


    “Yaaah!” Alisa got her fighting spirit up and rushed in on Dark Falz!

    Dark Falz: 57 + BP (1-C)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 368


    At the L-shaped corner, Lutz stopped the party from going forward. Only an esper of expert skill level could detect this; he felt the faint presence of an enemy.

    Soon, something came slipping through the wall — a black armored mysterious person appeared in front of them.

    “Another Chaos Sorcerer!?” exclaimed Lutz, uttering the name of the killer of his Master.

    <I see, so it was you people who killed Dark Marauder. Indeed, I am Chaos Sorcerer Death Bearer. I will end your lives now!>

    Death Bearer: 45 + BP (1-I)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 367


    They did it! This time they were able to make some damage!?

    Alisa pulled her sword from Dark Falz’s mouth.She thought she had dealt the finishing blow, but then suddenly, the beast’s fat arm sent Alisa flying! (-2 CP)

    What a terrifying monster! After having its mouth penetrated by a sword blade, it can still move around like that!

    The hair on Alisa’s neck stood up on end as sheer terror consumed her once again.

    “Alisa, don’t forget, we are all here with you,” said Tyrone.

    That’s right, everyone’s here!

    Dark Falz: 58 + BP (1-G)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-D)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 366


    <Tandle!> The Death Bearer suddenly cast the most deadly of magic spells!

    Terrifying bolts of lighting directly struck Alisa and her comrades! Their black and charred bodies rolled to the floor. ⸺Or so it would have seemed, however, the reality was quite the opposite.

    It was really the Death Bearer’s body who rolled to the floor.

    At the very last moment, Lutz was able to quickly cast Tandle before the enemy could.

    At the L-shaped corridor, Alisa and her comrades:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 365


    Alisa’s sword split the monster right in two!

    “These guys aren’t so tough!”

    Suddenly an attack came from behind. Whoosh! The Execute’s long tail wrapped itself around Alisa’s neck. The sharp talon’s on the end of its tail stabbed into Alisa’s shoulder blade! It seems there was a bit of poison on the tips; her vision became blurred. (-1 CP, -1 HP)

    “You bastard!” Tyrone grabbed the creature by its tail and slammed it against the wall. Myau and Lutz finished the job and wiped out the last two.

    “Are you okay?”

    “I’m okay, just a little bit wobbly. But more importantly — what if that sting leaves a scar??” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 364


    “You’re finished now! I’m going to make sure every bit of you is blown to pieces! Go join your brother in the other world!”

    La Shiec launched another series of missiles! This time his attack made a direct hit.

    And so, Alisa and her comrades did exactly as La Shiec instructed….


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 363


    “Gotta bust this bad boy out already, eh?” said Tyrone as he hoisted the Missile Launcher up to his shoulder.

    “But you only have one missile! There’s no way you’re going to take them all out like that. You need at least two or three of them,” said Alisa.

    “Just watch!”

    Tyrone fired the launcher! A missile came flying out with a plume of white of smoke following it like a streamer. The missile sailed through the air before finally striking the bluff of an icy cliff.

    “What! You completely missed the mark. You are terrible at this!” 

    “… ya think so?  Wait for it.”

    Suddenly, the icy wall made a rumbling noise and began to shake and crumble!  The blast from the missile set off an avalanche of snow from the top. Giant chunks of ice and snow came crashing down onto the valley floor below, burying every last Mammoth.

    “Wooooow! Tyrone, you wiped them all out with just one shot! You’re Algol’s greatest genius!”

    However, the avalanche also destroyed the tower along with the Mammoths….

    “Sigh… I take it back. You’re Algol’s greatest screw-up,” huffed Alisa.

    “Aw, come on…” replied Tyrone.  (Lose the Missile Launcher)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 362


    “My goodness, Alisa! How you’ve changed!” said Suelo as she hugged Alisa.

    Having made it back home to Palma, Alisa decided to stop by and visit her only family. As she introduced her friends to her aunt, Suelo did a curtsy and bowed her head deeply, wishing to show respect.

    “Thank you so much for taking care of my Alisa, I’m sure she has put you all through a lot of trouble.”

    “Not at all, we couldn’t do it without her. But anyway, how are things going around here?”

    Aunt Suelo’s face fell. Taxes were now higher than ever, and anyone who objected to it got rounded up and killed by monsters. Somehow or other, this evil cult seemed to have the power to summon monsters from other worlds.

    “That bastard La Shiec…We must put an end to his life as soon as possible!”

    “You should rest here for tonight, at least. I have a spare room for you, Lutz, and Tyrone, too. At any rate, you must rest your body so you can fight, or even an easy battle will become unwinnable.”

    Alisa and her comrades did as they were told. The moment she laid down, Alisa fell into a deep sleep. And then, she dreamt of her brother…. (+3 HP, +2 MP)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 361


    The moment she opened the lid, Alisa was sent flying! The treasure box was rigged with a bomb. It wasn’t very small, fortunately, so the injuries weren’t too terrible. (-3 HP, -1 CP)

    “Ow, ow, ow, what kind horrible person puts a bomb in a treasure box!”

    While still grumbling, Alisa and the rest returned to the passageway they came from.