Tag: action chart

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 70


    “But still, how come you tried to defeat Medusa?” Alisa asked.

    The group exited the cave and wandered into a forest.

    “Well, word has it that Medusa has an all-powerful legendary ax in her possession, so naturally I had to have it. But I screwed up, and now she’s left the area. I doubt she’ll be coming back to that cave any time soon.”


    “Well, there are plenty of other weapons out there. Anyway, there should be a village nearby here called Eppi. I can just get myself something from their Armor Shop.”

    Off they went to find Eppi, or so they tried, but it seemed that the woods were endless. There wasn’t a trace of any village or even the remains of a village.

    “Hey, I’m getting the feeling that we’ve been walking around in circles…” said Alisa.

    “Oh, yeah. That’s right, this is the ‘The Lost Woods’! No wonder. You need a special compass to pass through here or you’ll be lost forever,” said Tyrone matter-of-factly, pulling a compass out from his pocket.

    “Really?! You mean to tell me you’ve been carrying that around the whole time and you didn’t say anything?? My legs are about to fall off from all this walking!”

    <Tyrone is a trouble maker,> said Myau giggling.

    — Finally they made their arrival to the village of Eppi.

    “Hey, Alisa. When we’re done shopping, let’s try hopping over to Paseo on the planet Motavia. I’ve heard that the governor there is really anti-La Shiec. He might be able to help us.”

    “Good idea,” Alisa nodded.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 65


    Alisa and the young man ran away from the still wriggling Robot Police and came into a different district.

    “Hey, you’re pretty strong despite your looks,” the bearded man said.

    “I was just lucky. And it looks like the Robot Police’s intention wasn’t to kill people…. But anyway, earlier you had said something about ‘comrades’, right?”

    The young man fiddled with his beard for a moment, then finally seemed to have come to some sort of decision.

    “I’m part of an anti-government group. Ever since La Shiec became leader, people haven’t been allowed to travel to neighboring planets anymore. So basically, I’ve smuggled some fake Road Passes. If you ever go to Scion, head over to the Tool Shop. Just mention my name and you’ll probably get one for free.  (Action Chart – Check “A”)

    “Thanks! If I have that, I’ll be able to travel through space.”

    “That, and,” the young man said, grabbing a sword from his bag, “Here, an iron sword. If you already have one, then having two is only better. It’s a dangerous world out there, you know.” (Obtain item IRON SWORD. If it’s your first one, then add +1 CP).

    Alisa gave her thanks once again and then parted ways with the young man. Her destination was Scion, so she headed towards the coast.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 51


    (Am I going to die without ever even seeing La Shiec?!)

    Alisa’s anger towards the enemy exploded. A fiery sensation welled up in her body and collected into the palm of her hand.

    Flaeli! An esper spell that launches balls of flames!

    The Nightmare let out a deafening scream as it got struck by the fireballs. It twisted its face and melted away into the darkness. (Action Chart – Check “D”)

    Alisa, having exhausted all her energy, collapsed right there.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 47


    Since she’s already in Paseo, Alisa decided to try walking around.

    She kept walking and walking until finally her legs became stiff and tired. After all that walking around, the only thing she learned was that “the governor likes sweet things”. (Action Chart – Check “B”)

    “What the heck?” Alisa said, tilting her neck. She headed towards the spaceport. Her destination – planet Palma. Then, to Medusa’s Cave!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 9


    Alisa awoke from her nightmare. What the heck was that monster?

    “Good morning, Alisa. You look crazy pale. Did you have a bad dream or something?” asked Tyrone from inside the room where they had an audience with the governor yesterday.

    “Yeah, I had an awful nightmare. I dreamed that we were all being attacked by a terrible monster. We all got killed.”

    “Whoa! That’s pretty ominous. As for me, I had a dream that I was being attacked by a hoard of cuties! And Myau was dreaming that he had a never-ending bowl of cat food.”

    “Anyway,” interjected Alisa, “if you had seen what I saw in my dream, your face would be pale, too. —Ah, Governor!” Alisa straightened up.

    “Oh, as you were, as you were. Good day. I had this drawn up for you.”

    The Governor handed Alisa a sealed envelope.

    “To the north of Paseo, there is a cave called ‘Maharu’. The esper who lives there is called Lutz; you should go to him with this letter. That should convince him to become your loyal ally.”

    “Thank you very much!”

    “Don’t mention it! Make sure to come back here, once you have brought La Shiec to his downfall!”