Tag: battle p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 82


    Something leapt out in front of Alisa. It was two emerald colored blobs.

    “Ew, these must be Green Slimes!” Without thinking, Alisa started backing away.

    Two Green Slimes: 4 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-E)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 58


    After coming around the corner of the L-shaped corridor, monsters appeared in the form of gelatinous blobs the color of brilliant scarlet – it was four Red Slimes!

    4 Red Slimes: 14+ BP (1-A)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 56


    “Hey, thanks.”

    The blond-haired Kuny Noone took Alisa’s money. (-50 MESETA)

    At that moment, a terrific noise came from the back of the store. A large brown shadow jumped over the counter.

    “Ahh, that danged cat just broke out of its cage and came out! M-miss, this here is the cat you just bought!”

    <Oh? So this girl is the person who bought me? She looks delicious,> said the creature,  its large tongue hanging out.

    “See, it talked, didn’t it? It’s what you were looking for…”

    “But– this is clearly not a cat, it’s a lion,” protested Alisa.

    “I-it’s just a big looking cat, that’s all! So um, since you’re the new owner, I’m going to leave the rest to you!” With that, Kuny Noone dashed out of the store.

    Of course, this wasn’t “just a big looking cat”. This creature had the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion; this was a hybrid beast – a Manticore.

    Manticore: 6 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 55


    “Oh, no, that man is definitely a thief. Awful, just awful,” the woman said, furrowing her brow.

    No! That’s not true! Alisa saw things much differently.

    “Hey, what are you doing!? Wait just a minute, that’s dangerous!” the woman yelled at Alisa.

    Ignoring the woman’s protests, Alisa’s body began to move almost by itself.

    The Robot Police are just La Shiec’s underlings! I can’t just let these mech-puppets go around killing people!

    BANG! The Robot Police began firing bullets!  A cloud of smoke blocked the man’s path.

    “Damnit! These goddamned Robot Police! I’ll never talk! I’d rather die here than let you catch me! When my comrades get wind of this, they will surely avenge my death….”

    “Sorry but you won’t be dying today.”

    “Who are you…?”

    Alisa stood over the young man to protect him. The Robot Police are launching an attack from the sky! What should she do!?
    Alisa stood over the young man to protect him. The Robot Police are launching an attack from the sky! What should she do!?

    “I’m your ally now,” said Alisa, while standing over the young man to protect him.

    The Robot Police readied for battle against their new obstacle. They ignited their back burners and began to attack from the sky!

    Robot Police: 3 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 53


    One after the other, the group of Gold Lenses kept on attacking.

    “Shit! Small-fries or not, with so many of them, we’re in trouble!” Even Tyrone was yelling.

    On top of that, the Skeleton on the ground was just waiting for a chance to strike.

    Group of Gold Lenses and Skeletons: 9 + Battle P (1-C)

    Alisa and party’s CP + Battle P (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 38


    Now that they didn’t have to watch the sky overhead, the battle became easier for Alisa and party.

    Tyrone casually smashed the Skeleton, and Alisa knocked off the remaining Gold Lenses.

    “Well, guess that’s it!’” (+2 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 28


    “What! You didn’t bring anything sweet?! In that case, you may not pass!”

    “Huh? So what if we didn’t, we already went through all the trouble of coming here! Fine, if that’s how it is then I guess we’ll just force our way in!

    Robot Guard: 9 + BP (1-G)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 24


    “Hey, that’s not fair! The guys in brown are completely unarmed! They don’t even have short swords or anything!”

    No sooner than she had spoke, Alisa rushed in. Tyrone and Myau were not far behind.

    Group of Blue-robed natives: 15 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 18


    Alisa walked down to the plains.

    As she was walking, she heard a buzzing noise. Shortly after, a giant fly almost half her size was haphazardly flying along the plains. It almost seemed like it was crawling instead of flying. This was a Monster Fly!

    Monster Fly:  0 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-F)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 15


    The stooping figure of the Sharkin came ashore. Its tongue, which she was sure she already cut off, somehow extended towards her again and grabbed her by the right ankle! Alisa lost her balance and fell right onto her back onto the sandy beach. The tip of the tongue was barbed with thorns that sunk deep into the young girl’s skin. (-2 HP)

    “Oww! I guess it must’ve had a second tongue. Ugh, what a nasty monster!”

    The Sharkin extended its huge claws and shuffled toward Alisa. The claws resembled the blade of a butcher’s knife — sharp enough to easily skewer and fillet Alisa like an expertly cut piece of meat ready for cooking.

    It’s all-or-nothing! Alisa went for its tongue a second time.

    Shaa!” The Sharkin lost its balance, and at the next moment something came flying right at it. That something — the Iron Sword — sliced deep into the fish-man, cleaving its head. (+1 CP, +40 MESETA)

    “Phew, I finally beat him. —Ah, I wonder if that village over there is Scion.”

    Alisa turned to the coastal town she had sighted earlier, and began walking towards the village on the cape.