Tag: chaos

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 420


    Tyrone and Lutz came attacking Dark Falz from opposite sides!

    The power of the Dark Lord of Chaos was unimaginable, even against a highly trained warrior and an esper. The demon proved he was more than capable of easily taking the both of them on simultaneously, while fighting evenly-matched battles against each.

    In addition, Myau came jumping in from behind! But it was as thought he had no effect at all, for the monster simply ignored him.

    But then, Dark Falz suddenly let out a roar that knocked back all 3 of them at once.

    <—Where’s the girl?!>

    “The Dark Lord of Chaos” withered away as if hundreds of years had passed. Alisa had finally avenged her brother!
    “The Dark Lord of Chaos” withered away as if hundreds of years had passed. Alisa had finally avenged her brother!

    “Right here!”

    Alisa jumped out from the fog that enshrouded the bottom half of Dark Falz! She was right underfoot! 

    The very next moment, her sword pierced right through Dark Falz’s forehead!


    The great body of the  “Dark Lord of Chaos” slumped over and twitched. —Then, as if hundreds of years had passed, its body withered away into dust and fragments…

     A man was left lying in the pile of debris that used to be Dark Falz.

    “It’s the Governor of Motavia!” yelled Tyrone. “So then, was he just pretending to be anti-La Shiec this whole time? Was he the true mastermind behind everything!?” 

    “No, I think he was only being manipulated, too,” replied Alisa. “But we’ve got more important things to worry about right now. We need to get out of here ASAP!” 

    Alisa grabbed the Governor’s unconscious body and forced him inside the cockpit in a hurry. Soon, the rescue craft departed.

    Right behind them, the flaming ruins of the Air Castle had begun crashing down onto the hills of Baya Malay… they had only just barely managed to escape.

    Alisa leaned back into her seat and relived the long, painful battle in her mind. Even when she tried to clear her mind of it, the memories just came gushing forth like an overflowing dam.

    Big brother… Alisa mumbled to herself softly and soon fell into a deep sleep.


    • Epilogue →

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 395


    This is the guy who I’ve been searching for. The vengeance for my brother. Alisa, surprised at her own presence of mind,  turned toward La Shiec and faced him. La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice.  

    “To be honest, I didn’t think there was any human being capable of making it here. And still, even accompanied by strong friends, a girl of only fifteen years of age being this strong…I would expect no less from Nero’s little sister.”

    “Nero…..” replied Alisa softly. “Tell me….. why did you kill my brother!?”

    “He was in my way, plain and simple. He was afraid of serving our Dark Lord — ‘Chaos’. How foolish.”

    “What do you mean, ‘foolish!?’ This ‘Chaos’ monster is coming to our world to destroy it! Who wouldn’t be afraid!” 

    “Ridiculous. ‘Chaos’ shall rule everything in this universe; one could not ask for anything more wonderful than that,” responded La Shiec. “—Alisa, come and join me. Become my ally. If you do, then everything that’s happened up till now will be forgiven.”

    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”
    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”

    “And if I say no?”

    “Then you die.”

    La Shiec spoke his words sharply, in a tone that sounded far more menacing than any mere threat.

    La Shiec: 50 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 385


    Alisa and her comrades launched a swift attack.

    Alisa’s sword, Tyrone’s ax, and Myau’s claws kept up an onslaught of attacks against the Death Bearer, one after the other!

    <Y-you filthy vermin!>

    “Look at that, this ‘Chaos’ mage or whatever can’t even concentrate enough to cast a counter attack!”

    <Oh yeah? Then eat this!>

    The Death Bearer raised up a gigantic ax. However, right at that moment, Lutz’s staff cracked the enemy’s face plate. Instead of finding a face inside, a black smokey substance came flowing out. Perhaps in the world of ‘Chaos’, there is no solid fixed form.

    Having defeated a formidable enemy, Alisa and her comrades were now at a crossroad.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 383


    Sparks of lightning came flying out from La Shiec’s swirling staff.

     However, it only burned up the area around Alisa and team’s feet. They had already figured out the timing of his attacks. They easily dodged the next attack, too.

    “What’s the matter? Is there a shortage on the demonic power of ‘Chaos’ or something?”


    La Shiec brandished his staff, aiming it right at Alisa — he then began to cast a spell.

    She dropped to the floor to avoid the attack.

    “If that’s the kind of fight you want, then I’ll give it to ya and then some!!”

    From the air, Alisa dove in and sliced La Shiec’s head off!  Blood was gushing and spraying all over from his decapitated body.

    So, the head was the weak spot — was the power of ‘Chaos’ not enough to save his own head?

    “D-did we win….?”

    It was an abrupt ending. Maybe that is just the nature of battle. However…

    Since La Shiec’s defeat, small fires began to spring up all around the castle.

    “Hey, Alisa! You plan to escape outta here in a hurry? We’re up in the sky, y’know. Myau’s already back to normal, and the laerma berries are all gone, so.”

    Alisa and her comrades, stranded in their position in the castle’s outer courtyard, began to hear explosive sounds around them.

    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?
    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?

    Through the smoke and blazes, they could make out the silhouette of an aircraft.

    “That’s…… the Seal of Motavia. The Governor must have sent us a rescue craft! We’re saved!” Tyrone shouted and put his hands in the air.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 360


    “No, you’re the one who’s going to die, La Shiec!”

    Alisa and her comrades came rushing in on La Shiec like a hurricane! Sword, ax, claw, and staff clashed against the king’s body.

    “Hahaha, it’s useless. My body is protected by the demonic blessing of ‘Chaos’.  Your feeble weapons have no effect on me!”

    Sparks of light came flying from La Shiec’s staff. Alisa and the group desperately threw themselves out of the way to avoid the attack.

    “He’s got to… he’s got to have a weakness somewhere…”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 346


    <You lot are quite irksome.>

    Dark Falz opened its mouth wide and began to spit out a bolt of lightning.

    At that exact moment, Alisa plunged her sword into the mouth of the demonic beast.

    <Grrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!> The ‘Dark Lord of Chaos’ let out a scream so loud that it could have shattered the planet; a white and blue light came gushing from its mouth.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 325


    Black foggy mist poured out from inside the hatch. For a moment, the mist appeared to dance and swirl before finally materializing into the body of a great beast!

    Its metallic blue body was a twisted fusion of flesh and machine. The lower portion of the body sat enshrouded within the black fog, unable to be seen.

    From the depths of the fog, a colossal, metallic blue, humongous beast appeared. Every enemy ever they’ve fought up til now seemed weak in comparison.
    From the depths of the fog appeared a towering, metallic blue beast. Every enemy that they’ve ever fought up til now seemed weak in comparison.

    But more than anything, the feature that really grabbed Alisa’s attention was its face. This monster was identical to the nightmare creature she dreamed about that night at the Governor’s Mansion on Motavia!

    Did Alisa’s latent esper abilities cause her to have that dream? And if that’s the case, then was her dream actually a premonition? 

    No, that can’t be! There’s no way that could be true.

    However, Alisa realized something. Compared to this monster, all the opponents she’d ever battled against up until now were nothing more than mere weaklings. Even the mighty La Shiec was nothing more than a puppet being controlled by a more sinister force. She knew this was the true enemy that needed to be defeated!

    The red eyes of the monster suddenly moved around.

    <My name is Dark Falz, known as the ‘Dark Lord of Chaos’! I shall have you all become my new servants.>


    Dark Falz: 55 + BP (1-A)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-J)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 322


    That staff! If only they could take away that staff, La Shiec would have no means of attacking.

    While Tyrone and the others leapt in to attack La Shiec from the front to keep him preoccupied, Alisa quietly snuck towards the rear. Seizing her chance, she outstretched her hand.

    —But, at that moment Alisa was sent flying! (-1 CP)

    “Fools. Only those who have received a blessing from ‘Chaos’ are permitted to lay their hand upon this staff.”

    “Ungh! No, thank you! Who in their right mind would ever want a blessing like that?” said Alisa, clenching her swollen fist as she stood back up.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 176


    “I’m going to try using the key that guy left behind earlier,” said Alisa.

    Alisa’s intuition was correct. The door opened easily with the Dungeon Key.

    Beyond the door, deep inside the room stood a tall, slender man wearing a hood.

    “Who are you?”

    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz to Alisa.
    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz to Alisa.

    “You must be Lutz, right…? My name is Alisa, and this is Tyrone and Myau. We have crossed over the desert in order to find you.”

    “I’m in the middle of my training right now. I do not have  time to be meeting with random strangers.”

    “No time to meet us? What are you on about, man. This cave has already been infiltrated by an enemy that wants to kill you!”

    “Wait, Tyrone,” said Alisa. “Lutz, I’ve brought with me a letter from the Governor of Motavia. Would you mind reading it?”

     Lutz took the letter from Alisa and looked it over.

    “I see… it’s about La Shiec. So, he’s formed an alliance with a dark religious cult called ‘Chaos’? This is far more serious than I had imagined.”

    Lutz looked into Alisa’s eyes and saw her sincerity. He nodded his head. He then removed his hood, revealing his long, flowing blue hair.  He had an effeminate face that looked as beautiful as Alisa’s.

    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz. “To do that, first we will need to go to the Gothic Woods on the planet Palma…”

    “Gothic Woods?”

    “If we go there, we can meet with Dr. Luveno. He’s a little bit strange, though.”