Tag: combat p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 323


    Alisa and her comrades came up behind the Mammoths and attacked. Comparing their power to the Mammoths, it was nearly impossible to win thanks to their long trunks and tusks.

    They kept attacking and attacking, until finally the two monsters were taken care of. By the time they were defeated, Alisa looked so tired she might fall over, too. (+1 CP, -2 HP)

    The group returned to the outskirts of Aukbal. Eventually, after wandering around in circles for awhile, they came across another tower. 

    “This must be Corona Tower, I guess. Or not. Who knows, since half the townspeople are liars,” said Alisa, who apparently was talking to herself. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 322


    That staff! If only they could take away that staff, La Shiec would have no means of attacking.

    While Tyrone and the others leapt in to attack La Shiec from the front to keep him preoccupied, Alisa quietly snuck towards the rear. Seizing her chance, she outstretched her hand.

    —But, at that moment Alisa was sent flying! (-1 CP)

    “Fools. Only those who have received a blessing from ‘Chaos’ are permitted to lay their hand upon this staff.”

    “Ungh! No, thank you! Who in their right mind would ever want a blessing like that?” said Alisa, clenching her swollen fist as she stood back up.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 317


    The moment Alisa’s hand touched the lid, the treasure box exploded with a boom!

    Alisa and her comrades were struck by the debris! (-1 CP, -2 HP)

    “Stupid trap! And why do I even have you guys around if you can’t even help me avoid traps!?”

    Alisa and party came to an L-shaped corridor.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 308


    Needles came flying out of the treasure box the moment she opened the lid! Alisa groaned as she held her hand. (-1 CP)

    Despite her misfortune, the Roganine inside was safe (Drink it to replenish your HP by 4)

    The party returned to the passageway they came from, venturing even further west.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 301


    “Die!” exclaimed Medusa, shooting sharp beams from the palm of her hand.

    The beams grazed over Tyrone’s head, instead hitting the Mad Stalker that he was fighting. Its skull shattered into a thousand fragments, disappearing into a fine dust.

    “The one to die will be you!” 

    Knocking the skeleton warrior out of the way, Tyrone went flying! His large body moved swiftly.

    “Damn it,” said Medusa, launching more beams.

    Deflecting the beams with his shield, the warrior moved in and swung down his ax!


    Swoosh…  The snake woman, or rather Medusa’s head fell to the right and to the left.

    That one attack had cleanly cut the monster’s body in two.

    “You did it, Tyrone!”

    Alisa and the others, having taken care of the rest of the enemies, came running up to Tyrone. Myau took the lead, jumping up onto his shoulders.

    Tyrone had a smile of satisfaction on his face. He has now settled the score in his fated showdown…

    Tyrone reached his hand out towards the ax which rested over Medusa’s throne. This indeed was the legendary weapon he had sought ― the Laconian Ax.

    (Write down the LACONIAN AX on your Item List; +5 CP, +300 MESETA).

    “We’ve gone to all the suspicious places around Palma and Motavia…. The only place we haven’t been yet is the planet Dezolis.” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 300


    Lowering his head, the village chief received their money (-200 MESETA).

    After that, he presented Alisa and her comrades with a treasure box in exchange for the payment.

    “The shield inside is called the ‘Shield of Perseus’.”

    “Oh! The shield that Perseus once used! In ancient times, it is said he used it to  slay Medusa,” said Tyrone with excitement as he examined it. It was quite heavy, so naturally the only one who could wield it would be Tyrone. (Obtain item PERSEUS’ SHIELD, +3 CP)

    Alisa and her comrades exited the village via the underground passageway that the village chief told them about. Thanks to that, they were able to exit safely outside of the gas cloud. They returned to the spaceship Luveno, which was still parked outside the village of Uzo.

    Where should they go from here?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 238


    Both the Leviathan and the Desert Leech kept popping in and out of the sand.  The monsters’ unrelenting movements caused a huge cloud of sand to rise up, covering the battle field in darkness.

    “Ah!” Alisa covered up her eyes as sand got in them.

    The next moment, her body was violently knocked over. The Leviathan whipped her with its tail! If the sand wasn’t there to cushion her fall, she would likely have broken several bones. (-1 HP)

    “Stupid worm!”

    Tyrone put a stop to the Leviathan’s attempts to attack Alisa further. Myau and Lutz delivered the final blow. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

    “Thank you. What happened to the purple one?” asked Alisa.

    “Looks like it ran away.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 237


    The moment Alisa opened the box, needles came flying out, cutting up her arms. (-1 CP) 

    “Ouch! What is that!” yelled Alisa. “—There’s some kind of weird machine in here.”

    “Are you okay? Hmm ― that machine appears to be a Gas Cleaner. Let’s take it ― it may come in handy later.” (Obtain item GAS CLEANER)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 227


    The group launched a concentrated attack on the purple worm.

    “All right! This guy’s a slow one,” said a bemused Alisa, piercing her sword through the worm.

    However—  The blue one came in from behind and attacked the party! Of course, even Alisa had noticed it too, but the blue worm was too fast for them.

    Alisa and her comrades were violently struck against the sand (-2 CP). Alisa had made the mistake of showing her back to the stronger enemy!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 217


    Alisa greeted the Blue Slimes that came flying at her with her sword, splitting them in two. To add insult to injury, she then stamped her foot over their remains.

    “That’s a little excessive…” said a bewildered Tyrone.

    “Who cares! With slimy things like that, you’ve got to make it so they can never get up again!”

    As usual, Alisa really despised slimes. She annihilated all six of them. (+1 CP, +100 MESETA)