Tag: combat p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 214



    The cat dodged the flames and ran towards the dragons. Running between their legs, he went around to their rear before finally attacking!

    The narrowness of the passageway ended up working in their favor. Because of the large size of the Green Dragon ― the two of them, that is ― they weren’t able to turn themselves around.

    While the enemy was distracted with Myau, Alisa closed in. She swiftly swung her sword at its mouth! Instead of spitting out fire, the dragon was now choking up blood.

    By the time she turned around, Tyrone had already taken care of the other one.

    “There’s a treasure box,” Lutz said, opening it right away. “Oh, wow, not only is there money, but there’s a sword in here too. It’s made of Laconia. The sharpness on this sword is amazing.”

    Alisa took the sword. (+200 MESETA; Obtain item LACONIAN SWORD, +5 CP)

    “This sword is really incredible. Now that I’ve got this, there’s no reason to stay here.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 203


    The Ammonite stopped midair. From an opening in its shell, it ejected venom at Alisa and her comrades!

    Alisa dodged it and jumped up towards the Ammonite. Before it had enough time to launch another round of venom,  she struck her sword into the opening of its shell! The seashell monster instantly plummeted to the ground. Dripping blue blood, it disappeared beneath the ocean’s surface.

    By the time Alisa turned around, the other three had already been taken care of by Tyrone and the others. (+1 CP, +100 MESETA).

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 201


    Alisa and party put their backs to each other as they faced off against the enemies. With their impenetrable defense, they took out the Biter Flies one by one.

    Thankfully, none of them got hit by their stingers, and they were able to repel the Biter Flies. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

    After leaving the cave, the party came across a sign which read:

    Abion Village ― 500 meters.

    Loar Village ― 2 kilometers. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 193


    “I’ll do it!”

    The Kryons then attacked Alisa, who ran out to the front lines. They came around and circled, slashing her with their sharp claws! (-1 HP)

    Enduring the pain, Alisa cut the neck of the first monster. While the enemy was dazed, she then sliced through its wings. A Kryon without wings was no longer a threat; the remaining two soon fell to Alisa’s blade.

    “Hehehe, there’s a lava pit up ahead. You’re all going to die there – gahhh!”

    “What an idiot, letting the enemy know about impending danger,” said Alisa, sheathing her sword after delivering the final blow. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +200 MESETA.)

    “Well, if it’s that dangerous ahead, there might be something up there,” said Lutz.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 191


    Out of the Green Dragon’s mouth came a huge flame, about 10 meters long!

    Alisa and party just barely managed to scramble away, branching off into four directions.

    Then, in retaliation, Myau jumped up onto the dragon’s head and ruptured its eyes. It let out a roar and threw its head back. During that opening, the group all poised and aimed their weapons at its torso, striking all at once!

    The Green Dragon fell over, now lifeless. (+1 CP, +MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 186


    The monster once again flew up. Tyrone swiftly swung his ax, but he missed! Because the Werebat stopped midair, the timing didn’t match up.

    Seizing an opening, the enemy managed to scratch up Tyrone with its claws! (-1 HP)

    However, the Werebat lost his balance and came tumbling to the floor! Myau had managed to injure its wing during the previous attack. 

    “You’re finished, now!” Tyrone swung his ax and split the Wereman in two. (+1 CP, +30 MESETA)

    “Tyrone, somehow the door behind us is shut now,” said Alisa.

    “At any rate, let’s see what lies further down,” he replied.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 184


    The Serpent spit flames at them. Its target was Alisa.

    By just a hair’s breadth, Lutz was able to shield her from the flames with his mantle. 

    “Goddamned snake bastard!” Tyrone came in from behind and swung his ax, severing the Serpent’s head! (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

    “Lutz, you’re hurt.”

    “It’s just a small burn. I’m not very good with physical labor,” admitted Lutz. (-1 HP)

    “But you were great back there. A second later and she probably would have been toasted,” said Tyrone.

    “It was just a fluke. Okay then, once we get through these woods, we’ll be at the village of Gothic.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 179


    “Die, you fools!” yelled the Cyborg Mage as he put his palms together and blasted them with fireballs. He managed to land direct hits on both Alisa and Tyrone! If they hadn’t been wearing their armor, it would have meant instant death for them. (-1 HP, -1 CP)

    “Oof… he’s using Flaeli — an esper skill.”

    “Who cares if he’s an esper or whatever he is — it’s not like he’s immortal. Let’s all attack at once!”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 166


    The Werebat once again flew up into the air. This time, while he was in doing his air spin, the party moved in to attack!

    Suddenly, the Werebat lost his balance and came tumbling to the floor! Myau had managed to injure its wing during the previous attack. 

    “Yeah, right, as if we’d fall for the same trick twice!” Tyrone swung his ax and tore the Werebat in two. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +30 MESETA)

    “Tyrone, somehow the door behind us is shut now.”

    “Whatever. Let’s see what lies further down.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 152


    The battle only lasted an instant. Of the six shadows flying through the air, three of them came crashing down to the ground.

    Tyrone, Lutz, and Myau defeated each of the three Kryons.

     “You could have at least left one for me,” sulked Alisa.

    “It’s good for the main character to take a break once in awhile. —Those bat guys are actually pretty loaded —Oh, hey, this one’s still breathing.”

    “Hehehe, there’s a lava pit up ahead. You’re all going to die there — gahhh!”

    “What an idiot, letting the enemy know about upcoming danger,” said Alisa, sheathing her sword after delivering the final blow. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +200 MESETA.)

    “Well, if it’s that dangerous up ahead, there might be something for us there,” said Lutz.