Tag: combat p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 32


    Alisa sank into the thickets and thrust upwards with her sword.

    Swoosh! She could feel the sword slicing through flesh.

    The foolish Monster Fly flew itself into its own doom. The fly got sliced in two as it collided into Alisa’s blade. Its remains tumbled to the ground. (+1 CP, +5 MESETA)

    Before she could relax she heard a different buzzing. This time it came from a monster like a dragon fly, but with a sharp fang on its tail — a Scorpius.

    Scorpius: 1 + BP (1-A)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 30


    The bloodshot cyclops Devil Bat came nose diving right for Alisa!

    If Alisa looked flustered, it was only for a brief moment. Despite her appearance, she expertly drew her sword and coolly sliced off the wings of the Devil Bat.

    The pinioned monster, now reduced to being only an eyeball, came tumbling down from the sky, landing in the heart of the forest. (1 CP, +1 MP, +10 MESETA)

    Continuing along, Alisa soon came to the edge of the forest. Apparently the forest was smaller than she had thought.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 28


    “What! You didn’t bring anything sweet?! In that case, you may not pass!”

    “Huh? So what if we didn’t, we already went through all the trouble of coming here! Fine, if that’s how it is then I guess we’ll just force our way in!

    Robot Guard: 9 + BP (1-G)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 27


    <Heh heh heh… Where to start eating from first? The top party looks tasty, but so does her bottom…>

    The Manticore made a leap for her! A panicked Alisa raised her sword up to protect herself.

    Gash! The point of the sword sliced perfectly through the beast’s forehead.

    “Wow. He looked big, and he talked big, but that was it.” (+2 CP, +1 MP)

    Alisa left and made her way to the black-haired Kuny Noone’s Shop.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 24


    “Hey, that’s not fair! The guys in brown are completely unarmed! They don’t even have short swords or anything!”

    No sooner than she had spoke, Alisa rushed in. Tyrone and Myau were not far behind.

    Group of Blue-robed natives: 15 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 18


    Alisa walked down to the plains.

    As she was walking, she heard a buzzing noise. Shortly after, a giant fly almost half her size was haphazardly flying along the plains. It almost seemed like it was crawling instead of flying. This was a Monster Fly!

    Monster Fly:  0 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-F)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 13


    “Shit! There’s flying targets all over the damn place!”

    Tyrone smiled a fearless smile, and pulled his Needle Gun from its holster.

    The ammunition was needles, 0.01 millimeters in length, and made of a super hard steel — manganese alloy. The gun could fire over 500 needles per second, propelled by gas under high pressure. If fired at a person, it would turn them into a cactus before they could say “Ah!”

    Tyrone aimed for the sky and pulled the trigger.

    Brutally pierced, the Gold Lenses came crashing down in an amusing manner.

    Swiftly exchanging the gas cartridge, Tyrone once more pressed down on the trigger.

    The flight of Gold Lenses, trying to hide in the sky, was soon becoming sparse.

    Tyrone was evidently not just a man of strong muscles. He was also an expert in modern armaments, and was a master at using them.

    “There's flying targets all over the damn place!” Tyrone fired his Needle Gun. The Gold Lenses were shot down, one after another.
    “There’s flying targets all over the damn place!” Tyrone fired his Needle Gun. The Gold Lenses were shot down, one after another.

    “You’re amazing, Tyrone!”

    “The game ends now.” Tyrone put away the Needle Gun and whipped back out the ax he originally had. “Now for that skeleton jerk!”

    Skeleton & Group of Gold Lenses: 6 + BP (1-I)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-D)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 5


    Scion’s Armor Shop specialized in defense. Alisa could buy a Light Suit for 30 meseta, which would be much more durable than her current Leather Cloth.

    (If you buy the LIGHT SUIT, write it down on the Item List and subtract 30 MESETA. Then add +1 to CP. If you do not buy the LIGHT SUIT, then don’t write down anything.)

    After leaving the store, Alisa headed for the inner harbor.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 4


    The bloodshot cyclops Devil Bat came nose diving right for Alisa!

    She let out a moan as blood gushed out of the top of her shoulder. The monster’s wings were sharp as a razor blade. (-1 HP)

    “How DARE you scar a lady’s delicate skin!” Alisa yelled out, repeatedly striking at the Devil Bat until she became tired and worn-out. Apparently, Alisa is the type to fly into a rage at the sight of blood. Any life signs the monster might have had left was gone. (+1 CP, +10 MESETA)

    Continuing on her journey, Alisa soon came to the edge of the forest. It seemed to be a smaller forest than she thought.