Tag: dr luveno

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 408


    After six hours of travel from the planet Motavia, they were finally able to see the planet Palma.

    “Where should we try this time?”

    “Good question. For now, I guess we should go try Dr Luveno. He might have some information for us,” replied Tyrone.

    They landed the spaceship Luveno right on top of the doctor’s house, who was evidently right in the middle of enjoying an afternoon siesta.

    “You twerps!” screamed the doctor, who was now wide awake.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 233


    “Abion Tower is located on an islet about ten kilometers off of the cape to the west. You should use the spaceship Luveno’s built-in Hovercraft to get there.”

    Doing as Dr. Luveno said, Alisa and party took off onboard the Hovercraft.

    They took off in the Hovercraft,  a built-in feature of the spaceship Luveno. The islet they’re seeking lies right ahead of them.
    They took off in the Hovercraft, a built-in feature of the spaceship Luveno. The islet they’re seeking lies right ahead of them.

    Effortlessly gliding along the ocean’s surface, they soon arrived at the islet. Indeed, it was a very small island. They were easily able to find the tower. 

    “Even Dr. Luveno has no data about what kind of monsters are in here, so we’ve gotta be careful.”

    Tip-toeing, Alisa and party quietly snuck inside the tower. At the first crossroad: 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 207


    “It seems there are still strange places on the planet Palma. For all we know, La Shiec himself could be here somewhere. I’ve heard that there are all kinds of monsters up in Abion Tower and Medusa’s Tower,” explained Dr. Luveno.

    “Medusa’s Tower! So you’re saying that Medusa is over there!?” exclaimed Tyrone, remembering how he had been defeated by her before.

    “It would seem that’s the case… There’s also some terrifying creatures in the Abion Tower, also.” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 195


    No matter how many times they tried to convince him, Dr. Luveno just wouldn’t budge.

    For now, the best option is to retreat for the time being. Alisa and party left the cell.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 180


    Doing as Dr. Luveno said, Alisa and party headed for the northern reaches of the continent. 

    As they continued alongside a mountain ledge,  they came to an area where large boulders were rolling down, one after another.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 177


    “Aren’t you Dr. Luveno?”

    “Yes, I am. Ohh, and you’re Lutz, aren’t you? I hope you’re not here to try to get me out of here. I want nothing to do with that.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 164


    “Ah, excellent,” the doctor said as he took their money. (-200 MESETA)

    “Are you really going to be able to build a spaceship with just 200 meseta?”

    Truly the work of a genius! Dr. Luveno was able to build a spacecraft in no time flat. “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno!”
    Truly the work of a genius! Dr. Luveno was able to build a spacecraft in no time flat. “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno!”

    “Ohoho, that’s why I’m the genius. Why don’t you guys go take a walk around the area or something,” said Dr. Luveno.

    (It is possible to go visit the hospital in the village here. For 10 MESETA, you can increase HP by 2)

    The doctor was indeed correct. By the time Alisa and party had returned, a crisp, white-bodied spacecraft was sitting in his backyard.

    “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno! With this, not only can you travel to the planet Motavia, you can go even further, to the planet Dezolis.

    “Yay, that’s great! Let’s take off right now!”

    “No, wait,” said the doctor, stopping them.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 158


    Alisa showed the small bottle she received from Dr. Amamoto to Dr. Luveno.

    “Oh!” exclaimed Dr. Luveno.  “Is that Soy Braised Sharkin?! That’s my favorite!

     …You know, this prison isn’t so bad. I’ve grown quite fond of it, really. The food is okay, and there’s no people around to ridicule me.  However,” he continued, “there is just one thing that I can’t get in here, and that’s Soy Braised Sharkin.  And now that I’ve seen some, I can’t stand it here anymore! I’m going to get out of here and fill my stomach up with the stuff!”

    Suddenly, the doctor stood up and kicked the bed which was attached to the wall. Incredibly, there was a huge hole hidden in the corner of the prison cell’s wall.

    “I set it up this way so that I could escape any time I wanted. Anyway, moving on. Shall we go save Amamoto, too?”

    Somehow, it seems as though this doctor was only in prison for the hell of it.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 139


    “And just which one of you thinks you can actually pilot the Luveno? This isn’t some cheap sci-fi comic book, you know. It’s not something you can just learn overnight. Go find the robot Hapsby. While I was locked up in jail, he went off and disappeared somewhere. He’s the one who can pilot the ship.”

    “Do you have any clue as to where he might be? Just saying ‘go find him’ doesn’t help, who knows how many years that might take…”

    “He was probably taken away by the garbage scavenger people.  I think their village is located up in the northern part of this continent.”