Tag: esper

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 321


    The Ice Men began to blow an even colder frost towards them.  But the attack never reached Alisa and her comrades ― Lutz had created an invisible wall with Muwarla that deflected it back towards the enemy.

    “Right back at you!”

    This time, fireballs came flying out of Alisa and Lutz’s hands! Alisa, too, is now able to use Flaeli with skill. (-6 MP)

    The fireballs soon melted and hollowed out the Ice Men’s giant bodies.

    However, they were still undefeated ― nothing less could be expected from the formidable Corona Tower.

    Four Ice Men: 42 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 306


    “Everyone, get down!” yelled Lutz, coming to the front lines.

    “And what’s your plan? Don’t tell me you wanna die.”

    “Not quite, Tyrone. I plan on using the most powerful magical attack I have.”

    Lutz cast the spell Tandle! Then he cast it again — and then third time as well!

    Blue light came out of his body as countless bolts of lightning came flying! Arrows of light rained down onto the herd of Mammoths like a monsoon! (-6 MP)

    After taking a direct hit, a large number of the Mammoths burst into flames while the others stared on in a state of panic. The herd ran off into the opposite direction, trampling over their injured comrades.

    “—Huh. Where am I…?”

    “Don’t move, Lutz. You only passed out for about a minute. It’s all right, the Mammoths ran away. Anyway, that was incredible ― you managed to chase off the strongest animals in Algol all by yourself.”

    “But thanks to that,” muttered Tyrone, “there’s no damn tower anymore. It’s been toppled over. Those Mammoths must have destroyed it in their frenzy…”

    “Tyrone! That’s not what matters here!”

    Startled by Alisa’s threatening demeanor, Myau jumped off of her shoulder.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 268


    <Tandle!> —Listening to those words, it was clear that death was the intention. Of all things, the Chaos Sorcerer utilized the most powerful esper ability of all!

    A white and blue electricity floated up into the sky, becoming a huge orb. Then it happened right when the orb began to burst open.

    “This is bad!” Tajim went flying towards the orb.

    With a terrific sound, the elder’s body bounced off of it! The unpleasant smell of cooked flesh began to waft around.

    “Master Tajim!”

    <Damn! Just one more second and you all would have been killed!>

    Lutz removed his hood. His cerulean hair shone brilliantly. The intense anger radiating from his body was felt by Alisa.

    “I will show you no mercy, you bastard!” Lutz yelled with an intensity unheard of up until now.

    Lutz slipped through the monster’s swinging ax and rushed in. The tip of his staff smashed the Dark Marauder’s face!

    Lutz then rushed towards Tajim. Being held by Alisa, the old man’s breathing was already faint.

    “My dear apprentice, Lutz… You have grown so much beyond my expectations…. I am proud to die so that you may live on… There’s something in that treasure box over there that I’d like to give you. It should be helpful…. in your upcoming battle…. against La Shiec….” These words were Tajim’s last. (Action Chart – Check “H”)

    (They found a MIRACLE KEY and an esper item, the FRAD MANTLE. Write them down on your Item List. Add 10 MP.)

    Lutz put on the Frad Mantle, a memento from his master.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 255


    Fighting against a monster like this would only drain their energy for fighting against Medusa or La Shiec. Alisa decided to use one of her esper powers.

    Lacusta! (-2 MP)

    The Gaia was surprised at how quickly Alisa and party ran away. It may seem like a joke, but this escape method is actually a useful esper spell.

    ―The party returned to the previous passageway.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 246


    The group came to an L-shaped corner. The southern wall had a door enshrined in ice crystals. However, it seemed to be locked; it wouldn’t budge. 

    (If you have the MIRACLE KEY and your MP is 15 or higher, then you may open the door with esper magic. In this case, please subtract 5 MP.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 216


    Judging the enemy’s strength, Lutz quickly used the esper spell Hewn.

    After a series of movements, Lutz put both hands together and unleashed a devastating attack. It was a series of small tornadoes!

    The three whirlwinds made a direct hit on the Dragon Wise, as if sucking him in, ripping and tearing its thick flesh! (-3 MP)

    “That’s incredible, Lutz!”

    However, the Dragon Wise was a beast to be contended with. Rather than cowering in fear, he was glaring menacingly at Alisa and party.

    Dragon Wise: 21 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 188


    The Green Dragon abruptly appeared. It seemed like a strong monster indeed.

    “I’ve got this,” said Lutz, stepping up to the front lines.

    The Dragon was menacingly spitting out flames, but suddenly its movement froze up like ice.

    “It’s called Bindwa; an esper spell. Now then, while the Dragon’s movement is frozen, let’s grab the jewel.” (-1 MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 179


    “Die, you fools!” yelled the Cyborg Mage as he put his palms together and blasted them with fireballs. He managed to land direct hits on both Alisa and Tyrone! If they hadn’t been wearing their armor, it would have meant instant death for them. (-1 HP, -1 CP)

    “Oof… he’s using Flaeli — an esper skill.”

    “Who cares if he’s an esper or whatever he is — it’s not like he’s immortal. Let’s all attack at once!”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 9


    Alisa awoke from her nightmare. What the heck was that monster?

    “Good morning, Alisa. You look crazy pale. Did you have a bad dream or something?” asked Tyrone from inside the room where they had an audience with the governor yesterday.

    “Yeah, I had an awful nightmare. I dreamed that we were all being attacked by a terrible monster. We all got killed.”

    “Whoa! That’s pretty ominous. As for me, I had a dream that I was being attacked by a hoard of cuties! And Myau was dreaming that he had a never-ending bowl of cat food.”

    “Anyway,” interjected Alisa, “if you had seen what I saw in my dream, your face would be pale, too. —Ah, Governor!” Alisa straightened up.

    “Oh, as you were, as you were. Good day. I had this drawn up for you.”

    The Governor handed Alisa a sealed envelope.

    “To the north of Paseo, there is a cave called ‘Maharu’. The esper who lives there is called Lutz; you should go to him with this letter. That should convince him to become your loyal ally.”

    “Thank you very much!”

    “Don’t mention it! Make sure to come back here, once you have brought La Shiec to his downfall!”