Tag: gaia

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 302


    Aiming for the Gaia’s chest, Alisa swung her sword. However, due to its thick skin and body hair, it did very little damage.

    The Gaia then squeezed its tree trunk arms around an alarmed Alisa.

    “Let me go, you animal! Ah, I guess you really are an animal, huh… Ow, m-my bones are going to break… If I puke my guts out, you’re gonna be the one who has to clean it up… oof…” (-3 HP)

    “Alisa!” Tyrone and the others came attacking it from behind. However, the monster remained unfazed. 

    Alisa, now growing faint, suddenly had an idea. 


    Still pressed against its chest, she inhaled as deeply as she could and screamed into the Gaia’s ear!

    The attack managed to surprise the monster, who then proceeded to throw Alisa. Seizing their chance, Tyrone and Lutz attacked the Gaia in its vital areas. With its heart and throat now slashed, the monster finally died. 

    “That’s what you get,” said Alisa, kicking the monster, taking pleasure in her revenge.

    Because the road up ahead was a dead end, Alisa and the group back tracked towards the passageway from whence they came.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 255


    Fighting against a monster like this would only drain their energy for fighting against Medusa or La Shiec. Alisa decided to use one of her esper powers.

    Lacusta! (-2 MP)

    The Gaia was surprised at how quickly Alisa and party ran away. It may seem like a joke, but this escape method is actually a useful esper spell.

    ―The party returned to the previous passageway.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 243


    The Gaia roared and swung his arms around, which were as thick as tree trunks.

    Alisa managed to slip past his arms but was soon buried in the Gaia’s chest. She stamped down on the monster’s feet — however, the Gaia felt nothing, as if an insect had landed on it.

    “Ah, high threshold for pain, huh? Then how about this!”

    Alisa kicked the monster in its groin with the tip of her boot! The Gaia collapsed as if in great pain. Alisa was able to easily deal the final blow. 

    “Man, that’s a vicious way to win.”

    “Whatever could you mean, Tyrone?” Alisa asked, grinning sweetly.

    “Er —um— what I mean is that you’ve gotten good at battles,” replied Tyrone. Above Tyrone, Myau shrugged his shoulders.

    Up ahead was a dead-end, so Alisa and party returned to the previous passageway.