Tag: gold drake

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 409


    The Gold Drake came flying out, spreading out its gigantic, bright orange wings. Its huge wingspan was big enough to fit at least 10 Big Myau’s .

    “All that giant size stuff is just a bluff. Watch this!”

    Tyrone hoisted the Missile Launcher up to his shoulder.

    Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.
    Tyrone fired a missile that exploded right on the Gold Drake’s belly! It only took one shot to take down the giant dragon.

    The Gold Drake opened up its mouth and got ready to spit fire.

    “Ya dumb bastard!  This here is a heat seeking missile.”

    Indeed, Tyrone was correct. The missile that he launched went soaring through the air, and as if it were alive, chased after the Gold Drake, exploding right on its belly! Pieces of meat and guts went splattering in all directions, and the Gold Drake dropped like a stone from the sky.

    “You did it!” Alisa clapped her hands.

    “Man, that old hunter would be happy to know that his launcher’s last catch was that big,” said Tyrone, tossing the now missile-less missile launcher to the side. (Lose the Missile Launcher – cross it off your Item List)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 404


    With a sweeping dive, Myau dodged the flames! Alisa, Tyrone and Lutz clung onto his mane. Sticking close together, the group waited as they passed underneath the Gold Drake’s abdomen. Each of them took out their weapons and began attacking the dragon’s soft underbelly! Bright red blood started to gush out in a gurgle. The effect was beyond what Alisa had imagined; it seemed she had sliced through its fire-generating organ and it was now wildly expelling fire from the gash!

    “Look out! Run!”

    Myau quickly distanced himself away from the beast.

    In the next moment, the Gold Drake was sent blasting through the sky like a rocket!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 388


    Soaring high, Myau dodged the flames. He flew around over the back of the dragon; the party took out their weapons and attacked! 

    However, due to the dragon’s hard and tough skin, they could barely do any damage.

    The Gold Drake, now angry, thrashed his tail violently at Myau, striking him!  The shock from the attack sent Alisa flying off into the air! (-2 HP)

    “Shi–!” Alisa was holding onto the dragon’s wing for dear life. 

    There’s only one way to beat this monster….

    Alisa, making up her mind, cut the wing of the dragon off, knowing it was her own lifeline as much as it was the Gold Drake’s. 

    Alisa made up her mind. She began cutting off the dragon’s wing, knowing full well that it was the Gold Drake’s lifeline just as much as it was her own. 

    The now one-winged Gold Drake, no longer able to maintain flight, went into a tailspin and began to plummet to the ground! Alisa lost consciousness from the shock….

    Hunhhff…. Alisa regained consciousness, finding herself held tightly in a strong pair of arms. 


    “You’ve come to? I caught you just in time, you were about to become splattered.” 

    Alisa’s face turned red suddenly and she distanced herself from Tyrone. Then, in a small voice, she thanked him.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 371


    Tyrone glanced down to see that the Laconian Pot had fallen out of his pocket. At once, Myau jumped inside the pot and nibbled on the laerma berries that were in it. 

    Suddenly, Myau began to glow as a dazzling light wrapped around him. 


    Then, in a flash, he transformed into a marvelous beast with great big, beautiful wings.

    “Wait, so is this the special phenomena that we heard about, the one that only happens when a musk cat eats a laerma berry? I guess Myau was a musk cat all along!”

    “Wow, Tyrone, you’re his owner and you didn’t even know that?” said Alisa in disbelief.

    <More importantly, everyone, hurry and get on my back! We’re going for a ride!>

    By the time the monsters had made it to the rooftop, Myau was already up in the sky, far above Baya Malay.

    Suddenly, the Air Castle appeared!  In order to defeat the evil demon La Shiec, Alisa and her comrades took flight.
    Suddenly, the Air Castle appeared! In order to defeat the evil La Shiec, Alisa and her comrades took flight.

    A humongous castle suddenly emerged in the once empty sky. This was the Air Castle, the stronghold of La Shiec! The castle only appears when a musk cat takes flight and approaches it. In fact, that is the whole reason the laerma berry became a forbidden item.

    Upon learning of their impending arrival to the Air Castle, La Shiec dispatched a special minion to greet the group. It was a Gold Drake, and it was a dragon of gargantuan proportions — the biggest one they’d ever seen! 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 350


    Tyrone glanced down to see that a laerma berry had rolled out of his pocket. The berry had a more poisonous looking color to it compared to how it looked on Dezolis. 

    Unbeknownst to our friends, laerma berries must be stored in laconian pots; otherwise, they become poisonous.

    Instinctively, Myau nibbled on the laerma berry. Suddenly, Myau began to glow as a dazzling light wrapped around him. Then, in a flash, he transformed into a marvelous beast with great big, beautiful wings. (-3 CP due to the effect of the poison). 

    “Myau! Is this the special phenomena that happens when a musk cat eats a laerma berry? I guess you were a musk cat all along, Myau!”

    “Wow, Tyrone, you’re his owner and you didn’t even know that?” said Alisa in disbelief. “But is he okay? He looks like he’s in pain…”

    <I’m okay! More importantly, everyone, hurry and get on my back! We’re going for a ride!>

    By the time the monsters had made it to the rooftop, Myau was already up in the sky, far above Baya Malay.

    “Oh, look at that! A castle just appeared!” exclaimed Alisa.

    A humongous castle suddenly emerged in the once empty sky. This was the Air Castle, the stronghold of La Shiec! The castle only appears when a musk cat takes flight and approaches it. In fact, that is the whole reason the laerma berry became a forbidden item.

    Upon learning of their impending arrival to the Air Castle, La Shiec dispatched a special minion to greet the group. It was a Gold Drake, and it was a dragon of gargantuan proportions — the biggest one they’d ever seen! 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 313


    Aiming for Alisa and party, the Gold Drake expelled flames from its mouth!

    Gold Drake: 47 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)