Tag: iron sword

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 65


    Alisa and the young man ran away from the still wriggling Robot Police and came into a different district.

    “Hey, you’re pretty strong despite your looks,” the bearded man said.

    “I was just lucky. And it looks like the Robot Police’s intention wasn’t to kill people…. But anyway, earlier you had said something about ‘comrades’, right?”

    The young man fiddled with his beard for a moment, then finally seemed to have come to some sort of decision.

    “I’m part of an anti-government group. Ever since La Shiec became leader, people haven’t been allowed to travel to neighboring planets anymore. So basically, I’ve smuggled some fake Road Passes. If you ever go to Scion, head over to the Tool Shop. Just mention my name and you’ll probably get one for free.  (Action Chart – Check “A”)

    “Thanks! If I have that, I’ll be able to travel through space.”

    “That, and,” the young man said, grabbing a sword from his bag, “Here, an iron sword. If you already have one, then having two is only better. It’s a dangerous world out there, you know.” (Obtain item IRON SWORD. If it’s your first one, then add +1 CP).

    Alisa gave her thanks once again and then parted ways with the young man. Her destination was Scion, so she headed towards the coast.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 62


    “Hello sir, could you please ring this up for me? ♡”

    The old shopkeeper at the Armor Shop glanced back and forth between the girl and the money in her hand, as if he was trying to size both up.

    “Young lady, you really want to buy that sword…?”

    Alisa pulled the iron sword from its scabbard and grinned. It felt very heavy and reassuring. (Obtain item IRON SWORD; +1 CP, -30 MESETA.)

    So now, Alisa will:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 52


    Alisa swung her sword. The iron sword’s power was apparent. In just a single blow, she sliced the red rope off her neck.

    From the waves, a large-eyed half-fish half-man emerged. It’s a Sharkin! That red rope-like thing was actually an elongated tongue.

    Sharkin: 5 + BP (1-C)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 34


    “Oh, no, that man is definitely a thief. Awful, just awful,” the woman said, furrowing her brow.

    Maybe so, but maybe he was a member of an anti-government group. Either way, Alisa was not in her mind to help him. Alerting La Shiec to her doings by getting involved would be bad.

    The Robo-Cops attacked the man with anesthetizing bullets, and then took him away somewhere.

    It seemed the right time to leave for Alisa as well. As for where to go next… (If you possess an Iron Sword then go to Scion, otherwise go to the shop.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 15


    The stooping figure of the Sharkin came ashore. Its tongue, which she was sure she already cut off, somehow extended towards her again and grabbed her by the right ankle! Alisa lost her balance and fell right onto her back onto the sandy beach. The tip of the tongue was barbed with thorns that sunk deep into the young girl’s skin. (-2 HP)

    “Oww! I guess it must’ve had a second tongue. Ugh, what a nasty monster!”

    The Sharkin extended its huge claws and shuffled toward Alisa. The claws resembled the blade of a butcher’s knife — sharp enough to easily skewer and fillet Alisa like an expertly cut piece of meat ready for cooking.

    It’s all-or-nothing! Alisa went for its tongue a second time.

    Shaa!” The Sharkin lost its balance, and at the next moment something came flying right at it. That something — the Iron Sword — sliced deep into the fish-man, cleaving its head. (+1 CP, +40 MESETA)

    “Phew, I finally beat him. —Ah, I wonder if that village over there is Scion.”

    Alisa turned to the coastal town she had sighted earlier, and began walking towards the village on the cape.