Tag: la shiec

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 414


    Suddenly, La Shiec launched bolts of lightning from his staff.

    None of them were able to avoid the attack. Not Alisa nor Tyrone, nor even the agile Myau, nor even Lutz who was capable of moving like the wind. They all were struck by the lighting, and collapsed to the floor.

    “That was only a small taste,” said La Shiec, stepping one foot forward.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 406


    While Tyrone and the rest kept him busy, Alisa stealthily moved around to the back.

    La Shiec turned his head.

    Without skipping a beat, Alisa came jumping down at him with full force. Aiming for his head, she swung her sword downward! The blade’s edge grazed the side of his head, breaking off one of his horns.

    “I missed!”

    However, that one attack had a greater effect than she had thought. La Shiec held up his broken off horn, his expression now a grimace.

    “Little girl, you will pay for this!”

    La Shiec stood back up, the cool composure he once had now completely gone. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 395


    This is the guy who I’ve been searching for. The vengeance for my brother. Alisa, surprised at her own presence of mind,  turned toward La Shiec and faced him. La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice.  

    “To be honest, I didn’t think there was any human being capable of making it here. And still, even accompanied by strong friends, a girl of only fifteen years of age being this strong…I would expect no less from Nero’s little sister.”

    “Nero…..” replied Alisa softly. “Tell me….. why did you kill my brother!?”

    “He was in my way, plain and simple. He was afraid of serving our Dark Lord — ‘Chaos’. How foolish.”

    “What do you mean, ‘foolish!?’ This ‘Chaos’ monster is coming to our world to destroy it! Who wouldn’t be afraid!” 

    “Ridiculous. ‘Chaos’ shall rule everything in this universe; one could not ask for anything more wonderful than that,” responded La Shiec. “—Alisa, come and join me. Become my ally. If you do, then everything that’s happened up till now will be forgiven.”

    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”
    La Shiec was a man with eyes as cold as ice. “Alisa, join me and become my ally. If you do, all will be forgiven.”

    “And if I say no?”

    “Then you die.”

    La Shiec spoke his words sharply, in a tone that sounded far more menacing than any mere threat.

    La Shiec: 50 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 383


    Sparks of lightning came flying out from La Shiec’s swirling staff.

     However, it only burned up the area around Alisa and team’s feet. They had already figured out the timing of his attacks. They easily dodged the next attack, too.

    “What’s the matter? Is there a shortage on the demonic power of ‘Chaos’ or something?”


    La Shiec brandished his staff, aiming it right at Alisa — he then began to cast a spell.

    She dropped to the floor to avoid the attack.

    “If that’s the kind of fight you want, then I’ll give it to ya and then some!!”

    From the air, Alisa dove in and sliced La Shiec’s head off!  Blood was gushing and spraying all over from his decapitated body.

    So, the head was the weak spot — was the power of ‘Chaos’ not enough to save his own head?

    “D-did we win….?”

    It was an abrupt ending. Maybe that is just the nature of battle. However…

    Since La Shiec’s defeat, small fires began to spring up all around the castle.

    “Hey, Alisa! You plan to escape outta here in a hurry? We’re up in the sky, y’know. Myau’s already back to normal, and the laerma berries are all gone, so.”

    Alisa and her comrades, stranded in their position in the castle’s outer courtyard, began to hear explosive sounds around them.

    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?
    The Air Castle has activated its self-destruct mode. Outside the burning castle, a rescue craft from planet Motavia has appeared! Did the Governor send it?

    Through the smoke and blazes, they could make out the silhouette of an aircraft.

    “That’s…… the Seal of Motavia. The Governor must have sent us a rescue craft! We’re saved!” Tyrone shouted and put his hands in the air.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 382


    You’re the one who’s going to diie!”

    La Shiec fired a series of missiles.

    But, nothing happened. There was no explosion. Using his Frad Mantle, Lutz deflected the attack. Indeed, this mantle was special: it was the memento passed down to him from his master Tajim; it had tremendous power sealed within.

    “No! What stupid trickery!”

    “No, you’re the stupid one! What kind of maniac launches missiles indoors?!” Alisa rushed in on a surprised La Shiec. She pierced her sword right through his body. 

    “That’s strange. How could La Shiec be so stupidly easy to beat?”

    “Hahaha, of course, Alisa would figure it out. I am Lord La Shiec’s shadow commander! As if the real Lord La Shiec would be defeated by the likes of you fools! Nngahh—!

    Alisa’s sword sliced the head in half.

    “Pfft, scumbag!”

    The group left the hall and proceeded through the opposite corridor. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 364


    “You’re finished now! I’m going to make sure every bit of you is blown to pieces! Go join your brother in the other world!”

    La Shiec launched another series of missiles! This time his attack made a direct hit.

    And so, Alisa and her comrades did exactly as La Shiec instructed….


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 360


    “No, you’re the one who’s going to die, La Shiec!”

    Alisa and her comrades came rushing in on La Shiec like a hurricane! Sword, ax, claw, and staff clashed against the king’s body.

    “Hahaha, it’s useless. My body is protected by the demonic blessing of ‘Chaos’.  Your feeble weapons have no effect on me!”

    Sparks of light came flying from La Shiec’s staff. Alisa and the group desperately threw themselves out of the way to avoid the attack.

    “He’s got to… he’s got to have a weakness somewhere…”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 357


    A mysterious man stood in the large banquet hall. “La Shiec!?” “Hahaha, so what if I am?” “Then I’ll kill you!”
    A mysterious man stood in the large banquet hall. “La Shiec!?” “Hahaha, so what if I am?” “Then I’ll kill you!”

    The group entered a large, spacious banquet hall. Standing there in the center was a mysterious man in blue.

    “You must be that Alisa I’ve heard about. Good job on making it this far. Hahahaha…”

    “La Shiec!?”

    “Hahaha, so what if I am?

    “Then I’ll kill you!”

    La Shiec: 50 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 352


    “It’s a staircase. I’m certain that La Shiec is up there.”

    Alisa and her comrades cautiously ascended the stairs.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 338


    La Shiec raised his staff up high.

    “Heal!” While Alisa was unconscious, she was somehow able to cast health replenishing magic on herself and friends. (+3 HP)

    Seeing them all stand up suddenly, La Shiec paused.