Tag: lutz

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 268


    <Tandle!> —Listening to those words, it was clear that death was the intention. Of all things, the Chaos Sorcerer utilized the most powerful esper ability of all!

    A white and blue electricity floated up into the sky, becoming a huge orb. Then it happened right when the orb began to burst open.

    “This is bad!” Tajim went flying towards the orb.

    With a terrific sound, the elder’s body bounced off of it! The unpleasant smell of cooked flesh began to waft around.

    “Master Tajim!”

    <Damn! Just one more second and you all would have been killed!>

    Lutz removed his hood. His cerulean hair shone brilliantly. The intense anger radiating from his body was felt by Alisa.

    “I will show you no mercy, you bastard!” Lutz yelled with an intensity unheard of up until now.

    Lutz slipped through the monster’s swinging ax and rushed in. The tip of his staff smashed the Dark Marauder’s face!

    Lutz then rushed towards Tajim. Being held by Alisa, the old man’s breathing was already faint.

    “My dear apprentice, Lutz… You have grown so much beyond my expectations…. I am proud to die so that you may live on… There’s something in that treasure box over there that I’d like to give you. It should be helpful…. in your upcoming battle…. against La Shiec….” These words were Tajim’s last. (Action Chart – Check “H”)

    (They found a MIRACLE KEY and an esper item, the FRAD MANTLE. Write them down on your Item List. Add 10 MP.)

    Lutz put on the Frad Mantle, a memento from his master.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 235


    “What’s that weird smell? It’s like rotting meat or something.”

    “Alisa, you too? On top of that, I hear footsteps coming…” said Tyrone.

    “Does it sound like a walking corpse? A corpse dripping with black and red blood, bones visible, not to mention rotting meat.  —It’s not impossible. In fact, look what’s coming around the corner right there. It’s a zombie type, so it’s going to be vicious. It’s a Butte,” said Lutz.

    Alisa and Tyrone jumped in to attack upon seeing the monster. Lutz, on the other hand, remained placid.  It seems that maybe psychics do have thicker nerves different than others…

    Butte: 23 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-B)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 232


    The Wights held out their hands, gathering orbs of bluish white light. A surge of static electricity stood Alisa’s hair and Myau’s fur up on end.

    “Ack! What is this…?”

    The next moment, the sorcerers threw the electric orbs at them, causing Alisa and her comrades to go numb. (-1 HP)

    “Lutz, show them what you’re made of!”

    “There’s a lot of them, so it may be a bit troublesome, but I suppose I’ll try,” said Lutz, managing to maintain his cool demeanor even under pressure. 

    “But if this is all they’ve got, there’s no way they can kill me.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 218


    They came to a T-fork.

    “If we keep going this way, we’ll end up outside,” said Lutz, pointing towards the end of the passageway. That leaves them with two choices.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 216


    Judging the enemy’s strength, Lutz quickly used the esper spell Hewn.

    After a series of movements, Lutz put both hands together and unleashed a devastating attack. It was a series of small tornadoes!

    The three whirlwinds made a direct hit on the Dragon Wise, as if sucking him in, ripping and tearing its thick flesh! (-3 MP)

    “That’s incredible, Lutz!”

    However, the Dragon Wise was a beast to be contended with. Rather than cowering in fear, he was glaring menacingly at Alisa and party.

    Dragon Wise: 21 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 214



    The cat dodged the flames and ran towards the dragons. Running between their legs, he went around to their rear before finally attacking!

    The narrowness of the passageway ended up working in their favor. Because of the large size of the Green Dragon ― the two of them, that is ― they weren’t able to turn themselves around.

    While the enemy was distracted with Myau, Alisa closed in. She swiftly swung her sword at its mouth! Instead of spitting out fire, the dragon was now choking up blood.

    By the time she turned around, Tyrone had already taken care of the other one.

    “There’s a treasure box,” Lutz said, opening it right away. “Oh, wow, not only is there money, but there’s a sword in here too. It’s made of Laconia. The sharpness on this sword is amazing.”

    Alisa took the sword. (+200 MESETA; Obtain item LACONIAN SWORD, +5 CP)

    “This sword is really incredible. Now that I’ve got this, there’s no reason to stay here.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 213


    The group found themselves surrounded in what resembled fog. Within the fog, they could see only from the waist up, but they were able to make out the shadows of people. Either way, their faces were hidden deep under their green hoods.

    “They’re just trying to threaten us,” said Lutz. “These guys are Class B sorcerers ― Wights.”

    Wights: 30 + BP (1-A)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 208


    “With zombie-type monsters, the head is the weak spot,” said Tyrone, grabbing his ax and beheading the enemy. The bloody head rolled onto the floor.

    “Look at that, see how quickly they’re defeated! ―Urgh!”

    Even without a head, the Butte was not defeated. To top things off, the Butte then ripped at Tyrone’s abdomen with its sharp claws. The undead’s strength was enough to penetrate armor! (-1 HP)

    “Tyrone!” Alisa ran up and swung her sword at the enemy’s body. Even still, it was not defeated.

    “Is there any way to beat this thing, Lutz?” 

    “I think so,” said Lutz, crushing the rolling head with his staff.

    “As I suspected, the only way is to completely destroy the head.” (+1 MP)

    Where to go at the L-shaped corridor ahead?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 204


    “Hmm, what’s this…?” Alisa opened the lid of the treasure box.

    “It’s Gas Cleaner ― let’s take it. It might come in handy later,” said Lutz, placing the small machine into the pocket of his robe. (Obtain item GAS CLEANER). 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 188


    The Green Dragon abruptly appeared. It seemed like a strong monster indeed.

    “I’ve got this,” said Lutz, stepping up to the front lines.

    The Dragon was menacingly spitting out flames, but suddenly its movement froze up like ice.

    “It’s called Bindwa; an esper spell. Now then, while the Dragon’s movement is frozen, let’s grab the jewel.” (-1 MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)