Tag: magic p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 191


    Out of the Green Dragon’s mouth came a huge flame, about 10 meters long!

    Alisa and party just barely managed to scramble away, branching off into four directions.

    Then, in retaliation, Myau jumped up onto the dragon’s head and ruptured its eyes. It let out a roar and threw its head back. During that opening, the group all poised and aimed their weapons at its torso, striking all at once!

    The Green Dragon fell over, now lifeless. (+1 CP, +MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 188


    The Green Dragon abruptly appeared. It seemed like a strong monster indeed.

    “I’ve got this,” said Lutz, stepping up to the front lines.

    The Dragon was menacingly spitting out flames, but suddenly its movement froze up like ice.

    “It’s called Bindwa; an esper spell. Now then, while the Dragon’s movement is frozen, let’s grab the jewel.” (-1 MP, +200 MESETA after exchanging the jewel.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 166


    The Werebat once again flew up into the air. This time, while he was in doing his air spin, the party moved in to attack!

    Suddenly, the Werebat lost his balance and came tumbling to the floor! Myau had managed to injure its wing during the previous attack. 

    “Yeah, right, as if we’d fall for the same trick twice!” Tyrone swung his ax and tore the Werebat in two. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +30 MESETA)

    “Tyrone, somehow the door behind us is shut now.”

    “Whatever. Let’s see what lies further down.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 152


    The battle only lasted an instant. Of the six shadows flying through the air, three of them came crashing down to the ground.

    Tyrone, Lutz, and Myau defeated each of the three Kryons.

     “You could have at least left one for me,” sulked Alisa.

    “It’s good for the main character to take a break once in awhile. —Those bat guys are actually pretty loaded —Oh, hey, this one’s still breathing.”

    “Hehehe, there’s a lava pit up ahead. You’re all going to die there — gahhh!”

    “What an idiot, letting the enemy know about upcoming danger,” said Alisa, sheathing her sword after delivering the final blow. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +200 MESETA.)

    “Well, if it’s that dangerous up ahead, there might be something for us there,” said Lutz.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 143


    The Machine Guardian began firing a beam gun at them. A beam pierced through the darkness and grazed Alisa’s arm. (-2 HP)

    “Ooh, no you didn’t!” Alisa, without flinching, stood defiantly before the robot. Dodging the next beam, she drove her sword into the camera on its head. Tyrone then severed its head with his ax, for good measure.

    “Are you okay, Alisa?”

    “Yeah. It’s just a scratch. —Oh, look out, duck!”

    The Machine Guardian began shooting out blue sparks, and then exploded. (+1 CP, +1 MP)

    “Phew — thanks to that, there’s a hole in the wall. We can get out from there,” said Tyrone.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 134


    “Wait, please. Somehow it appears that he means us no harm,” Lutz said, stopping Tyrone.

    “How can you tell?”

    “It’s what one might call telepathy.” And so Lutz began to talk to the Centaur earnestly. (-1 MP). By doing so, they learned a few things.

    Yes, the Centaur was an imperial guard. However, he became unsatisfied with La Shiec’s ways, voiced his complaints and wound up being thrown in jail.

    He was captured when he went to the village of Abion to buy Polymeteral.


    “It’s a medicine that’s said to dissolve any kind of substance other than Laconia.”

    Alisa tried to invite the Centaur to go with her and her comrades, but he shook his head. He explained that he no longer had a place where he belonged.

    The party exited the cell.

    → 181

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 118


    The Serpent extended its tongue of flames and thoroughly licked the old abandoned house.

    “Well, I’m not too good with physical combat, but…”

    Lutz nimbly whirled up to the Serpent and struck its forehead with his staff. The large snake quivered its body as if drunk, then suddenly ceased moving. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +50 MESETA)

    “A paralysis spell, eh? You’re pretty good,” remarked Tyrone.

    “It was just a fluke. Now then, once we get through these woods we’ll arrive at the village of Gothic.”

    → 44

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 117


    The Machine Guarder began firing a beam gun at them.

    “Damn, another robot?” Tyrone asked.

    “This guy’s a battle-type, a Machine Guarder! But —” Alisa defiantly dodged one of the robot’s beams.

    “His weak spot is the same as the other robots!” She drove her sword into the camera on its head. Tyrone then severed its head with his ax for good measure.

    “Look out, duck!”

    After shooting out blue sparks, the Machine Guarder exploded. (+1 CP, +1 MP)

    “Phew — thanks to that, there’s a hole in the wall. We can escape from there,” said Tyrone.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 108


    The Sandworm came flying towards Alisa. She chopped off its head midair. The remaining nine meters of its body hastily retreated into the sand. Its head, seemingly insane without its body, wriggled and thrashed about until at last it ceased moving.

    “Pfft, he wasn’t as tough as he looked.” (+1 CP, +1 MP)

    “Alisa, something else strange popped up,” said Tyrone.

    A small gathering of the planet’s natives were standing there. They were a mousy looking species clad in robes. There were two factions of them; a group wearing blue robes, and a group wearing brown robes. They didn’t seem to notice Alisa and her comrades yet.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 75


    “You say you’ll force your way in!? What a cheeky little brat!” The guard robot hit Alisa’s face.

    “Ouch! What are you doing, I’ve got a lump now!” (-1 HP)

    Alisa unsheathed her sword and struck back at the robot.

    Crack! The camera on the robot guard’s head was destroyed, and the robot guard fell over.

    “My, that was over quickly. Ahaha!” (+1 CP, +1 MP)