Tag: magic p

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 46


    “You say you’ll force your way in!? We’ll see if you can!”

    “Oh, I will!”

    CRACK! The camera on the robot guard’s head was destroyed, and the robot guard fell over.

    “My, that was over quickly.” (+1 CP, +1 MP)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 33


    The stooping figure of the Sharkin came ashore. Its fishy scales glittered and glistened in the sun in a disgusting display. Worse still, a tongue came shooting out towards Alisa, even though she was sure she had just finished cutting its tongue off!

    Alisa deftly jumped out of the way. The Sharkin’s prickly tongue missed and attacked the empty sky.

    Displaying its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. “Learn your place on the food chain, seafood!” Alisa yelled.
    Displaying its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. “Learn your place on the food chain, fish man!” Alisa yelled.

    “Yikes, that was close! My brother used to warn me to be careful around men with two tongues, hah! Well, who knows if you’re even male. Hey, don’t lick my legs like that!”


    Brandishing its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. Each of its claws was like a huge butchers’ knife.

    “Oh? YOU think you’re going to eat ME? Learn your place on the food chain, fish man! I’ll make seafood out of you!”

    Undaunted by Alisa’s taunts, the Sharkin launched itself towards her. Sword clashed against claws and thorns! Back and forth, side to side, they danced in battle.

    “Ahh!” Alisa stumbled on the sand beneath her feet. She was not used to this sort of terrain.

    The Sharkin leapt towards her from above, attempting to smother her.

    “Get away from me with your nasty fish breath!” Alisa desperately reached down and threw a hardened clump of sand in its direction. The staggering Sharkin was hit in the chest, finishing it off. (+2 CP, +1 MP, +40 MESETA)

    “Phew, I finally beat him.” Alisa panted and stood up. “I wonder if that village over there is Scion.”

    Alisa began walking towards the village she saw on the cape.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 30


    The bloodshot cyclops Devil Bat came nose diving right for Alisa!

    If Alisa looked flustered, it was only for a brief moment. Despite her appearance, she expertly drew her sword and coolly sliced off the wings of the Devil Bat.

    The pinioned monster, now reduced to being only an eyeball, came tumbling down from the sky, landing in the heart of the forest. (1 CP, +1 MP, +10 MESETA)

    Continuing along, Alisa soon came to the edge of the forest. Apparently the forest was smaller than she had thought.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 27


    <Heh heh heh… Where to start eating from first? The top party looks tasty, but so does her bottom…>

    The Manticore made a leap for her! A panicked Alisa raised her sword up to protect herself.

    Gash! The point of the sword sliced perfectly through the beast’s forehead.

    “Wow. He looked big, and he talked big, but that was it.” (+2 CP, +1 MP)

    Alisa left and made her way to the black-haired Kuny Noone’s Shop.