Tag: medusa

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 312


    Tyrone’s ax grazed the snakes in Medusa’s hair before plunging itself deeply into the wall.  Bleeding snakes wriggled around on the floor.

    “Impudent boy! I’ll make it so you won’t be able to come back to life this time!” Medusa’s eyes bewitchingly sparkled.

    Inflicted with Medusa’s magical powers, Alisa and party turned to stone! There’s no retaliation now. Alisa’s adventure has ended...
    Inflicted with Medusa’s magical powers, Alisa and party turned to stone! There’s no retaliation now. Alisa’s adventure has ended…

    Averting their eyes was futile. Medusa’s terrifying magical powers had ensnared everyone in Alisa’s party, turning them to stone! There was no one left to save them now…


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 301


    “Die!” exclaimed Medusa, shooting sharp beams from the palm of her hand.

    The beams grazed over Tyrone’s head, instead hitting the Mad Stalker that he was fighting. Its skull shattered into a thousand fragments, disappearing into a fine dust.

    “The one to die will be you!” 

    Knocking the skeleton warrior out of the way, Tyrone went flying! His large body moved swiftly.

    “Damn it,” said Medusa, launching more beams.

    Deflecting the beams with his shield, the warrior moved in and swung down his ax!


    Swoosh…  The snake woman, or rather Medusa’s head fell to the right and to the left.

    That one attack had cleanly cut the monster’s body in two.

    “You did it, Tyrone!”

    Alisa and the others, having taken care of the rest of the enemies, came running up to Tyrone. Myau took the lead, jumping up onto his shoulders.

    Tyrone had a smile of satisfaction on his face. He has now settled the score in his fated showdown…

    Tyrone reached his hand out towards the ax which rested over Medusa’s throne. This indeed was the legendary weapon he had sought ― the Laconian Ax.

    (Write down the LACONIAN AX on your Item List; +5 CP, +300 MESETA).

    “We’ve gone to all the suspicious places around Palma and Motavia…. The only place we haven’t been yet is the planet Dezolis.” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 282


    The group suddenly entered a large room. Dozens of ornately decorated pillars supported the ceiling.

    “It looks like we’re being welcomed.”

    Skeleton warriors appeared from the shadows of the pillars.

    “Mad Stalkers, huh. Not very impressive,” Tyrone said coolly.

    “Boy, it seems you’ve turned into quite the big talker, Tyrone,” resounded the voice of a laughing woman.

    “So then, shall I be your opponent?”

    A strange monster appeared from the back of the spacious room. Each tendril of her hair consisted of live snakes. The bottom half of her body was that of a large serpent.

    “Medusa, you witch!!”

    “Have you not learned your lesson yet, boy? It’s useless even if you bring your friends with you.”

    “Go to hell!” Tyrone abruptly sent his ax flying towards her!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 276


    Once again Alisa and party descended the long staircase, returning to the lower floor.

    Where on Palma was Medusa?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 259


    Tyrone’s ax grazed the snakes in Medusa’s hair before plunging itself deeply into the wall.  Bleeding snakes wriggled around on the floor.

    “Impudent boy! I’ll make it so you won’t be able to come back to life this time!” Medusa’s eyes bewitchingly sparkled.

    Tyrone pulled out his shield.

    “Th-that shield, it’s….”

    “What’s the matter? Go ahead, try to turn me into stone,” said Tyrone. “—That’s right, you can’t. The Shield of Perseus has the ability to absorb your magic power.” Tyrone pulled his ax out of the wall.

    “You cheeky brat! Mad Stalkers, let’s tear them to pieces and put an end to this!”

    Medusa & Gang of Mad Stalkers: 42 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-F)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 220


    With the sound of bones rattling, the group of Mad Stalkers rushed in to attack!

    However, in terms of power, Alisa and party were stronger. Bit by bit, they suppressed the skeleton warriors.

    To finish them off, Tyrone swung his ax through the Mad Stalkers, bisecting them all.

    But right then, Tyrone drooped his shoulders and fell over. Suddenly, two beams came flying at him, landing direct hits! (-3 HP)

    The beams came from the palm of Medusa’s hand.

    “That’s just one of my many powers! Here, have another blast!”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 207


    “It seems there are still strange places on the planet Palma. For all we know, La Shiec himself could be here somewhere. I’ve heard that there are all kinds of monsters up in Abion Tower and Medusa’s Tower,” explained Dr. Luveno.

    “Medusa’s Tower! So you’re saying that Medusa is over there!?” exclaimed Tyrone, remembering how he had been defeated by her before.

    “It would seem that’s the case… There’s also some terrifying creatures in the Abion Tower, also.” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 127


    Alisa peeked inside the entrance of the cave. Could it be that Medusa was really in there? With her heart pounding, she stepped inside.

    The cave was dark, damp and musty.

    She immediately came upon a fork in the road.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 99


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    Alisa looked closer at the stone statue, studying it. It’s said that Medusa’s eyes have magical powers. If you look into her glaring eyes, you’ll get turned into stone on the spot. 

    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”
    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”

    “Myau, let me see that medicine bottle.”

    Alisa grabbed the small bottle from Myau’s neck. It contained a special potion called Alshline. 

    <Start pouring it on him from the top. You only have to use half.>

    Splash! The surface of the stone statue began to undergo a sudden change. It started off being completely gray, then colors began showing through, and it began to take on a softer texture.

    At least, the figure of the man began to show.

    “Ahh! Myau, I think this medicine is working too well! His clothes are starting to melt off,” Alisa said, covering her face with her hand.

    Nevertheless, the medicine’s effect would go on further. Now even his skin had become muddled and was melting off! 

    “T-Tyrone, he’s…!”

    <You’re wrong, Alisa. That’s not Tyrone. It’s a Zombie! This was just one of Medusa’s traps!>

    Zombie: 6 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-J)