Tag: meseta

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 166


    The Werebat once again flew up into the air. This time, while he was in doing his air spin, the party moved in to attack!

    Suddenly, the Werebat lost his balance and came tumbling to the floor! Myau had managed to injure its wing during the previous attack. 

    “Yeah, right, as if we’d fall for the same trick twice!” Tyrone swung his ax and tore the Werebat in two. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +30 MESETA)

    “Tyrone, somehow the door behind us is shut now.”

    “Whatever. Let’s see what lies further down.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 165


    The spaceship Luveno traveled through space and safely landed on the planet Motavia. Instead of landing at the usual spaceport, they landed directly next to the village of Uzo, located south of Paseo.

    (It is possible to go visit the hospital in the village here. For 20 MESETA, you can increase HP by 5).

    According to the other villagers, there’s a nearby village called Casba where a monster is said to dwell.

    “Shall we go check out the village of Casba?”

    “Well, actually there is a certain cave I’d like to go to,” said Lutz.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 164


    “Ah, excellent,” the doctor said as he took their money. (-200 MESETA)

    “Are you really going to be able to build a spaceship with just 200 meseta?”

    Truly the work of a genius! Dr. Luveno was able to build a spacecraft in no time flat. “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno!”
    Truly the work of a genius! Dr. Luveno was able to build a spacecraft in no time flat. “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno!”

    “Ohoho, that’s why I’m the genius. Why don’t you guys go take a walk around the area or something,” said Dr. Luveno.

    (It is possible to go visit the hospital in the village here. For 10 MESETA, you can increase HP by 2)

    The doctor was indeed correct. By the time Alisa and party had returned, a crisp, white-bodied spacecraft was sitting in his backyard.

    “What do you think of my masterpiece – the spaceship Luveno! With this, not only can you travel to the planet Motavia, you can go even further, to the planet Dezolis.

    “Yay, that’s great! Let’s take off right now!”

    “No, wait,” said the doctor, stopping them.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 161


    Alisa and her comrades walked into the Abion Drugstore and bought Polymeteral. (-50 MESETA)

    “This chemical is apparently able to melt anything except Laconia.”

    “So that means finding Hapsby in the village of Bartevo will be easy now,” said Tyrone.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 152


    The battle only lasted an instant. Of the six shadows flying through the air, three of them came crashing down to the ground.

    Tyrone, Lutz, and Myau defeated each of the three Kryons.

     “You could have at least left one for me,” sulked Alisa.

    “It’s good for the main character to take a break once in awhile. —Those bat guys are actually pretty loaded —Oh, hey, this one’s still breathing.”

    “Hehehe, there’s a lava pit up ahead. You’re all going to die there — gahhh!”

    “What an idiot, letting the enemy know about upcoming danger,” said Alisa, sheathing her sword after delivering the final blow. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +200 MESETA.)

    “Well, if it’s that dangerous up ahead, there might be something for us there,” said Lutz.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 146


    “Oh, wow – there’s some nice stuff in here,” said Tyrone, his eyes alight as he walked into the Armor Shop of the village of Eppi.

    • Needle Gun: 80 meseta
      A gun that discharges a myriad of needles using high-pressure gas.
    • Iron Shield: 40 meseta
      Much sturdier than the Leather Shield.

    Tyrone was fond of both armaments.

    (Whether you choose to buy them or not is up to you. If you buy something, please write it on your Item List and subtract the price from your MESETA. Add 1 CP for each item bought. )

    After leaving the Armor Shop, the party headed for the planet Motavia.

    → 124

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 135


    The blue robed natives became aware of Alisa and her companions. They pointed their guns at them and began to shoot.



    “This is nothing. Those beam guns have low output. Even with a direct hit on bare skin, it’s only enough to leave a slight burn,” said Tyrone.

    “But for those guys in the brown clothes, it’s a matter of life and death. We’ve got to hurry and save them.”

    “Yeah! Okay you rats, it’s time to repay you for catching me off guard!”

    Tyrone grabbed his ax and surged through the group of natives. Alisa and Myau joined in.

    As things escalated into an all-out brawl, both sides of the fray feared getting struck by fly-by debris.

    The blue robed natives grew clumsy and careless with their beam guns; suddenly they all ran off, dispersing in all directions like baby spiders. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

    Alisa and her comrades saved the mice in brown – Motabian Farmers. It seems that La Shiec’s evil influence even extends to the planet Motabia.
    Alisa and her comrades saved the mousy-looking natives wearing brown robes – Motavian Farmers. It seems that La Shiec’s evil influence even extends to the planet Motavia.

    “All right, everything’s okay now, you guys,” Alisa said to the brown robed native.

    <Oh, thank you.>

    “Oh, you can talk?”

    <We are Motavian Farmers. Those other guys were Motavian Scavengers We have lived here on this planet since ancient times, but ever since this La Shiec guy came around, the Scavengers have started picking on us.>

    “Wow,  I can’t believe La Shiec’s been meddling with things over here, too.”

    <This is the first time we’ve ever been saved by humans. It’s also a first being saved by a cat. We truly, truly, thank you,> the Motavians gave their thanks again and again.

    “Well, we’re going to go on our way now, but you guys be careful from now on.”  (Action Chart – Check “J”)

    After parting with the Motavian Farmers, the group continued advancing around the large rocky cliff.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 133


    “There’s fifty meseta in here, how lucky!” (+50 MESETA)

    “Is that really okay for us to take?”

    “Well, then someone shouldn’t have left it in a place like this,” Alisa answered coolly.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 129


    “You don’t have enough, huh… Well, that can’t be helped, then. Here’s an idea. In the valley to the south of this village, there’s a “Dragon’s Nest”. It’s said that a precious jewel is kept there.  If you trade me the jewel, that’ll be enough to cover the 200 meseta.”

    —And so, Alisa and party soon arrived at the valley.

    “Hey, isn’t that the ‘Dragon’s Nest’ right there? Where those tree branches come together….? Wow, look at that huge jewel!”

    “Before that, it seems like it will be necessary to slay the dragon first.”

    Lutz pointed towards the shadowy background behind the trees. The ferocious face of a Green Dragon could be seen.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 126


    The group arrived in the village of Loar. The Armor Shop there was reputable for its wide variety of wares.

    • Heat Gun: 100 meseta
      If you have a Needle Gun, then you can trade it in and purchase the Heat Gun for 50 Meseta.
    • Saber Claw: 100 meseta
      A weapon for Myau.

    (Subtract the total MESETA for all purchases made. Add 1 CP for each weapon bought.)

    Where to go next? (If you have Polymeteral, then you should go to the village of Bartevo.)