Tag: meseta

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 123


    “That’s strange, those fishmen are heading towards that man over there,” said Alisa.

    Without further delay, Alisa and Myau moved in. Tyrone and Lutz then blocked the Marshmen’s escape path. They attacked the enemy from both sides and brought the battle to a close. (+1 CP, +150 MESETA)

    “T-thank you”

    The man, still on the ground, held out his hand out to Alisa. It was a hand with long, sharp nails and covered in fish scales — the hand of a Marshman!

    “Does it scare you? … I may look like this now, but I’m human. La Shiec forced his doctors to perform surgical alterations on a whole bunch of us… I managed to escape somehow, mid-surgery…”

    Alisa was aghast. This poor man. She told the man about herself and her comrades.

    “A robot, huh… Come to think of it, I’ve heard rumors about one in the scrap heap over in the village of Bartevo. You can probably find it if you use a special drug called Polymeteral.”

    “Thank you for the info. Do you want to come with us?”

    The man laughed weakly.

    “I can’t. I doubt I have much longer… My body is weakened since I escaped in the middle of surgery… But at least I won’t have to live in that lava pit. Instead I get to die here, on the surface… I… I’m so… glad…” (Action Chart – Check “F”)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 118


    The Serpent extended its tongue of flames and thoroughly licked the old abandoned house.

    “Well, I’m not too good with physical combat, but…”

    Lutz nimbly whirled up to the Serpent and struck its forehead with his staff. The large snake quivered its body as if drunk, then suddenly ceased moving. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +50 MESETA)

    “A paralysis spell, eh? You’re pretty good,” remarked Tyrone.

    “It was just a fluke. Now then, once we get through these woods we’ll arrive at the village of Gothic.”

    → 44

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 100


    The group has returned back to the village of Gothic.

    “Dr. Luveno, we wanted to meet with you because we would like to request you build a spaceship for us,” said Lutz, breaking the ice.

    “Without being able to freely travel the three planets, we are unable to find La Shiec.”

    “Very well. However, the cost of production will be 200 meseta. Are you able to pay?”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 95


    Alisa and the others tangled with the monsters.  She and Myau ripped apart the Gold Lenses while Tyrone crushed the Skeleton with the swing of an ax.

    “Phew, that was a good exercise,” quipped Alisa. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 89


    With a SCRAAAPE, the Scorpius came attacking! The monster moved in to attack Alisa while she wasn’t prepared!

    The Scorpius and the girl became entangled in one another and tumbled to the ground. Eventually, the sound of a high-pitched shriek stopped their movement. 

    Alisa panted. “How DARE you come at me like that, you perv!”

    She stood back up, trying to conceal her injuries. The decapitated remains of the Scorpius were strewn on the ground.  (-1 HP, +1 CP, +10 MESETA)

    Once again, Alisa began walking. On her way, she came up to the gates of the city of Parolit.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 71


    The Skeleton’s sword clashed with Tyrone’s ax! The Skeleton’s weapon cracked and broke.

    “There’s the difference in destructive power. And now for the finishing blow – rggghh!”

    Suddenly, Tyrone was taken aback. The Gold Lenses that were still alive had launched an attack from above! (-1 HP)

    “Tyrone!” Alisa and Myau struck down the flying eyeballs.

    “Don’t worry, I just let my guard down for a second.”

    Tyrone quickly resumed his battle stance and launched at the Skeleton! In under a second, the skeleton was split in two. (+50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 68


    Alisa went inside the Armor Shop by her house. It specialized in shields.

    “Oh, you’re planning to venture outside of the city gates, eh, young lady? You’d better get yourself a proper shield. Those monsters will eat you alive out there if you don’t,” said the old man shopkeeper.

    “I know. But they’re all so expensive. Also, some of them look a bit bulky for me…”

    “How about this light weight leather shield, then? It’s better than nothing, yeah?”

    (If you decide to buy the LEATHER SHIELD, make sure you write it on the item list and subtract 20 MESETA.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 67


    Alisa stood outside the spaceport’s gates. Civilians were not allowed here without special permission.

    “You may pass,” the security guard said, briefly glancing at her Road Pass. “What’s the matter? You can go now.”

    (Come on, I went through a lot of trouble to get that Road Pass, at least look at it for more than a second! Hmph.)

    There’s a building inside the spaceport that issues passports. (-40 MESETA as the processing fee for the PASSPORT)

    As Alisa boarded the red-bodied spacecraft, her heart danced. She hadn’t been out in space in a number of years. An image floated past her eyes of herself as a child, her brother pulling her hand as they boarded a spaceship years past.

    The spacecraft lifted off right on schedule. Freeing itself from gravitational forces, it took off and headed towards the planet Motavia.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 66


    The Monster Fly launched an intense wing attack on Alisa, injuring her shoulder. (-1 HP)

    “Ow, that hurt!”

    Alisa picked up her sword and pierced through the Monster Fly’s head. Green juices came splattering out, and the giant fly came plummeting to the ground. (+1 CP, +5 MESETA)

    Before she could relax she heard a different buzzing. This time it came from a monster like a dragon fly, but with a sharp fang on its tail — a Scorpius.

    Scorpius: 1 + BP (1-E)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-B)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 63


    Alisa headed for the Tool Shop that the man had talked about. The store was dealing prohibited goods, and the old man of the shop had a stingy look on his face. But, Alisa persevered and managed to get a Road Pass. (Obtain ROAD PASS, -30 MESETA)

    In the meanwhile,