Tag: meseta

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 62


    “Hello sir, could you please ring this up for me? ♡”

    The old shopkeeper at the Armor Shop glanced back and forth between the girl and the money in her hand, as if he was trying to size both up.

    “Young lady, you really want to buy that sword…?”

    Alisa pulled the iron sword from its scabbard and grinned. It felt very heavy and reassuring. (Obtain item IRON SWORD; +1 CP, -30 MESETA.)

    So now, Alisa will:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 56


    “Hey, thanks.”

    The blond-haired Kuny Noone took Alisa’s money. (-50 MESETA)

    At that moment, a terrific noise came from the back of the store. A large brown shadow jumped over the counter.

    “Ahh, that danged cat just broke out of its cage and came out! M-miss, this here is the cat you just bought!”

    <Oh? So this girl is the person who bought me? She looks delicious,> said the creature,  its large tongue hanging out.

    “See, it talked, didn’t it? It’s what you were looking for…”

    “But– this is clearly not a cat, it’s a lion,” protested Alisa.

    “I-it’s just a big looking cat, that’s all! So um, since you’re the new owner, I’m going to leave the rest to you!” With that, Kuny Noone dashed out of the store.

    Of course, this wasn’t “just a big looking cat”. This creature had the body of a lion, the wings of a bat, and the tail of a scorpion; this was a hybrid beast – a Manticore.

    Manticore: 6 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 45


    With a SCRAAAPE, the Scorpius came attacking! Alisa twisted her body to dodge the monster’s fangs. She then quickly thrust her sword into the belly of the Scorpius.

    Alisa spun the monster on her blade and then plunged it down to the ground. Alisa won the battle. (+2 CP, +10 MESETA)

    Once again, Alisa began walking. On her way, she came up to the gates of the city of Parolit.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 43


    Concerned about her wounds, Alisa went to the downtown hospital.

    “You’re fighting such tough enemies! You really shouldn’t overdo it!” said the blonde nurse as she turned on the switch for the healing device.

    Soon Alisa’s body was restored back to normal, and she drank the PelorieMate she received from the drugstore. (-10 MESETA, HP +2)

    Having regained her health, Alisa once again went back into town.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 38


    Now that they didn’t have to watch the sky overhead, the battle became easier for Alisa and party.

    Tyrone casually smashed the Skeleton, and Alisa knocked off the remaining Gold Lenses.

    “Well, guess that’s it!’” (+2 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 33


    The stooping figure of the Sharkin came ashore. Its fishy scales glittered and glistened in the sun in a disgusting display. Worse still, a tongue came shooting out towards Alisa, even though she was sure she had just finished cutting its tongue off!

    Alisa deftly jumped out of the way. The Sharkin’s prickly tongue missed and attacked the empty sky.

    Displaying its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. “Learn your place on the food chain, seafood!” Alisa yelled.
    Displaying its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. “Learn your place on the food chain, fish man!” Alisa yelled.

    “Yikes, that was close! My brother used to warn me to be careful around men with two tongues, hah! Well, who knows if you’re even male. Hey, don’t lick my legs like that!”


    Brandishing its claws, the Sharkin shuffled towards Alisa. Each of its claws was like a huge butchers’ knife.

    “Oh? YOU think you’re going to eat ME? Learn your place on the food chain, fish man! I’ll make seafood out of you!”

    Undaunted by Alisa’s taunts, the Sharkin launched itself towards her. Sword clashed against claws and thorns! Back and forth, side to side, they danced in battle.

    “Ahh!” Alisa stumbled on the sand beneath her feet. She was not used to this sort of terrain.

    The Sharkin leapt towards her from above, attempting to smother her.

    “Get away from me with your nasty fish breath!” Alisa desperately reached down and threw a hardened clump of sand in its direction. The staggering Sharkin was hit in the chest, finishing it off. (+2 CP, +1 MP, +40 MESETA)

    “Phew, I finally beat him.” Alisa panted and stood up. “I wonder if that village over there is Scion.”

    Alisa began walking towards the village she saw on the cape.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 30


    The bloodshot cyclops Devil Bat came nose diving right for Alisa!

    If Alisa looked flustered, it was only for a brief moment. Despite her appearance, she expertly drew her sword and coolly sliced off the wings of the Devil Bat.

    The pinioned monster, now reduced to being only an eyeball, came tumbling down from the sky, landing in the heart of the forest. (1 CP, +1 MP, +10 MESETA)

    Continuing along, Alisa soon came to the edge of the forest. Apparently the forest was smaller than she had thought.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 16


    The two Man-eaters briskly waved their tentacles around Alisa. On the body of one of the Man-eaters, a large crack began to form. Suddenly, something came shooting out from it.

    Alisa swiftly turned around and swung her sword at the enemy. As easily as cutting cabbage, Alisa sliced the Man-eater in half!

    One Man-eater left! But the moment she turned to face it, something was on her.  Hiss! White smoke plumes rose up around Alisa. Her equipment was smoldering. It was acid!


     The enemy had managed to sneak that attack on Alisa and now the side of her body was burning. (-1 HP)

    “Why, you little! What if that leaves a mark!”

    Without wasting any more time, Alisa ferociously stabbed at the Man-eater. Her anger exploded. Within a minute, the Man-eater was shred up into countless pieces.  (+40 MESETA)

    “You’d make a terrible salad,” joked Alisa. “Oh, I’ve got to hurry and go to the spaceport.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 15


    The stooping figure of the Sharkin came ashore. Its tongue, which she was sure she already cut off, somehow extended towards her again and grabbed her by the right ankle! Alisa lost her balance and fell right onto her back onto the sandy beach. The tip of the tongue was barbed with thorns that sunk deep into the young girl’s skin. (-2 HP)

    “Oww! I guess it must’ve had a second tongue. Ugh, what a nasty monster!”

    The Sharkin extended its huge claws and shuffled toward Alisa. The claws resembled the blade of a butcher’s knife — sharp enough to easily skewer and fillet Alisa like an expertly cut piece of meat ready for cooking.

    It’s all-or-nothing! Alisa went for its tongue a second time.

    Shaa!” The Sharkin lost its balance, and at the next moment something came flying right at it. That something — the Iron Sword — sliced deep into the fish-man, cleaving its head. (+1 CP, +40 MESETA)

    “Phew, I finally beat him. —Ah, I wonder if that village over there is Scion.”

    Alisa turned to the coastal town she had sighted earlier, and began walking towards the village on the cape.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 6


    The polymeteral had a strong effect and a robot was found in the scrap heap. Apparently, this is Hapsby.
    The polymeteral had a strong effect and a robot was found in the scrap heap. Apparently, this is Hapsby.

    Alisa used the polymeteral on the scrap heap. It has quite a strong effect; the scrap heap starts to melt into a pile of ooze and mud. Only things made out of Laconia remained.

    “I found him! Do you think this robot is Hapsby?” Alisa asked.

    “It’s not moving. Should I try kicking it?”

    “S–stop that, please,” the robot suddenly stood up. “My name is Hapsby. I was constructed by Dr. Luveno.”

    Thus, having recovered Hapsby, Alisa and the others returned to the village of Gothic.

    (You can visit the village hospital. Pay 20 MESETA to increase HP by 5.)

    When visiting the Doctor’s house, they received an introduction to the spaceship Luveno. Hapsby, the pilot-robot, joined the party. Now they can travel anywhere in the Algol Star System!