Tag: myau

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 176


    “I’m going to try using the key that guy left behind earlier,” said Alisa.

    Alisa’s intuition was correct. The door opened easily with the Dungeon Key.

    Beyond the door, deep inside the room stood a tall, slender man wearing a hood.

    “Who are you?”

    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz to Alisa.
    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz to Alisa.

    “You must be Lutz, right…? My name is Alisa, and this is Tyrone and Myau. We have crossed over the desert in order to find you.”

    “I’m in the middle of my training right now. I do not have  time to be meeting with random strangers.”

    “No time to meet us? What are you on about, man. This cave has already been infiltrated by an enemy that wants to kill you!”

    “Wait, Tyrone,” said Alisa. “Lutz, I’ve brought with me a letter from the Governor of Motavia. Would you mind reading it?”

     Lutz took the letter from Alisa and looked it over.

    “I see… it’s about La Shiec. So, he’s formed an alliance with a dark religious cult called ‘Chaos’? This is far more serious than I had imagined.”

    Lutz looked into Alisa’s eyes and saw her sincerity. He nodded his head. He then removed his hood, revealing his long, flowing blue hair.  He had an effeminate face that looked as beautiful as Alisa’s.

    “I understand. Together, let us go save the Algol Star System from the hands of evil,” said Lutz. “To do that, first we will need to go to the Gothic Woods on the planet Palma…”

    “Gothic Woods?”

    “If we go there, we can meet with Dr. Luveno. He’s a little bit strange, though.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 130


    Alisa jumped in to attack. She drove her sword down with all her strength. However… she began to doubt what her eyes were seeing. With one hand, the Cyborg Mage was able to grab her sword and stop it. Neither Tyrone’s ax nor Myau’s fangs could cause any damage, either.

    “You really should have listened to me earlier. I told you this thing has a robotic body!” exclaimed Tyrone.

    The robotic sorcerer threw Alisa to the ground.  To finish, he pierced her chest with a diamond staff.


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 123


    “That’s strange, those fishmen are heading towards that man over there,” said Alisa.

    Without further delay, Alisa and Myau moved in. Tyrone and Lutz then blocked the Marshmen’s escape path. They attacked the enemy from both sides and brought the battle to a close. (+1 CP, +150 MESETA)

    “T-thank you”

    The man, still on the ground, held out his hand out to Alisa. It was a hand with long, sharp nails and covered in fish scales — the hand of a Marshman!

    “Does it scare you? … I may look like this now, but I’m human. La Shiec forced his doctors to perform surgical alterations on a whole bunch of us… I managed to escape somehow, mid-surgery…”

    Alisa was aghast. This poor man. She told the man about herself and her comrades.

    “A robot, huh… Come to think of it, I’ve heard rumors about one in the scrap heap over in the village of Bartevo. You can probably find it if you use a special drug called Polymeteral.”

    “Thank you for the info. Do you want to come with us?”

    The man laughed weakly.

    “I can’t. I doubt I have much longer… My body is weakened since I escaped in the middle of surgery… But at least I won’t have to live in that lava pit. Instead I get to die here, on the surface… I… I’m so… glad…” (Action Chart – Check “F”)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 120


    “God, this is just exasperating!”

    And so it was. The Zombie had already decomposed down to muscle. No matter how many times Alisa sliced her sword at the Zombie, its muscles only splintered and the Zombie showed no sign of being slowed down. 

    But then suddenly, the Zombie grasped at its head. Myau had come in from behind and drug his claws into it.

    “Oh, I get it. You just have to destroy the head to take it down! Out of the way, Myau!”

    Alisa thrust her sword down with all her might. This time, it was really dead.

    Now having escaped from her crisis, Alisa sees an L-shaped corridor and decides to:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 115


    “Tyrone! Myau! Governor!”

    Alisa screamed, but that did nothing to stop the Nightmare. The head of the monster stared down intently at Alisa.

    The spine-chilling look in its eyes gave Alisa goosebumps.  A cold sweat dampened her forehead.

    —What is this monster? It somehow seems different from all the other monsters I’ve seen up until now..

    Alisa grabbed her sword from the bed stand. She thought that might provoke it, but the Nightmare did not indulge.

    “Alisa, is it an enemy!? We’re coming in!”

    Tyrone and Myau burst into Alisa’s bedroom.

    They saw the figure of the Nightmare and immediately lunged in to attack.

    However, the monster’s strength far surpassed their imagination.

    The Nightmare evaded both of their attacks. Its eyes had a sinister glow in them. At that moment, Tyrone cramped up and fell over. He was wrought with paralysis.

    Without being able to put up much resistance, they were easily overpowered by the Nightmare.

    The monster was terrifyingly strong. Both Tyrone and Myau were killed by it, and now Alisa too has succumbed and was thrown to the floor...
    The monster was terrifyingly strong. Both Tyrone and Myau were done in by it, and now Alisa, too, has succumbed…

    “Tyrone! Myau!”

    Alisa screamed and repeatedly thrust her sword. However, her sword simply passed right through the monster and came out on its other side. 

    “My sword does no damage! —Ahh!”

    An invisible force grabbed Alisa and threw her to the floor. The monster’s sharp fangs awaited her as she lay struggling; those fangs then ripped her heart right out of her chest.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 103


    Alisa once again boarded the spacecraft and returned to her home planet, Palma. 

    She immediately left town and headed straight for Medusa’s Cave. Myau, unable to contain himself from his excitement, was running circles around Alisa.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 99


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    Alisa looked closer at the stone statue, studying it. It’s said that Medusa’s eyes have magical powers. If you look into her glaring eyes, you’ll get turned into stone on the spot. 

    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”
    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”

    “Myau, let me see that medicine bottle.”

    Alisa grabbed the small bottle from Myau’s neck. It contained a special potion called Alshline. 

    <Start pouring it on him from the top. You only have to use half.>

    Splash! The surface of the stone statue began to undergo a sudden change. It started off being completely gray, then colors began showing through, and it began to take on a softer texture.

    At least, the figure of the man began to show.

    “Ahh! Myau, I think this medicine is working too well! His clothes are starting to melt off,” Alisa said, covering her face with her hand.

    Nevertheless, the medicine’s effect would go on further. Now even his skin had become muddled and was melting off! 

    “T-Tyrone, he’s…!”

    <You’re wrong, Alisa. That’s not Tyrone. It’s a Zombie! This was just one of Medusa’s traps!>

    Zombie: 6 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-J)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 96


    Suddenly, a chilly air swept the floor. It was so cold that you could see your breath as a white fog.

    Myau let out a low whine. He sensed the enemy closing in on them.

    Somewhere within the wintry haze, an azure blue colored snake lay coiled up. It was a large reptile, bigger than Alisa ― it was a Frost Serpent.

    Frost Serpent: 17 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 95


    Alisa and the others tangled with the monsters.  She and Myau ripped apart the Gold Lenses while Tyrone crushed the Skeleton with the swing of an ax.

    “Phew, that was a good exercise,” quipped Alisa. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 93


    “Alisa, is it an enemy!? We’re coming in!”

    Tyrone and Myau burst into Alisa’s bedroom.

    They saw the figure of the Nightmare and immediately lunged in to attack. However, the monster’s strength far surpassed their imagination.

    Neither Tyrone’s ax nor Myau’s fangs could so much as leave a scratch on the Nightmare. The monster’s eyes had a sinister glow in them. At that moment, Tyrone cramped up and fell over. He was wrought with paralysis.

    Without being able to put up much resistance, the Nightmare easily quelled them.

    “Tyrone! Myau! – Ahh!”

    A mysterious force grabbed Alisa and threw her to the floor. She thought to herself hazily, there’s no way to win against this monster…