Tag: myau

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 90


    “Ah, short cake? Very well, very well. – Huh! Th-this is…!”

    “Is there something wrong with the strawberry on top?”

    “This is no strawberry! It’s the forbidden laerma berry! Who are you people!”

    “Oww, jeez! A pit-fall trap!? That’s unfair!” (-1 HP, -2 CP)

    ‘What’s going on? He said something about a forbidden berry….” (Action Chart – Check “C”)

    Alisa and the group dusted themselves off and stood up. The only one uninjured was Myau, who’s good at landing on his feet. In Myau’s eyes, there was the reflection of an enemy lurking in the shadows.

    It was a robot with a red body. A Machine Guarder.

    Machine Guarder: 12 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa & Party:  CP + BP (2-E) 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 77


    Kuny Noone’s Shop (the black-haired one) was located directly in the center of town.

    “Oh, so you want a talking cat? That’ll cost about five million meseta,” said Kuny Noone.

    “F-five million meseta!?”

    “Haha, I was just joking. Hey, that pot you have with you looks pretty rare. Tell you what – if you trade me the pot, you can have the cat for free.”

    It wasn’t exactly what Alisa wanted to do, but she handed the pot over to Kuny Noone. She never imagined that this container her brother had left behind would have a use here. (Hand over LACONIAN POT).

    “Okay, this lady here is your new owner.”

    The cat gently walked out from its cage. Its outward appearance was slightly different from that of a normal cat; long, pointed ears, a fluffy tail that split into 3 ends – and also, there was a small bottle hanging from around its neck. The cat’s brilliant emerald green eyes suggested a high level of intelligence.

    "What's your name?" Alisa asked. 〈 I'm Myau,〉 answered the cat as he hopped onto her shoulder. Alisa has gained an ally.
    “What’s your name?” Alisa asked. 〈 I’m Myau,〉 answered the cat as he hopped onto her shoulder. Alisa has gained an ally.

    “You’re my first ally. What’s your name?”

    The cat looked at Alisa.

    <I’m Myau,> the cat said.

    “Hi, Myau. What happened to your companion, Tyrone?”

    <Tyrone went to Medusa’s Cave, but he was turned to stone. The medicine in this bottle can turn him back to normal, but I can’t open the lid by myself.> Myau purred sadly. (Obtain item ALSHLINE)

    Tyrone apparently went off to fight Medusa, but ended up losing the fight. With his master gone, Myau was left all alone, wandering aimlessly around until eventually he was captured and put on the market by a merchant.

    “It’ll be okay. The two of us will go save him together.”

    Myau agilely jumped up onto Alisa’s shoulder.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 74


    Alisa struck down the zombie with her sword multiple times, but it kept getting back up. It was impossible to deal any damage to something that was already dead.

    While Alisa stood frozen in panic, the zombie wrapped its arms around her and then dug its disgusting, creepy long nails into her. (-1 HP)

    Oh, no! – thought Alisa for a split second, but suddenly the zombie loosened its grip and backed away from her. Myau came in from behind and dug his claws into the Zombie’s face.

    < The zombie’s weak spot is its face,”> said Myau.

    “Is that so?” Alisa swung down her sword with all of her might. Fwoosh!

    The zombie’s head went flying. Slowly, the zombie’s body collapsed to the ground. This time, it stayed down.

    “Thanks, Myau!”

    Having escaped from her crisis, Alisa sees an L-shaped corridor and decides to:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 71


    The Skeleton’s sword clashed with Tyrone’s ax! The Skeleton’s weapon cracked and broke.

    “There’s the difference in destructive power. And now for the finishing blow – rggghh!”

    Suddenly, Tyrone was taken aback. The Gold Lenses that were still alive had launched an attack from above! (-1 HP)

    “Tyrone!” Alisa and Myau struck down the flying eyeballs.

    “Don’t worry, I just let my guard down for a second.”

    Tyrone quickly resumed his battle stance and launched at the Skeleton! In under a second, the skeleton was split in two. (+50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 70


    “But still, how come you tried to defeat Medusa?” Alisa asked.

    The group exited the cave and wandered into a forest.

    “Well, word has it that Medusa has an all-powerful legendary ax in her possession, so naturally I had to have it. But I screwed up, and now she’s left the area. I doubt she’ll be coming back to that cave any time soon.”


    “Well, there are plenty of other weapons out there. Anyway, there should be a village nearby here called Eppi. I can just get myself something from their Armor Shop.”

    Off they went to find Eppi, or so they tried, but it seemed that the woods were endless. There wasn’t a trace of any village or even the remains of a village.

    “Hey, I’m getting the feeling that we’ve been walking around in circles…” said Alisa.

    “Oh, yeah. That’s right, this is the ‘The Lost Woods’! No wonder. You need a special compass to pass through here or you’ll be lost forever,” said Tyrone matter-of-factly, pulling a compass out from his pocket.

    “Really?! You mean to tell me you’ve been carrying that around the whole time and you didn’t say anything?? My legs are about to fall off from all this walking!”

    <Tyrone is a trouble maker,> said Myau giggling.

    — Finally they made their arrival to the village of Eppi.

    “Hey, Alisa. When we’re done shopping, let’s try hopping over to Paseo on the planet Motavia. I’ve heard that the governor there is really anti-La Shiec. He might be able to help us.”

    “Good idea,” Alisa nodded.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 54


    The Frost Serpent opened its mouth wide. Alisa and the group were blasted with an intense blast of freezing cold icy wind!


     The Frost Serpent, not wanting to miss an opportunity to strike its prey while it was still stunned, pounced on them.

    With a speed unbelievable for such a large creature, it quickly wrapped itself around Alisa and Tyrone. It felt as if their bones were being crushed. (-2 HP)

    “G-god damn it…”

    Then, at that moment, Myau jumped onto the large snake’s head. With his sharp claws, Myau clawed both of its eyes out.

    The Frost Serpent screamed and writhed around in pain!

    “Now’s our chance!”

    Alisa and Tyrone, having escaped from their predicament, launched a counter attack.

    They sliced off the large reptile’s head with splendor.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 39


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    <I think so. Hurry, Alisa, hurry!>

    “All right, allright. I just need to pour this medicine on him, right?”

    Alisa removed the little bottle that was hanging from Myau’s neck. Inside was the special medicine called Alshline.

    Fwoosh. Almost immediately the surface of the stone statue began to change. What was once gray now faded away and became soft in appearance.

    Eventually, a great big man stood there, suddenly back to life.  

    “Uhh.. Say, where’s this? And who are you?” the big man — Tyrone — blinked his eyes.

    Alisa explained the situation.

    “I see. Thanks, you really saved me. Life as a statue sure was boring. But, damn… if even Medusa got the better of me, then I guess I’d be no match for La Shiec. I shouldn’t have even tried.”

    “My brother was also working behind the scenes to take down La Shiec. He got killed for it. But,” Alisa paused. “Right before he died, he told me about you. He said that I should look for you… that you would be able to help…”

    “I see…” Tyrone was quiet for a moment as he stared off into the distance. “Okay then. Let’s do this. We’ll join forces and take on La Shiec together — for your brother, too!”

    Myau jumped onto the shoulders of his master with a whining purr.

    “Hey! Did you miss me?” said Tyrone playfully. “Now then, let’s get out of this gloomy cave.” Tyrone reached down and picked up his old ax off the ground.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 24


    “Hey, that’s not fair! The guys in brown are completely unarmed! They don’t even have short swords or anything!”

    No sooner than she had spoke, Alisa rushed in. Tyrone and Myau were not far behind.

    Group of Blue-robed natives: 15 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 9


    Alisa awoke from her nightmare. What the heck was that monster?

    “Good morning, Alisa. You look crazy pale. Did you have a bad dream or something?” asked Tyrone from inside the room where they had an audience with the governor yesterday.

    “Yeah, I had an awful nightmare. I dreamed that we were all being attacked by a terrible monster. We all got killed.”

    “Whoa! That’s pretty ominous. As for me, I had a dream that I was being attacked by a hoard of cuties! And Myau was dreaming that he had a never-ending bowl of cat food.”

    “Anyway,” interjected Alisa, “if you had seen what I saw in my dream, your face would be pale, too. —Ah, Governor!” Alisa straightened up.

    “Oh, as you were, as you were. Good day. I had this drawn up for you.”

    The Governor handed Alisa a sealed envelope.

    “To the north of Paseo, there is a cave called ‘Maharu’. The esper who lives there is called Lutz; you should go to him with this letter. That should convince him to become your loyal ally.”

    “Thank you very much!”

    “Don’t mention it! Make sure to come back here, once you have brought La Shiec to his downfall!”