Tag: obtain item

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 204


    “Hmm, what’s this…?” Alisa opened the lid of the treasure box.

    “It’s Gas Cleaner ― let’s take it. It might come in handy later,” said Lutz, placing the small machine into the pocket of his robe. (Obtain item GAS CLEANER). 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 200


    “Eat this ― it’s a magic spell called Flaeli!” the Cyborg Mage launched a series of fireballs from both of his palms.

    Alisa and Myau jumped up and dodged the attack. While still in midair, Alisa unleashed her attack.

    Clash! The Mage one-handedly grabbed Alisa’s sword, stopping it.

    He clucked with laughter. “My body is made of metal. Your sword is useless against me. ―Hm, where did that cat go?”

    Myau had jumped behind the sorcerer and lifted up his hood. The machinery on its back had no protective cover, it was open and exposed.

    “All right, good job, Myau. Now move out of the way,” Tyrone said, raising his ax.

    Crash! The ax tore through the Cyborg Mage’s back. Tyrone reached his hand inside the tear, wriggling his arm inside!

    “Ahh! St-stop that, please! Ughhhhh!!”

    Bzzzzt……….Blue sparks began to emit from the tear in its back. Black oil began to seep out, which soon ignited into a fire.

    “What an awesome victory. Way to go, Tyrone.”

    “What, Tyrone…?” asked the Mage, engulfed in flames. “That’s impossible, you should have been disposed of already by Lady Medusa.”

    “Looks like your information is outdated. Alisa is actually the one who saved me.”

    “Alisa… Oh, I see, she must be that man’s sis…” the sorcerer died, leaving those words behind.

    Within the burning pile of bones and machinery, Myau was able to pull out a key that was still intact. (Obtain item DUNGEON KEY)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 169


    “Thanks for your business.” (-200 MESETA).

    “Okay, so here’s the scoop. In Bartevo’s scrap heap, there’s lots of expensive and high quality stuff buried there. You know,  like robots, water scooters, stuff like that… But it would probably take months to dig up anything there. Well then, see you—”

    As the man was attempting to leave, Tyrone grabbed him by the collar of his neck.

    “You’re telling me we gave you 200 meseta for that? There’s gotta be more to it than that.”

    “Yes, sir. For you, sir, no problem.  I can even add on Polymeteral for you. It’s a chemical that can melt away any object other than Laconia. So if the robot you’re looking for is made of Laconia, then this thing can find it for you in one shot.” (Action Chart – Check “F”. Also, obtain item POLYMETERAL.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 77


    Kuny Noone’s Shop (the black-haired one) was located directly in the center of town.

    “Oh, so you want a talking cat? That’ll cost about five million meseta,” said Kuny Noone.

    “F-five million meseta!?”

    “Haha, I was just joking. Hey, that pot you have with you looks pretty rare. Tell you what – if you trade me the pot, you can have the cat for free.”

    It wasn’t exactly what Alisa wanted to do, but she handed the pot over to Kuny Noone. She never imagined that this container her brother had left behind would have a use here. (Hand over LACONIAN POT).

    “Okay, this lady here is your new owner.”

    The cat gently walked out from its cage. Its outward appearance was slightly different from that of a normal cat; long, pointed ears, a fluffy tail that split into 3 ends – and also, there was a small bottle hanging from around its neck. The cat’s brilliant emerald green eyes suggested a high level of intelligence.

    "What's your name?" Alisa asked. 〈 I'm Myau,〉 answered the cat as he hopped onto her shoulder. Alisa has gained an ally.
    “What’s your name?” Alisa asked. 〈 I’m Myau,〉 answered the cat as he hopped onto her shoulder. Alisa has gained an ally.

    “You’re my first ally. What’s your name?”

    The cat looked at Alisa.

    <I’m Myau,> the cat said.

    “Hi, Myau. What happened to your companion, Tyrone?”

    <Tyrone went to Medusa’s Cave, but he was turned to stone. The medicine in this bottle can turn him back to normal, but I can’t open the lid by myself.> Myau purred sadly. (Obtain item ALSHLINE)

    Tyrone apparently went off to fight Medusa, but ended up losing the fight. With his master gone, Myau was left all alone, wandering aimlessly around until eventually he was captured and put on the market by a merchant.

    “It’ll be okay. The two of us will go save him together.”

    Myau agilely jumped up onto Alisa’s shoulder.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 65


    Alisa and the young man ran away from the still wriggling Robot Police and came into a different district.

    “Hey, you’re pretty strong despite your looks,” the bearded man said.

    “I was just lucky. And it looks like the Robot Police’s intention wasn’t to kill people…. But anyway, earlier you had said something about ‘comrades’, right?”

    The young man fiddled with his beard for a moment, then finally seemed to have come to some sort of decision.

    “I’m part of an anti-government group. Ever since La Shiec became leader, people haven’t been allowed to travel to neighboring planets anymore. So basically, I’ve smuggled some fake Road Passes. If you ever go to Scion, head over to the Tool Shop. Just mention my name and you’ll probably get one for free.  (Action Chart – Check “A”)

    “Thanks! If I have that, I’ll be able to travel through space.”

    “That, and,” the young man said, grabbing a sword from his bag, “Here, an iron sword. If you already have one, then having two is only better. It’s a dangerous world out there, you know.” (Obtain item IRON SWORD. If it’s your first one, then add +1 CP).

    Alisa gave her thanks once again and then parted ways with the young man. Her destination was Scion, so she headed towards the coast.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 1


    Inside the basement of her home, Alisa Landale was putting her brother Nero’s personal effects away into storage. While sorting through his items, she found something: a treasure box.

    “Wow, there’s fifty meseta in here. My brother must have been saving up for his fight against La Shiec.” (Gain 50 MESETA). A short sword was also inside the treasure box. (Obtain item SHORT SWORD).

    Alisa clasped the short sword and held it to her chest. An image of her brother floated past her eyes.

    While trying to find out about La Shiec, I heard a story about a warrior named Tyrone. If.. if you teamed up with him, you might be able to defeat La Shiec and save the planet. They say that Tyrone travels around with a talking cat. L..look for them.”

    “I wonder who this Tyrone person is… I have to find out.”

    Alisa’s long quest for revenge has begun. So, where to go first?