Tag: robot police

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 92


    Alisa talked to the residents in Parolit. “What, you’re going to Scion after this? You really shouldn’t. It’s extremely dangerous down at the coast, horrible monsters are said to appear,” said the chubby woman who Alisa walked up to chat with.

    Yes, yes, everyone knows that. Alisa grumbled to herself.  If she’s afraid of that, then what about La Shiec? 

     —At that instant, the sound of a scream could be heard. Alisa turned around and saw a man running by in a panic. He was being chased by the Robot Police! Is he a criminal, or…

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 86


    I need to get outta here now! Alisa ducked between the robot police’s legs.

    However, soon there was another robo-cop blocking her path.

    “Out of my way!” Alisa tried swinging her short sword at them, but it only grazed off the side of the robo-cop’s body, without injuring it. Conversely, the iron arm grabbed her and in one swing she was tossed into the road. Alisa lost her breath for a moment of intense pain.

    “Ugh… stupid robot!”

    “This way, Alisa!” said a voice.

    Alisa was bounding between the buildings, from alley to alley.

    “Aunt Suelo!”

    “Shh!” The concealed woman put a finger across her mouth.

    When the remaining robot police weren’t looking, she crossed the street.

    “It’s all right now.”

    This woman was Alisa’s only remaining family, her Aunt Suelo.

    “You really should lay off this revenge business, it’s too dangerous! But who am I kidding, I know you’re not the type to listen to advice. Just remember to always come to me whenever you’re tired from battle, and I’ll cast healing magic on you. And please, my dear, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

    “Thank you, Aunt Suelo. Don’t worry, I will stay alive. I have to, so that I can avenge my brother!”

    Alisa gently squeezed her aunt’s hands before leaving.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 81


    The Robot Police came flying down. Alisa aimed her sword for their heads. The camera lens on their faces were the weak spot that caused them to become immobilized. She went on the attack.

    Two, three… Alisa quickly repeated her attack. However, she was outnumbered.

    “Look out behind you!”

    But the young man’s voice was delayed.  Alisa was unable to dodge the attack from behind and incurred an injury on her back. (-1 HP)

    “Why you, that’s unfair!” Alisa turned around and ripped the camera out of the Robo-Cop’s face. That was the last one.

    The young man looked worried about her injury.

    “This is nothing, I’m fine,” Alisa smiled.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 65


    Alisa and the young man ran away from the still wriggling Robot Police and came into a different district.

    “Hey, you’re pretty strong despite your looks,” the bearded man said.

    “I was just lucky. And it looks like the Robot Police’s intention wasn’t to kill people…. But anyway, earlier you had said something about ‘comrades’, right?”

    The young man fiddled with his beard for a moment, then finally seemed to have come to some sort of decision.

    “I’m part of an anti-government group. Ever since La Shiec became leader, people haven’t been allowed to travel to neighboring planets anymore. So basically, I’ve smuggled some fake Road Passes. If you ever go to Scion, head over to the Tool Shop. Just mention my name and you’ll probably get one for free.  (Action Chart – Check “A”)

    “Thanks! If I have that, I’ll be able to travel through space.”

    “That, and,” the young man said, grabbing a sword from his bag, “Here, an iron sword. If you already have one, then having two is only better. It’s a dangerous world out there, you know.” (Obtain item IRON SWORD. If it’s your first one, then add +1 CP).

    Alisa gave her thanks once again and then parted ways with the young man. Her destination was Scion, so she headed towards the coast.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 55


    “Oh, no, that man is definitely a thief. Awful, just awful,” the woman said, furrowing her brow.

    No! That’s not true! Alisa saw things much differently.

    “Hey, what are you doing!? Wait just a minute, that’s dangerous!” the woman yelled at Alisa.

    Ignoring the woman’s protests, Alisa’s body began to move almost by itself.

    The Robot Police are just La Shiec’s underlings! I can’t just let these mech-puppets go around killing people!

    BANG! The Robot Police began firing bullets!  A cloud of smoke blocked the man’s path.

    “Damnit! These goddamned Robot Police! I’ll never talk! I’d rather die here than let you catch me! When my comrades get wind of this, they will surely avenge my death….”

    “Sorry but you won’t be dying today.”

    “Who are you…?”

    Alisa stood over the young man to protect him. The Robot Police are launching an attack from the sky! What should she do!?
    Alisa stood over the young man to protect him. The Robot Police are launching an attack from the sky! What should she do!?

    “I’m your ally now,” said Alisa, while standing over the young man to protect him.

    The Robot Police readied for battle against their new obstacle. They ignited their back burners and began to attack from the sky!

    Robot Police: 3 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa: CP + BP (2-A)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 34


    “Oh, no, that man is definitely a thief. Awful, just awful,” the woman said, furrowing her brow.

    Maybe so, but maybe he was a member of an anti-government group. Either way, Alisa was not in her mind to help him. Alerting La Shiec to her doings by getting involved would be bad.

    The Robo-Cops attacked the man with anesthetizing bullets, and then took him away somewhere.

    It seemed the right time to leave for Alisa as well. As for where to go next… (If you possess an Iron Sword then go to Scion, otherwise go to the shop.)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 21


    Nekise’s house was on the outskirts of Camineet, right next to the gates for the spaceport.

    “You’re looking for Tyrone?” asked Nekise. “Hmm. I think that he’s over in Scion, from what I’ve heard.”

    “Scion, the port town?”

    “Yeah — Oh, and take this, your brother left his pot with me. It’s a Laconian Pot, it’s actually quite valuable. I’m sure it’ll come in handy later.” (Obtain item LACONIAN POT)

    As Nekise saw Alisa off to the front entrance, his eyes shifted to the ground.

    “I wish I could be of more help…”

    Alisa silently turned away and closed the door behind her.

    Suddenly, a tall silvery figure was towering over her.

    “You must be Alisa. You are coming with us. You are under arrest for treason.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 11


    With this many Robot Police, there’s no way they intend on having a fair fight. It will be necessary to put an end to them quickly.

    Alisa struck deftly at the Robo-Cop’s head. Striking with precision, she smashed their camera lens to pieces. The descending Robo-Cops had fallen prey to Alisa’s sword.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 7


    I need to get outta here now! Alisa ducked between the robot police’s legs.

    “Click-vrrr… There is no escaping.”

    Turning around, the robo-cop swiftly grabbed Alisa by the collar and lifted her up. For the mechanical arm, picking her up was as easy as lifting up a tiny kitten.

    “Put me down, robo freak!” Alisa slashed wildly with her short sword.

    “Resistance is futile. Such a small blade cannot damage my body.”

    “In that case, take this!” Alisa thrust her sword into the robot’s eye, severing the camera in there. Fzz! Sparks came flying, as the robo-cop’s brain short circuit. (+1 CP)

    Alisa was only just barely able to protect herself from the flying debris thanks to her leather shield.

    “This way, Alisa!” said a voice.

    Alisa was bounding between the buildings, from alley to alley.

    “Aunt Suelo!”

    “Shh!” The concealed woman put a finger across her mouth.

    When the remaining robot police weren’t looking, they crossed the street.

    “It’s all right now.”

    This woman was Alisa’s only remaining family, her Aunt Suelo.

    “You really should lay off this revenge business, it’s too dangerous! But who am I kidding, I know you’re not the type to listen to advice. Just remember to always come to me whenever you’re tired from battle, and I’ll cast healing magic on you. And please, my dear, don’t push yourself too hard, okay?”

    “Thank you, Aunt Suelo. Don’t worry, I will stay alive. I have to, so that I can avenge my brother!”

    Alisa gently squeezed her aunt’s hands before leaving.