Tag: shadow commander

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 382


    You’re the one who’s going to diie!”

    La Shiec fired a series of missiles.

    But, nothing happened. There was no explosion. Using his Frad Mantle, Lutz deflected the attack. Indeed, this mantle was special: it was the memento passed down to him from his master Tajim; it had tremendous power sealed within.

    “No! What stupid trickery!”

    “No, you’re the stupid one! What kind of maniac launches missiles indoors?!” Alisa rushed in on a surprised La Shiec. She pierced her sword right through his body. 

    “That’s strange. How could La Shiec be so stupidly easy to beat?”

    “Hahaha, of course, Alisa would figure it out. I am Lord La Shiec’s shadow commander! As if the real Lord La Shiec would be defeated by the likes of you fools! Nngahh—!

    Alisa’s sword sliced the head in half.

    “Pfft, scumbag!”

    The group left the hall and proceeded through the opposite corridor. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 236


    “And now to finish you off!”

    La Shiec’s body convulsed once more.

    The next moment, an explosion occurred behind Alisa! La Shiec’s head rolled on the floor, mixed in with mechanical debris. 

    “What the…? What’s going on?” Alisa asked Tyrone, who was lying on his side holding his Laser Gun.

    “I had managed to get a hit on his stomach with a laser right when he used instant teleportation. The missile probably triggered it. Either way, it doesn’t matter how ‘instant’ his teleportation was, it still couldn’t beat the speed of light.” 

    “Bwahahaha!” La Shiec’s rolling head began to erupt in laughter.

    “I bet you were thinking you had avenged your brother. How naïve, Alisa! I am Lord La Shiec’s shadow commander! The real one could never be defeated by the likes of you fools! Nngahh—!

    Alisa’s sword sliced the head in half.

    “Pfft, scumbag!”

    The group left the hall and proceeded through the opposite corridor.