Tag: skull soldier

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 198


    Slipping past the enemy’s attack, Alisa lunged her sword! The Skull Soldier’s neck cracked and its head rolled off. At the same moment, all of its bones fell out of place and collasped to the ground.

    “Look at the coat of arms on its shield ― it belongs to an ancient noble family. I bet they’ve been manipulated by that evil cult.” 

    The party retraced their steps and headed back towards the corridor they came from.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 144


    Alisa slashed through the air; her sword collided against the enemy. The Skull Soldier’s neck cracked and its head rolled off concurrently with its blade slashing through the corner of Alisa’s shoulder. (-1 HP)

    “Cut my skin and I’ll break your bones,” said Alisa. “Don’t worry,” she continued, gripping her blood-stained shoulder. “It isn’t as bad as it looks.”

    The party retraced their steps and headed back towards the corridor they came from.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 114


    The group continued westward down the corridor. Up ahead was a steel door.

    “It looks like it’ll open with this Dungeon Key,” said Alisa. “—Dr. Luveno!  Oh, he’s turned into a skeleton!”

    “No, that’s an enemy!”

    A skeleton soldier equipped with a sword and shield came from the cell – it’s a Skull Soldier!

    Skull Soldier: 16 + BP (1-B)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)