Tag: the end

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 420


    Tyrone and Lutz came attacking Dark Falz from opposite sides!

    The power of the Dark Lord of Chaos was unimaginable, even against a highly trained warrior and an esper. The demon proved he was more than capable of easily taking the both of them on simultaneously, while fighting evenly-matched battles against each.

    In addition, Myau came jumping in from behind! But it was as thought he had no effect at all, for the monster simply ignored him.

    But then, Dark Falz suddenly let out a roar that knocked back all 3 of them at once.

    <—Where’s the girl?!>

    “The Dark Lord of Chaos” withered away as if hundreds of years had passed. Alisa had finally avenged her brother!
    “The Dark Lord of Chaos” withered away as if hundreds of years had passed. Alisa had finally avenged her brother!

    “Right here!”

    Alisa jumped out from the fog that enshrouded the bottom half of Dark Falz! She was right underfoot! 

    The very next moment, her sword pierced right through Dark Falz’s forehead!


    The great body of the  “Dark Lord of Chaos” slumped over and twitched. —Then, as if hundreds of years had passed, its body withered away into dust and fragments…

     A man was left lying in the pile of debris that used to be Dark Falz.

    “It’s the Governor of Motavia!” yelled Tyrone. “So then, was he just pretending to be anti-La Shiec this whole time? Was he the true mastermind behind everything!?” 

    “No, I think he was only being manipulated, too,” replied Alisa. “But we’ve got more important things to worry about right now. We need to get out of here ASAP!” 

    Alisa grabbed the Governor’s unconscious body and forced him inside the cockpit in a hurry. Soon, the rescue craft departed.

    Right behind them, the flaming ruins of the Air Castle had begun crashing down onto the hills of Baya Malay… they had only just barely managed to escape.

    Alisa leaned back into her seat and relived the long, painful battle in her mind. Even when she tried to clear her mind of it, the memories just came gushing forth like an overflowing dam.

    Big brother… Alisa mumbled to herself softly and soon fell into a deep sleep.


    • Epilogue →