Tag: tower

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 411


    The group made it to the bottom of the tower.

    “Yuck, what bad taste. The walls are all engraved with a tacky snake pattern,” criticized Alisa, looking up at the narrow tower.

    Once inside, the group approached a fork in the road. Suddenly, a shutter closed behind them.

    “Hahahaha, this is Medusa’s Tower! You came here to die, you fools!” echoed the voice of a creepy woman. It was unclear where the voice came from.

    “There’s no mistake, that’s the voice of the monster herself.”

    Of course, it was obvious who Tyrone was referring to. The one and only monster he’s ever lost to — Medusa.

    “Let’s go! I’m gonna find her and I’m gonna kill her this time.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 374


    According to the villagers from Aukbal, there should be another tower to the north. If that’s the case, then there’s no choice but to head that way.

    The party returned to the village and then departed again. This time they’ll take the Ice Digger!

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 351


    “There’s only two of ‘em, this shouldn’t be too difficult,”  said Tyrone coolly as he drew his Laser Gun and began blasting. Pew! Pew!

    The laser sliced the Mammoth’s trunk right off of its face. With the tilt of a wrist, the laser beam moved and continued slicing through the huge beast’s body. 

    The Laser Gun’s massive power output was capable of producing much greater damage than either the Needle Gun or the Heat Gun. The Mammoth let out a death roar just as the gun’s photon energy ran out. Alisa and the others finished off the second Mammoth. (+1 CP, +2 MP)

    “That was an impressive display, Tyrone,” remarked Lutz.

    “Eh, this thing can only take on one or two of those big guys at a time. I would’ve been screwed if there had been more,” replied Tyrone as he replaced the energy cartridge on his gun.

    The group returned to the outskirts of Aukbal. Eventually, after wandering around in circles for awhile, they came across another tower. 

    “This must be Corona Tower, I guess. Or not. Who knows, since half the townspeople are liars,” said Alisa, who apparently was talking to herself.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 335


    Leaving the Ice Digger behind in Aukbal, Alisa and her comrades headed towards the tower. They had no other choice due to the terrain being covered in canyons and crevices. 

    “Hey, do you see that? That tower over there on the other side of the valley.  I bet you that’s the one.”

    “I see trouble coming our way….” said Lutz.

    “M-m-mammoths! There’s a whole herd of them!” Alisa’s mouth dropped.

    A herd of Mammoths have appeared! Out of all creatures in the Algol Star System, these are the most fearsome that are known to exist! Can they survive this!?
    A herd of Mammoths have appeared! Out of all creatures in the Algol Star System, these are the most fearsome that are known to exist! Can they survive this!?

    Mammoths are thought to be the largest and most dangerous creatures to exist in the Algol Star System. Encountering a herd of them is one of the things that people fear the most.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 323


    Alisa and her comrades came up behind the Mammoths and attacked. Comparing their power to the Mammoths, it was nearly impossible to win thanks to their long trunks and tusks.

    They kept attacking and attacking, until finally the two monsters were taken care of. By the time they were defeated, Alisa looked so tired she might fall over, too. (+1 CP, -2 HP)

    The group returned to the outskirts of Aukbal. Eventually, after wandering around in circles for awhile, they came across another tower. 

    “This must be Corona Tower, I guess. Or not. Who knows, since half the townspeople are liars,” said Alisa, who apparently was talking to herself. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 212


    Suddenly, they were illuminated by sun rays. It seemed they had returned to the entrance of the tower.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 207


    “It seems there are still strange places on the planet Palma. For all we know, La Shiec himself could be here somewhere. I’ve heard that there are all kinds of monsters up in Abion Tower and Medusa’s Tower,” explained Dr. Luveno.

    “Medusa’s Tower! So you’re saying that Medusa is over there!?” exclaimed Tyrone, remembering how he had been defeated by her before.

    “It would seem that’s the case… There’s also some terrifying creatures in the Abion Tower, also.” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 204


    “Hmm, what’s this…?” Alisa opened the lid of the treasure box.

    “It’s Gas Cleaner ― let’s take it. It might come in handy later,” said Lutz, placing the small machine into the pocket of his robe. (Obtain item GAS CLEANER). 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 202


    “You don’t have the money? Well, that’s no good. From what I saw, you looked like you had some pretty strong people with you, but anyways ―why don’t you head over to the tower south of here? I hear there’s loads of treasure in there. Naturally, the place is swarming with monsters, so no one has ever come back alive, or so I’ve heard.”

    “If no one’s ever come back alive, how come you know  so much about it?” asked Alisa.

    “Er, well, that’s…” the store owner stumbled on his words.

    “I’m sure it’s fine, Alisa. Even if we only heard half of it, at least we’ve ascertained that there are monsters there. If we can’t exterminate some monsters, then defeating La Shiec is even more impossible,” asserted Tyrone.

    What Tyrone said was correct. Alisa and her comrades got directions from the store owner, and once again returned to the southern reaches of the continent. They headed for the tower that jutted out from the rock face.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 167


    The party pressed forward, overcoming the boulders.

    “Maybe we should turn back. —Hm? What the heck is that?”

    Looking over to where Tyrone was pointing, they saw a large, thin tower — so tall it looked as though it touched the sky.