Tag: tyrone

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 123


    “That’s strange, those fishmen are heading towards that man over there,” said Alisa.

    Without further delay, Alisa and Myau moved in. Tyrone and Lutz then blocked the Marshmen’s escape path. They attacked the enemy from both sides and brought the battle to a close. (+1 CP, +150 MESETA)

    “T-thank you”

    The man, still on the ground, held out his hand out to Alisa. It was a hand with long, sharp nails and covered in fish scales — the hand of a Marshman!

    “Does it scare you? … I may look like this now, but I’m human. La Shiec forced his doctors to perform surgical alterations on a whole bunch of us… I managed to escape somehow, mid-surgery…”

    Alisa was aghast. This poor man. She told the man about herself and her comrades.

    “A robot, huh… Come to think of it, I’ve heard rumors about one in the scrap heap over in the village of Bartevo. You can probably find it if you use a special drug called Polymeteral.”

    “Thank you for the info. Do you want to come with us?”

    The man laughed weakly.

    “I can’t. I doubt I have much longer… My body is weakened since I escaped in the middle of surgery… But at least I won’t have to live in that lava pit. Instead I get to die here, on the surface… I… I’m so… glad…” (Action Chart – Check “F”)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 122


    Within five minutes of leaving the city of Paseo, the group had already wandered into a complete desert zone.

    “From space, planet Motavia looks red, you know? I guess this planet is mostly desert, huh,” said Tyrone.

    At last, the party finally reached the corner of a weathered cliff.

    “It looks like Maharu Cave or whatever should be somewhere deep inside this cliff,” said Tyrone.

    “Look at that huge boulder. It almost looks like a mountain,” said Alisa.

    The large reddish brown boulder created a fork in the road. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 118


    The Serpent extended its tongue of flames and thoroughly licked the old abandoned house.

    “Well, I’m not too good with physical combat, but…”

    Lutz nimbly whirled up to the Serpent and struck its forehead with his staff. The large snake quivered its body as if drunk, then suddenly ceased moving. (+1 CP, +1 MP, +50 MESETA)

    “A paralysis spell, eh? You’re pretty good,” remarked Tyrone.

    “It was just a fluke. Now then, once we get through these woods we’ll arrive at the village of Gothic.”

    → 44

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 117


    The Machine Guarder began firing a beam gun at them.

    “Damn, another robot?” Tyrone asked.

    “This guy’s a battle-type, a Machine Guarder! But —” Alisa defiantly dodged one of the robot’s beams.

    “His weak spot is the same as the other robots!” She drove her sword into the camera on its head. Tyrone then severed its head with his ax for good measure.

    “Look out, duck!”

    After shooting out blue sparks, the Machine Guarder exploded. (+1 CP, +1 MP)

    “Phew — thanks to that, there’s a hole in the wall. We can escape from there,” said Tyrone.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 115


    “Tyrone! Myau! Governor!”

    Alisa screamed, but that did nothing to stop the Nightmare. The head of the monster stared down intently at Alisa.

    The spine-chilling look in its eyes gave Alisa goosebumps.  A cold sweat dampened her forehead.

    —What is this monster? It somehow seems different from all the other monsters I’ve seen up until now..

    Alisa grabbed her sword from the bed stand. She thought that might provoke it, but the Nightmare did not indulge.

    “Alisa, is it an enemy!? We’re coming in!”

    Tyrone and Myau burst into Alisa’s bedroom.

    They saw the figure of the Nightmare and immediately lunged in to attack.

    However, the monster’s strength far surpassed their imagination.

    The Nightmare evaded both of their attacks. Its eyes had a sinister glow in them. At that moment, Tyrone cramped up and fell over. He was wrought with paralysis.

    Without being able to put up much resistance, they were easily overpowered by the Nightmare.

    The monster was terrifyingly strong. Both Tyrone and Myau were killed by it, and now Alisa too has succumbed and was thrown to the floor...
    The monster was terrifyingly strong. Both Tyrone and Myau were done in by it, and now Alisa, too, has succumbed…

    “Tyrone! Myau!”

    Alisa screamed and repeatedly thrust her sword. However, her sword simply passed right through the monster and came out on its other side. 

    “My sword does no damage! —Ahh!”

    An invisible force grabbed Alisa and threw her to the floor. The monster’s sharp fangs awaited her as she lay struggling; those fangs then ripped her heart right out of her chest.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 112


    The Centaur’s shield deflected Tyrone’s ax. The Centaur then immediately counterattacked with its sword. 

    “Why the hell are there such overpowered enemies here in a prison!?” exclaimed Tyrone.

    Centaur: 19 + BP (1-D)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 108


    The Sandworm came flying towards Alisa. She chopped off its head midair. The remaining nine meters of its body hastily retreated into the sand. Its head, seemingly insane without its body, wriggled and thrashed about until at last it ceased moving.

    “Pfft, he wasn’t as tough as he looked.” (+1 CP, +1 MP)

    “Alisa, something else strange popped up,” said Tyrone.

    A small gathering of the planet’s natives were standing there. They were a mousy looking species clad in robes. There were two factions of them; a group wearing blue robes, and a group wearing brown robes. They didn’t seem to notice Alisa and her comrades yet.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 107


    Tyrone fought back with his Needle Gun. However, it was ineffective against so many of them.

    Alisa and the others were gradually being pushed towards the edge of the cliff. The ground below was littered with what resembled a burial mound.

    When they edged closer, the Motavian natives suddenly disappeared. 

    “Damn it, we’ve been tricked! Hurry, we’ve got to get out of here!” yelled Tyrone.

    But it was too late. The burial ground below suddenly hollowed, and from the bottom of the cliff an enormous army of Antlions appeared.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 102


    When Alisa opened the box, needles came flying out, brazing her arms. (-1 CP).

    “Oww! Why is there a trap inside?!”

    “Well, if you open it up all carelessly —” Tyrone, afraid of the look Alisa was giving him, decided it would be better to stop talking.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 99


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    Alisa looked closer at the stone statue, studying it. It’s said that Medusa’s eyes have magical powers. If you look into her glaring eyes, you’ll get turned into stone on the spot. 

    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”
    Alisa began pouring the medicine on the stone statue. When she did, it turned into something without clothes, even the skin was muddled. “This is Tyrone!?”

    “Myau, let me see that medicine bottle.”

    Alisa grabbed the small bottle from Myau’s neck. It contained a special potion called Alshline. 

    <Start pouring it on him from the top. You only have to use half.>

    Splash! The surface of the stone statue began to undergo a sudden change. It started off being completely gray, then colors began showing through, and it began to take on a softer texture.

    At least, the figure of the man began to show.

    “Ahh! Myau, I think this medicine is working too well! His clothes are starting to melt off,” Alisa said, covering her face with her hand.

    Nevertheless, the medicine’s effect would go on further. Now even his skin had become muddled and was melting off! 

    “T-Tyrone, he’s…!”

    <You’re wrong, Alisa. That’s not Tyrone. It’s a Zombie! This was just one of Medusa’s traps!>

    Zombie: 6 + BP (1-F)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-J)