Tag: tyrone

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 97


    The natives wearing blue clothes became aware of Alisa and her comrades. They pointed their guns at them and began to shoot.

    However, the beams in their guns didn’t have a very powerful effect. Even if a beam hit bare skin, it was only enough to leave a slight burn. But it could still be dangerous if you get outnumbered by them.

    By the time Alisa had managed to scatter all of the attackers away, it was already too late; the blue robed natives were all dead.

    “Their weapons may not be much against us, but for these guys it’s life-or-death,” said Alisa with sadness.

    “It’s a real shame that we weren’t able to save them…,” Tyrone said as he placed his hand on Alisa’s shoulder.

    The group continued advancing around the large rocky cliff.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 95


    Alisa and the others tangled with the monsters.  She and Myau ripped apart the Gold Lenses while Tyrone crushed the Skeleton with the swing of an ax.

    “Phew, that was a good exercise,” quipped Alisa. (+1 CP, +50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 93


    “Alisa, is it an enemy!? We’re coming in!”

    Tyrone and Myau burst into Alisa’s bedroom.

    They saw the figure of the Nightmare and immediately lunged in to attack. However, the monster’s strength far surpassed their imagination.

    Neither Tyrone’s ax nor Myau’s fangs could so much as leave a scratch on the Nightmare. The monster’s eyes had a sinister glow in them. At that moment, Tyrone cramped up and fell over. He was wrought with paralysis.

    Without being able to put up much resistance, the Nightmare easily quelled them.

    “Tyrone! Myau! – Ahh!”

    A mysterious force grabbed Alisa and threw her to the floor. She thought to herself hazily, there’s no way to win against this monster…

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 91


    “Ahh!” The moment Alisa stumbled, she fell down into the center of the Antlion’s nest.

    “Alisa!” Tyrone reached out his hand. However, he didn’t make it in time! Suddenly, Alisa’s body was engulfed in the sand and she could no longer see. All that remained was for the Antlions to suck all the blood from her body…


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 85


    The Sandworm came flying towards Alisa. She chopped off its head midair.

    “All bark and no bite,” Alisa said, kicking the sandworm’s head into the sky.

    “Look out!”

    Suddenly, the Sandworm’s dismembered face lunged to attack Alisa!

    “Ahh!” (-1 HP)

    The Sandworm’s face burrowed into the sand with incredible force.

    “Ouch…. Just what was that giant worm monster?” Alisa stood up, her hand gripping her stomach.

    “When it comes to primitive life forms like that one, stubbornness is a common trait,” said Tyrone.

    A small gathering of the planet’s natives were standing there. They were a mousy looking species clad in robes. There were two factions of them; a group wearing blue robes, and a group wearing brown robes. They didn’t seem to notice Alisa and her comrades yet.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 83


    The four Red Slimes combined and became one huge monster.

    “Hey, wait, that’s not f– Ahh!” Alisa was crushed under the weight of the giant slime. (-1 HP)

    The next moment, a sword came flying out from the slime’s body. Alisa had cut through from underneath!

    “Phew, what a disgusting monster!” Alisa borrowed Tyrone’s hand and got back up.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 78


    “Damn it, at this rate we’re gunna lose,” said Tyrone.

    And then it happened right at that moment. A high-pitched sound came flowing out from somewhere. In a strange turn of events, the antlions receded back into the sand.

    “What happened?”

    <Phew, I made it in time. Thank goodness, thank goodness,> said a large mouse-like native Motavian wearing brown robes. In her hand she held a large flute.

    “Oh, hey, you’re that Motavian Farmer from earlier!”

    <This flute produces a sound that antlions hate. I’m happy that it was helpful for you.>

    “Aww, you are such a sweetie!” Alisa hugged the Motavian Farmer.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 76


    There stood a stone statue of a rather large man, nearly 2 meters tall. But just why was this in here…..?

    “Tyrone?” Alisa murmured as she looked up.

    But even so, it’s not like she would be able to carry him out of there. There was nothing she could do.

    Alisa discovered a hole in the wall behind the stone statue. She could see light coming from it.

    She crawled outside, and as soon as she did, a sudden landslide sealed up the exit behind her.

    “That was close! …But what should I do from here? With the way things are now, there’s nothing I can do.”

    After doing some thinking, Alisa decided on going after the “talking cat” she had heard about in Scion. If she wasn’t mistaken, she had heard something about it being sold to a merchant in Paseo over on the planet Motavia.

    “Anyway, I’ve got to go to the spaceport.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 71


    The Skeleton’s sword clashed with Tyrone’s ax! The Skeleton’s weapon cracked and broke.

    “There’s the difference in destructive power. And now for the finishing blow – rggghh!”

    Suddenly, Tyrone was taken aback. The Gold Lenses that were still alive had launched an attack from above! (-1 HP)

    “Tyrone!” Alisa and Myau struck down the flying eyeballs.

    “Don’t worry, I just let my guard down for a second.”

    Tyrone quickly resumed his battle stance and launched at the Skeleton! In under a second, the skeleton was split in two. (+50 MESETA)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 70


    “But still, how come you tried to defeat Medusa?” Alisa asked.

    The group exited the cave and wandered into a forest.

    “Well, word has it that Medusa has an all-powerful legendary ax in her possession, so naturally I had to have it. But I screwed up, and now she’s left the area. I doubt she’ll be coming back to that cave any time soon.”


    “Well, there are plenty of other weapons out there. Anyway, there should be a village nearby here called Eppi. I can just get myself something from their Armor Shop.”

    Off they went to find Eppi, or so they tried, but it seemed that the woods were endless. There wasn’t a trace of any village or even the remains of a village.

    “Hey, I’m getting the feeling that we’ve been walking around in circles…” said Alisa.

    “Oh, yeah. That’s right, this is the ‘The Lost Woods’! No wonder. You need a special compass to pass through here or you’ll be lost forever,” said Tyrone matter-of-factly, pulling a compass out from his pocket.

    “Really?! You mean to tell me you’ve been carrying that around the whole time and you didn’t say anything?? My legs are about to fall off from all this walking!”

    <Tyrone is a trouble maker,> said Myau giggling.

    — Finally they made their arrival to the village of Eppi.

    “Hey, Alisa. When we’re done shopping, let’s try hopping over to Paseo on the planet Motavia. I’ve heard that the governor there is really anti-La Shiec. He might be able to help us.”

    “Good idea,” Alisa nodded.