Tag: tyrone

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 54


    The Frost Serpent opened its mouth wide. Alisa and the group were blasted with an intense blast of freezing cold icy wind!


     The Frost Serpent, not wanting to miss an opportunity to strike its prey while it was still stunned, pounced on them.

    With a speed unbelievable for such a large creature, it quickly wrapped itself around Alisa and Tyrone. It felt as if their bones were being crushed. (-2 HP)

    “G-god damn it…”

    Then, at that moment, Myau jumped onto the large snake’s head. With his sharp claws, Myau clawed both of its eyes out.

    The Frost Serpent screamed and writhed around in pain!

    “Now’s our chance!”

    Alisa and Tyrone, having escaped from their predicament, launched a counter attack.

    They sliced off the large reptile’s head with splendor.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 53


    One after the other, the group of Gold Lenses kept on attacking.

    “Shit! Small-fries or not, with so many of them, we’re in trouble!” Even Tyrone was yelling.

    On top of that, the Skeleton on the ground was just waiting for a chance to strike.

    Group of Gold Lenses and Skeletons: 9 + Battle P (1-C)

    Alisa and party’s CP + Battle P (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 49


    The tarantula made a dash at Alisa and entangled her in a web. It seemed the web was imbued with poison; Alisa’s body grew numb and she became unable to move.  (-1 HP, -1 CP)

    “Damn you, giant spider!”

    Tyrone came around behind the spider and swung his ax. The tarantula gushed out a thick yellowish liquid, and its body was split in two.

    “T-thank you…” said the now free Alisa, with a look of relief. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 39


    “Could this be Tyrone?”

    <I think so. Hurry, Alisa, hurry!>

    “All right, allright. I just need to pour this medicine on him, right?”

    Alisa removed the little bottle that was hanging from Myau’s neck. Inside was the special medicine called Alshline.

    Fwoosh. Almost immediately the surface of the stone statue began to change. What was once gray now faded away and became soft in appearance.

    Eventually, a great big man stood there, suddenly back to life.  

    “Uhh.. Say, where’s this? And who are you?” the big man — Tyrone — blinked his eyes.

    Alisa explained the situation.

    “I see. Thanks, you really saved me. Life as a statue sure was boring. But, damn… if even Medusa got the better of me, then I guess I’d be no match for La Shiec. I shouldn’t have even tried.”

    “My brother was also working behind the scenes to take down La Shiec. He got killed for it. But,” Alisa paused. “Right before he died, he told me about you. He said that I should look for you… that you would be able to help…”

    “I see…” Tyrone was quiet for a moment as he stared off into the distance. “Okay then. Let’s do this. We’ll join forces and take on La Shiec together — for your brother, too!”

    Myau jumped onto the shoulders of his master with a whining purr.

    “Hey! Did you miss me?” said Tyrone playfully. “Now then, let’s get out of this gloomy cave.” Tyrone reached down and picked up his old ax off the ground.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 24


    “Hey, that’s not fair! The guys in brown are completely unarmed! They don’t even have short swords or anything!”

    No sooner than she had spoke, Alisa rushed in. Tyrone and Myau were not far behind.

    Group of Blue-robed natives: 15 + BP (1-H)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-I)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 22


    “I can’t believe a serpent would be in a cold place like this… I guess that’s why they say reptiles are cold-blooded,” remarked Alisa.

    “That’s not quite it,” said Tyrone.

    As they were talking, the Frost Serpent jumped in to attack. Alisa dodged and the large snake crashed into the wall.

    The snake let out a roar and turned around. But at that moment, Tyrone came in from above and swung his ax. Slash! The Frost Serpent’s head rolled onto the floor, its eyes still glaring at Alisa and Tyrone.

    Since the road up ahead was a dead end, they decided to turn around and back track.  

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 19


    The tarantula launched a web from its mouth.

    Alisa and the group quickly dodged it and launched a counter-attack. Tyrone’s ax split through the tarantula’s abdomen, while Alisa thrust her sword through its face!

    “Good job, you’re doing great. You’ve got to be fast when it comes to tarantulas,” said Tyrone.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 13


    “Shit! There’s flying targets all over the damn place!”

    Tyrone smiled a fearless smile, and pulled his Needle Gun from its holster.

    The ammunition was needles, 0.01 millimeters in length, and made of a super hard steel — manganese alloy. The gun could fire over 500 needles per second, propelled by gas under high pressure. If fired at a person, it would turn them into a cactus before they could say “Ah!”

    Tyrone aimed for the sky and pulled the trigger.

    Brutally pierced, the Gold Lenses came crashing down in an amusing manner.

    Swiftly exchanging the gas cartridge, Tyrone once more pressed down on the trigger.

    The flight of Gold Lenses, trying to hide in the sky, was soon becoming sparse.

    Tyrone was evidently not just a man of strong muscles. He was also an expert in modern armaments, and was a master at using them.

    “There's flying targets all over the damn place!” Tyrone fired his Needle Gun. The Gold Lenses were shot down, one after another.
    “There’s flying targets all over the damn place!” Tyrone fired his Needle Gun. The Gold Lenses were shot down, one after another.

    “You’re amazing, Tyrone!”

    “The game ends now.” Tyrone put away the Needle Gun and whipped back out the ax he originally had. “Now for that skeleton jerk!”

    Skeleton & Group of Gold Lenses: 6 + BP (1-I)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-D)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 9


    Alisa awoke from her nightmare. What the heck was that monster?

    “Good morning, Alisa. You look crazy pale. Did you have a bad dream or something?” asked Tyrone from inside the room where they had an audience with the governor yesterday.

    “Yeah, I had an awful nightmare. I dreamed that we were all being attacked by a terrible monster. We all got killed.”

    “Whoa! That’s pretty ominous. As for me, I had a dream that I was being attacked by a hoard of cuties! And Myau was dreaming that he had a never-ending bowl of cat food.”

    “Anyway,” interjected Alisa, “if you had seen what I saw in my dream, your face would be pale, too. —Ah, Governor!” Alisa straightened up.

    “Oh, as you were, as you were. Good day. I had this drawn up for you.”

    The Governor handed Alisa a sealed envelope.

    “To the north of Paseo, there is a cave called ‘Maharu’. The esper who lives there is called Lutz; you should go to him with this letter. That should convince him to become your loyal ally.”

    “Thank you very much!”

    “Don’t mention it! Make sure to come back here, once you have brought La Shiec to his downfall!”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 1


    Inside the basement of her home, Alisa Landale was putting her brother Nero’s personal effects away into storage. While sorting through his items, she found something: a treasure box.

    “Wow, there’s fifty meseta in here. My brother must have been saving up for his fight against La Shiec.” (Gain 50 MESETA). A short sword was also inside the treasure box. (Obtain item SHORT SWORD).

    Alisa clasped the short sword and held it to her chest. An image of her brother floated past her eyes.

    While trying to find out about La Shiec, I heard a story about a warrior named Tyrone. If.. if you teamed up with him, you might be able to defeat La Shiec and save the planet. They say that Tyrone travels around with a talking cat. L..look for them.”

    “I wonder who this Tyrone person is… I have to find out.”

    Alisa’s long quest for revenge has begun. So, where to go first?