Tag: wight

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 278


    Suddenly, Lutz came to the front lines. Panicking, the monster he approached held out its hand and launched a fireball at Lutz, burning his clothes a little.

    “Is that all you’ve got?”

    Lutz’s hair entwined itself around the Wight’s neck. The hair moved as though it had a will of its own, entangling its victim; the sorcerer’s life was soon put to an end.

    The remaining Wights grew flustered and their formation crumbled apart. Alisa and her comrades weren’t going to let their chance slip away; they easily quelled the last of the Wights in no time at all.

    The party came upon an L-shaped corner.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 232


    The Wights held out their hands, gathering orbs of bluish white light. A surge of static electricity stood Alisa’s hair and Myau’s fur up on end.

    “Ack! What is this…?”

    The next moment, the sorcerers threw the electric orbs at them, causing Alisa and her comrades to go numb. (-1 HP)

    “Lutz, show them what you’re made of!”

    “There’s a lot of them, so it may be a bit troublesome, but I suppose I’ll try,” said Lutz, managing to maintain his cool demeanor even under pressure. 

    “But if this is all they’ve got, there’s no way they can kill me.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 213


    The group found themselves surrounded in what resembled fog. Within the fog, they could see only from the waist up, but they were able to make out the shadows of people. Either way, their faces were hidden deep under their green hoods.

    “They’re just trying to threaten us,” said Lutz. “These guys are Class B sorcerers ― Wights.”

    Wights: 30 + BP (1-A)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-C)