Author: yumpoplala

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 346


    <You lot are quite irksome.>

    Dark Falz opened its mouth wide and began to spit out a bolt of lightning.

    At that exact moment, Alisa plunged her sword into the mouth of the demonic beast.

    <Grrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!> The ‘Dark Lord of Chaos’ let out a scream so loud that it could have shattered the planet; a white and blue light came gushing from its mouth.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 345


    The moment Alisa’s hand touched it, the treasure box exploded with a great big BOOM!

    “Aw, man! Stupid bomb…” Alisa rubbed her arm. Fortunately, it was only a small bomb. (-1 CP, -2 HP)

    “I’ll remember this!!” yelled out Alisa, to no one in particular.

    The group returned to the corridor from whence they came.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 344


    Alisa engaged in a fierce sword fight against the King Saber. 

    Even with the occasional equine kicks mixed into the swordplay, Alisa effortlessly evaded the centaur’s attacks.

    “Damn it, this girl is a tough one,” said the King Saber as he pulled a beam gun out from his hip. However, Lutz quickly knocked the gun out of his hand.

    “That’s rather unsporting of you, resorting to such tactics in battle against a young lady.”

    “Fool, victory is the only thing that matters in battle! Grrrrrraaaar!” Alisa’s sword pierced through the King Saber’s chest plate armor.

    “You’re right about that. But only if it’s my victory,” said Alisa.

    Alisa and party continued down the corridor that the King Saber had been blocking.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 343


    Heading back to the surface, the group headed south towards the village of Aukbal that they had heard about.

    The spaceship Luveno came with a built-in vehicle for navigating cold, frozen terrain — the Ice Digger.

    After passing over a snowy field for awhile, they came up against the side of an icy cliff. 

    “There’s two caves lined up next to each other,” remarked Alisa. 

    “They look like entrances to some underground ice tunnel. Both caves probably lead to Aukbal,” figured Tyrone. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 342


    They tried to give thanks to the Dezolian, but he was already long gone.

    “What the heck was that?”  

    “Who knows,” shrugged Alisa. “Anyway, we better hurry up and leave, too. We need to get back to planet Palma!”

    Alisa and the gang returned to Skure, quickly boarded the spaceship Luveno and took off.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 341


    The Executors closed in on Alisa’s group!


    A tail with sharp talons on the end brushed against Alisa’s neck.

    “Yeesh, that was close!”

     The second and third Executors continued their assault.

    “What’s up with these guys. Why do they only go for me!”

    “Maybe you did something to them and they’ve been holding a grudge,” joked Tyrone.  

    “Don’t be ridiculous! —but jeez, these guys are relentless!”

    Alisa launched a powerful counterattack. She swung her sword with all her might, slicing an Execute in half! 

    “Hii-yah!” Alisa launched a powerful counterattack. She swung her sword with all her might, slicing the Execute in half!
    “Hii-yah!” Alisa launched a powerful counterattack. She swung her sword with all her might, slicing the Execute in half!

    “OK guys, we can’t let Alisa steal all the glory!”

    Tyrone grabbed one of the remaining Executes by the tail and slammed it against the wall.

    Myau and Lutz finished the job and wiped out the last two. (+1 MP)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 340


    The Dezolian Heads came shooting beam guns at them. It was a close quarters shoot out!

    Alisa & party, unfazed by the beams, plunged right in! The enemy began to panic and their marksmanship was thrown off. With the swing of a sword, Alisa mowed down the Dezolian Heads!

    “W-we s-surrenderrr! You guys are better than uus!”

    “Ohoho! You can just call me Your Majesty the Queen! Just kidding….What? It’s called a joke!”

    According to the Dezolian Head’s story, their friends were nearby here. 

    For now, Alisa and party approach the T-fork up ahead and:

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 339


    <Wait!> Myau stopped Alisa from opening the treasure box.

    <It’s rigged with a bomb,> said Myau, who used the magic spell Rapt to see through the box’s trap. (-2 MP)

    “Wow, that was close. Thanks, Myau.”

    Roganine was inside the box, a health replenishing item. (Drink it to replenish +4 HP).

    Alisa and party returned to the corridor.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 338


    La Shiec raised his staff up high.

    “Heal!” While Alisa was unconscious, she was somehow able to cast health replenishing magic on herself and friends. (+3 HP)

    Seeing them all stand up suddenly, La Shiec paused. 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 337


    <Tandle!> The Death Bearer suddenly cast the most deadly of magic spells!

    Terrifying bolts of lighting directly struck Alisa and her comrades! Their pitiful burnt, charred bodies rolled to the floor.

    <Hahahaha. All is fair in war, as long as you win the battle… as long as you win…>
