Category: Alisas Adventure

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 300


    Lowering his head, the village chief received their money (-200 MESETA).

    After that, he presented Alisa and her comrades with a treasure box in exchange for the payment.

    “The shield inside is called the ‘Shield of Perseus’.”

    “Oh! The shield that Perseus once used! In ancient times, it is said he used it to  slay Medusa,” said Tyrone with excitement as he examined it. It was quite heavy, so naturally the only one who could wield it would be Tyrone. (Obtain item PERSEUS’ SHIELD, +3 CP)

    Alisa and her comrades exited the village via the underground passageway that the village chief told them about. Thanks to that, they were able to exit safely outside of the gas cloud. They returned to the spaceship Luveno, which was still parked outside the village of Uzo.

    Where should they go from here?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 299


    The moment they opened the door, a cold blast of air came out towards Alisa and her comrades.

    Water vapor in the air glittered and sparkled as ice crystals formed. It was a phenomenon known as Diamond Dust.  Within the beautiful spectacle stood four ice giants.

    “This is as far as you’re going, traitors.”

    “Where is La Shiec!?”

    “He is not here. Lord La Shiec is on the planet Palma, far above the hills of Baya Malay.”

    “I-in a place like that?”

    The hills of Baya Malay were located right around where Alisa started from. It was careless of her not to check there.

    “But, is it okay for you to tell us something so important?”

    “It doesn’t really matter. You all are going to die by the hands of us Ice Men anyway!”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 298


    The Dragon Wise let out a howl and floated up into the sky. It turned its neck around and flew towards Alisa! This took everyone by surprise; no one was able to help. 

    (Big brother, give me strength).  At that moment, her small frame danced in the sky.

    The Dragon Wise continued flying straight, crashing into a large stone-laden wall.  

    The stone wall crumbled and fell apart, causing bits of rock to fall on the dragon.

    The Dragon Wise extended its neck out as bricks fell and shattered off of it. Alisa then stabbed her sword through its throat! The dragon exhaled one last breath of fire into the sky and then collapsed.

    “You did it, Alisa! Even I’ve never beaten a monster this size before,” said Tyrone.

    Alisa panted in reply.

    Alisa grabbed the jewel from the dragon’s forehead and then sat down with a plop. Finally relieving some stress, she loosened up her tense muscles. (Obtain item AMBER EYE, +2 MP, +200 MESETA)

    “I-incredible! The Dragon Wise was really defeated! And by a girl, no less!” exclaimed the villagers who were just cowering moments ago. They began to gather around.

    The villagers told Alisa about a village called Sopia which was nearby. Due to a gas that surrounds the village, there are many people who have carelessly gone there, never to come back. (Action Chart – Check “G”)

    “That sounds suspicious. Maybe even La Shiec himself is there…” 

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 297


    If it was just one or two Mammoths, it would be a different story; they had enough confidence to win a battle like that. However, with such a dizzying number of Mammoths, their swords and guns were useless. 

    The difference in power was overwhelming. Unable to run away, the herd of Mammoths descended upon Alisa and party, trampling them!


  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 296


    A large silhouette blocked their path.

    “Another monster!?” exclaimed Tyrone, readying his ax. Lutz lifted his hand to stop Tyrone.

     “You’re certainly with some interesting fellows, eh?” said the silhouette, which turned out to be a rather small elderly man.

    “It’s been awhile, Master Tajim,” said Lutz. “—We just encountered some monster remains at the entrance.”

    “Nowadays, all the monsters that have been coming here are weaklings. More importantly, Lutz, I’ve heard you’re out to defeat La Shiec. I’d like to see just how much you’ve improved. Show me what you’ve got!”

    “Wait a minute! You’re saying that teacher and student must fight each other!?” said Alisa, stepping in between Lutz and Tajim.

    While Lutz and Tajim were having a student/master showdown, a Dark Marauder appeared. A sorcerer and member of the dark religion – he was a Chaos Sorcerer!
    While Lutz and Tajim were having a student/master showdown, a Dark Marauder appeared. A sorcerer and member of the evil cult – he was a Chaos Sorcerer!

    “Young lady, get out of the way. It’s not my fault if you end up hurt.”

    “Alisa, he’s right,” said Lutz. “—Master, don’t blame me if you end up breaking a hip.”

    “So your mouth is the only thing you’ve been training, eh, Lutz?”

    “We’ll see about that.”

    Lutz swung his staff downward! The tip grazed over Tajim’s head, cracking a hole in the wall behind him!

    “Oho, you’ve gotten good,” said Tajim, grinning broadly as he moved out of the way. Blood began to gush out of the hole that Lutz opened!

    “What’s going on!?”

    The next moment, a blue-armored monster came out as if slipping through the wall. The blood was flowing out of a hole in its chest.

    Lutz and Tajim had realized the monster was there from the very beginning.

    “This guy is different than the other weaklings that have come before him. La Shiec invited a monster from ‘Chaos’, huh….”

    <Mwahaha…> laughed the monster eerily. <The people in this world are pretty skilled, too. It’s not unreasonable for La Shiec to have invited me. —My name is Dark Marauder, Chaos Sorcerer! As for this wound you gave me, I will return the favor a thousand times!>

    Dark Marauder: 28 + BP (1-I)

    Lutz & Party: CP + BP (2-H)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 295


    The group came to an L-shaped corridor.  Should they go around the corner, or go back?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 293


    Just to be on the safe side, Myau used the magic spell Rapt to check the treasure box. (-2 MP)

    <I knew it — a bomb was rigged in there. Okay, it’s been disarmed.>

    The box contained Roganine, a strength replenishing medicine. Being that they’re in a dungeon, a discovery like this was more valuable than money (+4 HP)

    Alisa and party returned to the corridor they came from.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 291


    The monsters from below came up to them. A Golem, King Saber, Flame Dragon, Death Bearer, Machine Guardian, and Mad Stalker ― a collection of the most powerful enemies…

    There was no way to win against all of them.

    “But there’s no where for us to run!”

    That was indeed correct. They closed in on Alisa and her comrades, sending them plummeting off the edge.
