Category: Alisas Adventure

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 270


    The group arrived at the village after making their way through the ice tunnel. This was Aukbal.

    The native people were tall and slender, adorned in heavy clothes for keeping themselves warm ― the Dezolians came out to welcome Alisa and her friends. They turned out to be a friendlier group of people than they had given them credit for.

    According to them, it seemed that La Shiec had come to Corona Tower.

    “Corona Tower! Where is that?”

    “About three kilometers south of Aukbal. There’s loads of terrifying monsters in there.”

    “I bet… Huh? Why is this village divided into two sections? People live on the other side too, don’t they?”

    Hrumph! The guys on the east half of town are all liars. You should avoid them at all costs.”

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 269


    Yet another crossroad. Where should Alisa and party go at this T-fork?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 268


    <Tandle!> —Listening to those words, it was clear that death was the intention. Of all things, the Chaos Sorcerer utilized the most powerful esper ability of all!

    A white and blue electricity floated up into the sky, becoming a huge orb. Then it happened right when the orb began to burst open.

    “This is bad!” Tajim went flying towards the orb.

    With a terrific sound, the elder’s body bounced off of it! The unpleasant smell of cooked flesh began to waft around.

    “Master Tajim!”

    <Damn! Just one more second and you all would have been killed!>

    Lutz removed his hood. His cerulean hair shone brilliantly. The intense anger radiating from his body was felt by Alisa.

    “I will show you no mercy, you bastard!” Lutz yelled with an intensity unheard of up until now.

    Lutz slipped through the monster’s swinging ax and rushed in. The tip of his staff smashed the Dark Marauder’s face!

    Lutz then rushed towards Tajim. Being held by Alisa, the old man’s breathing was already faint.

    “My dear apprentice, Lutz… You have grown so much beyond my expectations…. I am proud to die so that you may live on… There’s something in that treasure box over there that I’d like to give you. It should be helpful…. in your upcoming battle…. against La Shiec….” These words were Tajim’s last. (Action Chart – Check “H”)

    (They found a MIRACLE KEY and an esper item, the FRAD MANTLE. Write them down on your Item List. Add 10 MP.)

    Lutz put on the Frad Mantle, a memento from his master.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 267


    Alisa and party discovered a staircase leading up and down. Knowing that La Shiec was up above, they opted to ascend the stairs without hesitation.

    Finally, they arrived at the top of the stairs. Going around an L-shaped corner, they came to a stop at a T-fork.

    Right when they were pondering which direction to go, a shutter closed behind them. There was no way to go back down the stairs now.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 266


    An enormous copper colored giant stood before Alisa and party. It was a monster that moved using magic ― a Vulcan. That muttering voice they heard earlier must have been him.

    Vulcan: 24 + BP (1-A)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-G)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 265


    Crossing over the desert, Alisa and party arrived at the village of Casba.

    “Ah, so from what we heard in Uzo, there should be a cave with monsters in it nearby. Should we try going to that cave first?”

    The Dragon left its cave for the first time in about 10 years. Its tremendous gaping mouth made it appear as though it were laughing wickedly at the villagers who were scrambling to run away.
    The Dragon left its cave for the first time in about 10 years. Its tremendous gaping mouth made it appear as though it were laughing wickedly at the villagers who were scrambling to run away.

    “Wait ― what is that?”

    Alisa noticed a plume of smoke rising up. To make matters worse, the plumes of smoke quickly multiplied.

    “What’s going on? Is it a fire?”

    “Th-this can’t be happening!” From the area covered with smoke, the villagers screamed without cessation. “It’s Dragon Wise! He’s come out of his cave! This hasn’t happened in over 10 years!”

    “Did you say Dragon Wise!?” this time Tyrone was shouting.

    Dragon Wise was famous among dragons for having the precious jewel “Amber Eye” inlaid on its forehead. It is also known for being one of the more aggressive breeds. It’s said that countless numbers of people have tried  and failed to defeat the dragon with the notion of stealing its jewel.

    “Is that it right there?”

    Alisa and her comrades stood still before a house that was up in flames. An enormous figure floated up from within the flames! The Dragon Wise’s tremendous gaping mouth made it appear as though it were laughing wickedly at the villagers who were scrambling to run away.

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 264


    The group heard a strange rattling sound coming from around the corner.

    Before Alisa and her comrades stood a countless number of skeleton soldiers equipped with swords and shields. They were the strongest ranking skull soldiers ― a large group of Mad Stalkers!

    Group of Mad Stalkers: 33 + BP (1-J)

    Alisa & Party: CP + BP (2-B)

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 262


    “Is that so…. Well then, there’s no helping that. It’s not that I’m trying to torment you or anything, it’s just that the villagers need to eat….”

    “It’s okay, we understand.” (Damn!)

    Alisa and her comrades exited the village via the underground passageway that the village chief told them about. Thanks to that, they were able to get out safely outside of the gas cloud. They returned to the spaceship Luveno, which was still parked outside the village of Uzo. 

    Where should they go from here?

  • Alisa’s Adventure: Mini Chapter 261


    The group came to an L-shaped corner. A woman’s laughter could be heard, but they weren’t sure exactly where it was coming from.